• Get road safety outside Ysgol Carreg Hir
    This is important for the safety of our children getting to school
    758 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Eleanor Birchall
  • Stop Parking Charges for NHS staff at North Walsham Memorial Hospital.
    North Norfolk is a rural area and public transport links to and from North Walsham Memorial Hospital are poor so that the majority of NHS staff working at North Walsham have no choice other than to drive to get into work. Staff on the wards can do up to 12 hour shifts including night shifts and bank holidays and public transport doesn't run 24/7. Most community staff require their cars to do their jobs in the local community, visiting patients in their homes throughout the year come rain or shine. Forcing Nurses, Health Care Assistants, Therapists and Administration Staff to apply and pay for parking permits is therefore in effect an additional job tax which hardworking and dedicated NHS staff should not have to pay. We feel it is simply unfair and unjust.
    751 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Giancarlo Tolaini
  • Save the Fairies
    So far so good!! Meetings have taken place between the council and our fairy queens and a positive outcome may be in the horizon. We've been asked by the fairies to not send any further petitions or comments to the council so I'm going to close down the petition Thanks for all your help so far!!! The Fullerton Fairytrail has been in these publicly accessible woodlands since 2015. Put together by fantastic volunteers, who also look after the fairy doors and add more doors/stories to the trail. The sheer delight and enjoyment children (and adults) get from reading the stories and knocking on the fairy doors is priceless. “Sadly we have discovered the fairy mums who look after us have now been asked by the council to sign legal documents to allow us to stay but the fairy mums feel these terms are not realistic. The fairy mums are happy to look after our doors and have them painted each year, they have enough pennies to look after us but are also being asked to become fully and legally responsible for any fairy people visiting us who use the council's pathways. This means if any fairy people have a trip or fall they will come to our fairy mums to make a claim as the council don't want any legal responsibility for the visiting fairy people. The fairy mums are very sad and are trying to resolve things but if they can't it may mean we have to fly away from the Fullarton fairy trail and try to find new fairy homes. All good things come to an end but the memories will last forever.” Memories are made in places like this and South Ayrshire council will make the fairies disappear if they continue with their plans to hold the volunteers to account. Please sign to show your support of the Fairies
    1,215 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nalla Naggud
  • Save Handsworth Leisure Centre
    Birmingham City Council plan to privatise Handsworth Leisure Centre. Our centre is at the heart of our community and is one of the very few public services left in Handsworth. With Birmingham hosting the Commonwealth Games the Council should be promoting its publicly owned sporting facilities for the whole community not getting rid of them to cut costs.
    2,412 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Johnson
  • Rubbish Decision
    Many residents already struggle to manage the current fortnightly uplifts and increasing them to a three weekly period will most certainly result in the area becoming not only an eyesore but, and more importantly, a health hazard. Not everyone would be able to take additional rubbish to the depot at OK and this may well result in an increase in fly tipping. This decision runs the risk of having rats, foxes and other animals infesting areas where dumping occurs and causing smell and increased infection risks. It will also result in other environmental issues too. There are certain times of year or occasions when residents have additional refuse which are already challenging - Christmas, birthdays, family celebrations, redecorating, new home purchases etc. If these times are already a struggle to manage with the current uplift timetables then they will become practically impossible with the proposed timetable changes. The signatories of this petition are demanding that this decision be revoked by the council.
    1,125 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Aileen Neeson
  • Traffic calming/pedestrian safety on the Worsted estate of East Grinstead
    A traffic survey was apparently performed on Woodbury Avenue in 2011 with an average speed recorded of 29.7mph, so the council refused to do anything stating that it was clearly within parameters. Whilst most people drive below the limit, local residents are witnessing more and more drivers that appear to use the roads as race tracks. With family Halloween and Christmas events held by the Residents of Farm Close becoming ever popular, vehicle traffic increases for a number of weeks and children are required to cross the road at night, often between parked cars. ‘The Glades’ has a play park that can only be accessed by crossing Woodbury Avenue at a risky location directly adjacent to a blind bend. It is not uncommon to hear vehicles braking heavily. East Court is another attraction that requires roads to be crossed to access and yet there isn’t a single recognised crossing point that could be identified as 100% safe for pedestrians. With two schools located close together, the whole estate has suffered with huge surges of traffic for decades and so it’s about time something was done to alleviate some of the safety concerns.
