• Remove Pinkham Way nature conservation site from the North London Waste Plan
    There is no justification or evidence for including this nature conservation site in the new North London Waste Plan. Haringey's own Regulatory Committee has recommended that it be removed. PLEASE NOTE: This issue will now be considered at the Haringey Cabinet Meeting on 22 January 2019, and not the one in November mentioned above. The point of the petition remains exactly the same, and it will now remain open for signing until just before the new date in January.
    2,354 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Pinkham Way Alliance
  • Save Totnes Sunday Good Food Market
    The monthly award winning Sunday Good Food Market is under threat due to South Hams District Council hoodwinking the market operator into giving notice. The current operator was thinking of retiring and a friend was willing to carry on running the market as it has been since 2010. SHDC was approached and said the transfer wouldn't be a problem and that a new licence could be issued to the replacement operator but first the current operator would have to give notice of termination. This he did and after receipt SHDC went back on its word by refusing to issue a new licence and stated that it was going out to tender for a new operator. Had SHDC been straight with the current operator and said right from the beginning that in the event of him retiring it intended to put the market out to tender then the termination notice would not have been given and the market would have continued. I have asked SHDC to allow the operator to withdraw his termination notice so that the market can continue. I have also asked for a meeting between the operator and a member of the Executive. SHDC currently refuse to engage and there is a real danger the Sunday Good Food Market will cease after December.
    674 of 800 Signatures
    Created by John Birch
  • Taunton area says Yes to new cycling routes and parking
    Taunton has massive potential for more cycling and walking journeys as an alternative to short car trips. Fifty percent of trips in Taunton are less than 2 miles. More cycling and walking would help reduce congestion, cut pollution, improve health , give people more reliable journey times, and save them money. It would give freedom and independence to some of the thousands of people who don't have access to a car, particularly young people and children. An efficient transport system will support the economy. Already cycling to work levels in Taunton are double the national average, although there has been very little investment in the last 15 years. Even without investment , cycling in the Taunton area is popular. With investment Taunton will become a beacon cycling town with good cycling links from Wellington, Bishops Lydeard and Kingston St Mary. Somerset County Council tends to favour road schemes when bidding for capital funds for transport. Over £40m has recently been spent or is planned for road schemes. We are asking their the next major scheme is a cycling and walking network project. Taunton is a 'Garden Town' and sustainable transport should be at its heart. Approximately 5000 new houses are planned for the town and so a new approach to transport is needed. Just sinking large amounts of money into new roads won't provide a sustained solution.
    860 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Mike Ginger
  • Stop making people travel unfair distances for disability assessments
    People with long term disabilities are often asked to attend assessment centres that are too far for them to travel. This causes undue stress and expense as they are also being asked to pay up to £40 for private letters from their GP to prove they can't make the journey. People who are on benefits due to ill health, cannot afford to pay for private letters. There is a risk that people who are entitled to PIP or ESA will lose out, causing hardship and suffering.
    218,158 of 300,000 Signatures
    Created by Claudette Dorey
  • Pay British Wages To Workers In British Waters.
    SSE is a privatised utility building Scotland's flagship renewable energy project. They are in receipt of £2.6bn of taxpayers' money. The ITF union and RMT union have discovered that HM Government has relaxed the rules for migrant workers in order to allow SSE to import workers from Indonesia and Russia and pay them less than the minimum wage, let alone the going rate for British offshore workers and seafarers. Furthermore, this is happening in a region that has already been hit by the downturn in North Sea oil production. Thousands of offshore workers and seafarers have been laid off in the last couple of years so there are local men and women eminently qualified to take up these roles. That opportunity has been denied to them because the UK government is collaborating in importing non-EU workers to undercut local workers and the UK minimum wage. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/oct/21/migrants-building-beatrice-windfarm-paid-fraction-of-minimum-wage
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Beadle
  • Save Kendal Post Office
    The current plan to close Kendal Post Office and relocate it into the W H Smith store at 46-48 Stricklandgate has generated a great deal of controversy in and around Kendal. Especially the concept of customers having to squeeze into the narrow, cramped and quite inadequate space that W H Smith Kendal currently occupy. SIGN NOW TO SAVE OUR POST OFFICE Kendal's Post Office is the main Post Office for a very busy market town and is frequently packed with queueing customers even with 3 or 4 counter staff in attendance. Ironically the proposed relocation is to an inferior premises, where the new operators are currently feeling the internet pinch. As with other high Street retailers, W H Smith's year on year profits have been falling. It's High Street sector profits has dropped by 3% and six stores have just been earmarked for closure. Which? (magazine) has again named W H Smith as the most hated store on the high street. In fact it has finished in the bottom two for the last eight years. Having stores like the one in Kendal will not have done much to elevate this lowly position.Closure of our Crown Post Offices and relocation to W H Smith also means the loss of prime high street stores and this contributes further to the demise of our town centres. SIGN NOW TO SAVE OUR POST OFFICE This petition has been created with support from the CWU (Communication Workers Union). We believe that this "privatisation by the back door" is not good for tax payers who will be funding the Post Office closures. There are currently 74 of these planned and this political ideology risks the jobs of up to 800 post office employees. The public has never endorsed these closures despite the fact that millions of pounds of public money has already been used in the process. £13 million of public money was used in 2014/15 alone to get rid of post office staff, and the CWU estimates the staff compensation cost for this latest privatisation will be at least £30 million. Franchising means the loss of jobs with good terms and conditions as WH Smith replaces experienced Post Office staff with new employees in typically mimimum wage part time roles. SIGN NOW TO SAVE OUR POST OFFICE The good people of Kendal and South Lakeland deserve to have a properly funded state owned Post Office service as indeed does every community in Britain. According to Gill Furniss MP, Shadow Postal Services Minister " The next Labour Government will end the closures of our Post Offices and give communities the ability to shape their high streets and town centres, by strengthening their powers to protect post offices". PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION and help to stop these nonsensical closures and sell offs. SIGN NOW TO SAVE OUR POST OFFICE
    1,092 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Trevor Batchelor
  • Do not close Glasgow People's Palace and Winter Gardens indefinitely!
