• Do not charge Small Steps Preschool to use the park
    Boreham Parish Council have announced they are going to charge Small Steps Pre-school to continue to use the small children's play area at the back of the village hall. They say that even though Small Steps is a registered charity they must contribute towards the upkeep of the area as they are a business. Small Steps has used the playground for over 10 years and have always allowed others to use the playground at all times. I believe that it is vital for children's health and wellbeing to spend time outdoors exercising.
    1,245 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Louise Palmer Picture
  • Reopen and Nationalise the Robert Hadfield Wing
    The Robert Hadfield Wing has been closed for almost a year due to not meeting fire safety regulations for the past 12 years, with construction to correct this only starting in August. We are paying £122 million to private industries for a building that cost only £25.9 million to build, due to the PFI contract it is under. How can we pay so much to a private company for our public services? Especially considering the fact that it wasn't even built safely! The closure of this building doesn't only affect us financially, the 168 beds the ward contains has put an even greater strain on the already crippled NHS services around South Yorkshire.
    328 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Veness
  • Restore Faversham Crown Post Office
    A Crown Post Office is more than people realise it is the hub of a high street, the office was franchised off through no fault of the staff who are highly trained and experienced in serving the community and irreplaceable by self service machines or an unsuitable small counter space. The consultation process was deeply flawed and not advertised meaning that the majority in town had no knowledge of our Crown Post Office or directly managed Post office becoming franchised until it was underway. To this end we have grave concerns regarding the inevitable deterioration in services which will no doubt fall to unacceptable levels in a post office that is well used and was inappropriate for franchise.
    304 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jenny Reeves
  • Save Brown's Lane's cobbles!
    Brown's Lane has the biggest concentration of murals in Paisley (eg. the Gerry Rafferty, Paolo Nutini & St Mirrren murals) and has a unique, quaint character, to which the cobblestone street surface is pivotal. The lane receives many visitors from far and wide who come to experience the authentic atmosphere and the lane frequently serves as location for photo shoots. Instead of relaying the cobbles smoothly, Renfrewshire Council is proposing to replace the bulk of them with slabs, yet keeping and relaying the cobbles in adjoining George Place. Removing the cobbles will ruin the character and appearance of the lane and irrevocably destroy a part of our heritage that has remain virtually unchanged for hundreds of years. With the cobbles, festoon lighting and colourful buildings, Brown's Lane is Paisley's own 'hidden gem' and forms a cohesive visitor experience with the cobbled Shuttle Street, George Place and Sma' Shot Cottages, celebrating Paisley's rich local heritage. We implore the Council to keep and fix the cobbles in Brown's Lane in order to improve access and preserve our valuable built heritage.
    1,148 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Friends of Brown's Lane Picture
  • Re-open the back door of the Exe Valley Leisure Centre
    So easy, safe access to the centre's toilets, changing facilities, and refreshment providers can continue, and the local people of all ages in Tiverton can be encouraged to comfortably stay active, and support the local sports clubs run by volunteers.
    284 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Love Sport
  • Put lights in Acton Park main path
    This path is now open in the evening due to a new school having been built in the park. The path is heavily used by parents, children and local people going between Acton Central Station and buses on Uxbridge Road. It is very dark in winter. The Churchfield Community Association has asked Ealing Council to install lights (solar if suitable) to come on only in winter and for limited hours, e.g. 6-8.30am and 4-8pm. The Council have asked us to show support for this proposal.
    498 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Maureen Colledge
  • Sacking of off duty coastguards
    A large organisation taking this action against worthwhile thoughtful and brave men while doing a car rescue in their own time is unforgiveable and stupid
    199 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Liam Duncan
  • lets get pedestrian crossings in ashbourne
    due to increased traffic in ashbourne in general we are calling on derbyshire county council to install pedestrian crossings at these 2 points as we believe there is a serious safety concern. Yesterday we had fatal accident at the 1st place. Traffic is getting very heavy in ashbourne and it was only a matter of time before something happened. As for second location there have already been issues involving trucks parking inappropriately which makes a dangerous crossing even worse.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by James Harper
  • Save our South Kensington Post Office
    It is an intensely used Post Office in a unique location, less than 150 meters from South Kensington underground and bus station, and in a high-density residential area. This Post Office serves an unusual high number of residents, businesses, tourists, employees working nearby and institutions that are located next to the branch. If this Post Office were to close it would open up a huge hole in the network of post offices in the south east of the borough, which has already suffered from closures in the past. South Kensington Post Office is a vital social and community use which is essential for the population of South Kensington and south-east Chelsea. The set up and location of the proposed alternative branches are not fit for purpose. We need to keep this post office because it has a proper set up, specifically its closeness to a main transportation hub for easy access, step free access, wide internal layout for strollers and wheelchairs, sufficient counters to manage the customer flow and demand as well as broad range of services.
    763 of 800 Signatures
    Created by The Onslow Neighbourhood Association
  • Mill Lane School Crossing
    With new houses are either end of Mill Lane traffic has increased and the safety of our children has reduced. With 2 near misses in just 1 week where children have nearly been knocked over by vehicles driving both up and down Mill Lane we feel it is only a matter of time before this is a reported incident.
    620 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Lara Chaplin
  • Keep our Public Services Public - Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Trust
    UNISON and Unite the Union members are taking strike action to protect their jobs and to stay in the NHS Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust are forcing our members out of the NHS into a wholly owned subsidiary. They will no longer be employed by the NHS. Our members have given decades of hard work and committed service to the NHS and now they are being kicked out of the NHS Family. One worker stated “I’ve worked for the NHS for years, I never thought I’d be kicked in the teeth like this. Kicked out of the NHS and now I have to worry for my family and potential future attacks on my pay, terms and conditions”. Another asks “what will be next? Once they’ve kicked us out of the NHS who will be next in line?”. Many workers say they can’t afford to strike but feel there is no alternative "if we don’t fight now there’ll be no NHS left!”
    4,309 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Pardesi
  • To keep Poundland in Alloa
    There are fewer and fewer 'shops' in Alloa that add value to the town, Poundland stocks everything you need at obviously, a low cost, items you can get at last minute without having to order on line or pay triple for in other shops, poundworld went last year and for poundland to close too would be tragic for the town not to mention the staff that work in Poundland, i would like it to stay, as I'm sure many others would too.
    524 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Shelley Konopinski