    166 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Chris King
  • Save the Post Office in Sidcup
    The Post Office in Sidcup High Street is a main part of the community. Nationwide, every week one in four people visits their Post Office and they're a focal point in towns and villages. In Sidcup the current accessible Post Office on the High Street, serves the needs of the whole community. Visit it on any day and at any time and it will be busy. Customers are dealt with speedily and efficiently by trained staff who know how to handle all our post office needs. As a community we are very sad that the current postmaster has decided to retire. He and his family have been serving Sidcup for 27 years. However, as a community we are also extremely concerned that this will leave us without accessible Post Office services when the current Post Office closes on the 28th June this year. There are Post Office services in the Happy Shopper on Station Road but there’s no way they can accommodate the volume of people that are currently using the High Street Post Office. There’s not enough staff or room to queue and the Happy Shopper is not accessible, there's a step to get into the shop and the doorway is narrow. We have been told the Post Office is committed to finding a new Postmaster and High Street location but that they don't seem to be doing much about it. We are calling on the Post Office to actively search for a new Postmaster and accessible High Street location for Sidcup Post Office and we are calling on our MP James Brokenshire to support us.
    2,123 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Clair Yates
    We believe that the proposed cuts will result in a reduced level of Fire and Rescue Service response which risks both public and firefighter safety. A hundred support staff jobs will be axed, 194 firefighter jobs lost and six fire stations closed across Greater Manchester under the plans. The number of fire engines would be reduced by nine, from 56 to 47 and the number of firefighters riding on all appliances across the region would reduce from five to four. Recent local and national incidents have shown the need for a fully resourced and immediately available Fire and Rescue Service in Greater Manchester, public and firefighter safety must come first!
    13,828 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Fire Brigades Union Greater Manchester Picture
  • Save our P99 school bus.
    This service enables parents to get their children to school safely, when they don't drive, need to go to work, or have mobility issues. It's also very environmentally friendly, it reduces pollution and traffic around schools, therefore easing congestion around Ilkley altogether. The kids love getting the bus, they have friends on the bus and feel a certain amount of independence getting the bus. It also encourages young people to use public transport later on in life.
    196 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jenna Midgley
  • Bin the new bin collections
    This is important because this service is one of the few services left to Enfield residents. The so-called “consultation” conducted by the council revealed a majority of residents preferred to keep the bin collections as a weekly service rather than change it to bi-weekly with additional charges for garden waste.
    6,908 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Helen Mitchell
  • Transparency for Benefit Claimants
    Giving claimants a copy of their assessment interviews is important. It provides them with vital personal information. It increases trust and transparency in the system. In the past Assessment Providers have not recorded interviews for either PIP (Personal Independence Payment) or WCA (Work Capacity Assessment). As a result, claimants have had no record of their assessment interviews. We welcome the Scottish initiative which allows audio recordings of ALL interviews. We therefore call upon the Government to require Assessment Providers to follow the Scottish model by: • recording both PIP and WCA assessment interviews • providing claimants with a copy of the recording with their decision letters This petition is sponsored by Stockport United Against Austerity
    371 of 400 Signatures
    Created by John Pearson
    The universal credit benifit system is a sham and is causing more and more people into poverty and in some cases loosing their homes. The whole system is flawed because its supposed to encourage people back into work, but the only thing it does is get people into debt and pay Lower amounts compared to any other benefits, so it only holds people over a barrel making them have no choice but to be pushed into work. Also the agreement you make in order to receive this benefit makes it highly likely for you to fail and be sanctioned eventually stopping the benefits all together. It needs to go and a better system and process needs to happen!!!
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Simon Page