    This is a iconic historic landmark, and is home to a collection dedicated to documenting the social history of Glasgow. When it was opened in 1898, Lord Rosebery described it as "A palace of pleasure and imagination around which the people may place their affections and which may give them a home on which their memory may rest" - and he declared the building "open to the people for ever and ever!" This building is a hive of activity and local people hold it in their hearts and they are passionate and proud of its success. It's physical building is a significant but also the events and activities it hosts contribute to the health and well being of local people and also contribute to the Glasgow's vibrant and historic culture.
    214 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Julie Broadley
  • Nye Bevan's portrait on the new £50 note
    Most of us in the UK today were delivered by an NHS midwife. Most of us in the UK today will die in the care of an NHS doctor or nurse. Show your appreciation of the greatest cradle-to-grave healthcare system in the world, by signing the petition to put a portrait of its founder on the country's largest banknote.
    3,252 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Reximus Maximus
  • Let's get free compost bins at every address in Derbyshire
    We think this is important because by signing this petition, you could help with issues like: Landfill, food waste and also compost improves soil structure so that soil can easily hold the right amount of moisture, nutrients and air. Another reason to help our cause is compost helps soil to hold or sequester carbon dioxide which is good for our environment. In conclusion we want to help your's, ours and everyone's environment.
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maegan Grace
  • Dont loose the loos
    There are no other lavatories easily accessible to the tourists and residents in this World Heritage Site
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by kristin plowes
  • Introduce a National Recycling Policy
    I've lived in four different counties in England and Wales over the past decade and it's struck me that despite wanting to recycle, every time I moved, I had to do hours of research to find out what was locally recyclable and what wasn't. Why can I recycle polypropylene (plastic no. 5) in Northamptonshire, but not in West Yorkshire? Why do I have to throw out into general waste what I could recycle, were I in a different county? Should I keep all that waste and recycle it at a friend's house 150 miles from my own? This is not an acceptable state of affairs. All we want to do is the right thing: divert unnecessary waste from landfill. Landfills use land, pollute waterways and the air we breathe. They affect humans, animals and plants alike. Landfill should be a last resort for our waste, and recycling should not be an uphill battle. Many manufacturers want to do their bit too. But when there are different rules in different councils, how can they ensure that their packaging can actually be recycled everywhere and not in just a few areas? How can they be expected to solve such a massive problem? Locally managed recycling schemes don't work for consumers or manufacturers. They add to confusion and frustration. A nation-wide recycling policy would reduce unnecessary waste going into landfill and make the most of existing facilities. It would lead to less confusion and higher recycling rates. It would also allow manufacturers to make economically safe, more environmentally-friendly decisions about their products and their packaging. The more we recycle, the less waste goes into landfill and the lower our impact on our environment is. Calls for a unified recycling policy and kerbside collection have been made over a decade ago.(*) This issue is only growing in importance. The time has come to show some real leadership and do the right thing. * Guy Singh-Watson, Riverford, in 'Guy's Rant: The Plastic Problem', https://youtu.be/Cylp_tTrSZg?t=208
    286 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Anna Lycett
  • Zebra crossing for Pangbourne school children and residents
    Pangbourne school children urgently require a Zebra crossing outside Pangbourne Primary School. Since the lollipop lady lost her funding, the residents of Pangbourne, desperately need a safe crossing for our children on their way to school. It is a fast 30 mph zone outside the school and cars rarely stop to allow children to cross safely. We feel it is only a matter of time before an awful accident occurs involving a child and a vehicle and this could be easily avoided by installing a zebra crossing. There is a traffic island further down the road but this is not sufficient as cars do not often stop for people, leaving children, families, and often large groups stranded in the middle of the road while cars whizz by. It is not a safe situation for anyone. And it's especially unsafe for children, the disabled, the elderly & families with young children and buggies.
    891 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Helen Bailey Green