• Allowing Bikers to use Samuel Smiths Pubs
    Mr Smith, for years many of us have been discriminated against for our choice of transport, but now another ban is force, banned from drinking in Sam Smiths public houses, in your own words Bikers are seen as "undesirables" and should not be in the village . In fact the so called "undesirables" are your clients and villagers and regular customers Mr Smith, these include doctors, police officers, vicars, chefs, quantity surveyors, retirees and many other people from all walks of life and cultures, but seen now as second rate citizens. we would ask you to recognise you are taking away the rights of residents to drink in their own local public house, people who have supported you for decades, including some people who have NO alternative transport, people who have never caused trouble,there is not a single resident of Ulley Village who wanted this ban (the first pub to be hit) nor do any of the regulars who are friends, family and admirers of the bikes and ask you reverse this discrimination
    718 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Graeme Williams
  • Save DOL (Dorset Online Learning) from closure
    DOL (Dorset Online Learning) offers a fantastic opportunity for children in Dorset, who for a variety of reasons, are not able to attend school for their education. Many of our children have been or are lucky enough to receive their education at home via DOL, and complete their GCSE's. We have just discovered that DOL is to be closed by the Dorset Education Department as early as September or October this year, and the 'All Inclusive' education service will be lost, with many children losing their educational lifeline. We all know only too well, how hard we had to fight for our children's education, and feel very passionately that others should be able to receive the same opportunity. We are collectively endeavouring to raise a petition and campaign to save DOL, but only have until 4 September 2017 to do so. We would really appreciate any assistance you may be able offer to save this invaluable service. As the national initiative confirms 'Every Child Matters'. Also as stated in the 'Your Dorset' paper in your own words 'We all face financial constraint, but this should not stop us listening to residents and making sure we are delivering services which make a positive difference to people's lives' Thank you for your time and we hope you will agree that this invaluable opportunity for the children of Dorset should not be lost
    773 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Mike Haberfield Picture
  • End Anti Abortion Vigils outside GP surgeries
    The sustained intimidation and presence outside the clinic causes great distress to patients.
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sally Brown
  • Save the Parkwood Springs New Age Traveller Site
    The New Age Travellers have been occupying the site next to the Ski Village in Sheffield for approximately 13 years. This has been a home for many people of all ages, beliefs and backgrounds. The occupants have settled there and have looked after the area by cleaning it up, keeping crime down by being security for the surrounding businesses and some grow their own vegetables, herbs and fruit. They have a good relationship with people in the area and have been told by people in the area that they do not have a problem with them living there. Sheffield City Council are wanting to move the travellers as they are wanting to re open the Ski Village as a sports facility. This will make the Travellers homeless and having to find somewhere else to live. This may have an effect on the children living there because they may have to find new schools and may also effect some of the traveller's health. The travellers do not have a problem with the Ski Village reopening in fact they think it is a great idea they just do not want to be evicted because of this. Please would you sign this petition to show the travellers your support and let them keep their home.
    3,031 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Diane Barrett
  • Give us speed bumps down Woad Farm & Wellington Road before someone gets killed!
    Prevention of road traffic accidents, and possible danger to lives.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Brown
  • Swimming pool for Bridgwater so that every one can access it
    Its very important to have a pool that is suitable for all and to have a friendly environment that is taylor made for all abilities, a pool that young children and all ages with or with out a disability can stand or sit down independent with out being held at all times, its important for people to gain confidence by them self, sense of accomplishment, boost their confidence, relaxation for people with a disability is very important and to be able to use a pool that is suitable for them has many great benefits. also at the same time mixing with all kinds of people, with out being segrated,swimming as a recreational activity leaves you with a positive feeling which improves your mental health, individuals with disabilities can get more health benefis by being physically active, even though I believe evey one is unique, people with disabilities are limited in opportunities to be as physically active as people with out. allso I strongly believe its as much as important for young children to be able to stand in the water independently, and walk freely around. it will bring visitors and those who vist here from around to want to use our pool, as the pool we have now is not suitable for all to use in a freely independent way, as the shallowest end is 1meter high therefore no where suitable for some one who is under that height to use the pool independenly , its important for people to enter a pool unaided for confidence building.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Polly Heenan
  • Major development in Worthing threatens long established fox family- Please help us protect them!
    The fox family currently live on a large derelict site, which has been vacant for years, consequently growing into a beautiful wildlife haven. The two adults made their den under a hedge and the wildflower meadow that has grown on the re-wildered garden has become the cub’s playground. Many local people have watched and admired this beautiful fox family from afar over the years. It has been a thrill to observe wildlife on our doorstep. There are now plans to completely destroy their well established home and build an 11 storey block of 36 flats with underground parking. Building is imminent. Overnight, this fox family of three (a bonded pair with their six month old cub) will lose their safe haven with nowhere to go. The “best” case scenario will be that the fox family will bolt and try to find a new territory, but this will not be easy as the few nearby gardens are most likely the territory of other urban foxes that will fiercely fight to protect their space. Also, not many humans welcome foxes into their garden and there have been cases of humans attempting to poison foxes. The worst case scenario is that some or all of these foxes could be hurt or killed by the demolition or could be classified as “vermin” and killed by “pest” controllers. Foxes are a native species and play and important part of our ecologic system. They do not harm us and it is humans who take more and more of their habitat away, actively persecuting them as if we had a right to own every inch of Planet Earth. Foxes have as much a right to live here as we do and as compassionate human beings it is our duty to protect them and all other wildlife. All they want is to be allowed to live their short lives in peace. They cannot speak up for themselves. Please be the voice for these beautiful, intelligent and sociable animals, so they will not be killed and are given time to find a new home. Thank you for speaking up for these beautiful animals.
    4,357 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Lilly Raven Picture
  • Don’t push babies and toddlers into poverty and homelessness
    On the 22nd of June 2017 the High Court found the governments benefit cap to be illegal. That's because we took them to court to say that as four women in single parent families the cap will have severe and disproportionate impact on us. The Judge agreed, ruling the cap illegal and saying “Most lone parents with children under two are not the sort of households the cap was intended to cover... Real misery is being caused to no good purpose." We were being pushed further and further into poverty due to the benefit cap, which was making our lives unmanageable and unaffordable. Two of us fled from domestic abuse, to find that we were financially penalised by the Government’s benefit cap for doing so. We’ve started this petition because, we know that we are not alone in this struggle. We have been shocked to learn through our involvement in this Court case that tens of thousands of children under two years old have been affected by the cap. Single parents have real difficulties finding work they can combine with caring for children single-handedly. As a result, they can’t easily escape the cap. We hope the public will support this petition and join us in calling on the Government to provide the financial security that one parent families affected by this cap need. This campaign is supported by: https://files.38degrees.org.uk/items/files/000/000/741/original/logos.gif
    3,445 of 4,000 Signatures
  • Guild Wheel: Ben Ashworth Way
    Ben Ashworth is a hero and an inspiration. I was so sad to read that he passed away earlier today. Despite being diagnosed with ‘Terminal’ bowel cancer, Ben did not give up but fought it all the way – raising well over a quarter of a million pounds for cancer charities. Not through sympathy but through sheer bloody determination. In his last few years Ben ran over 24 marathons – he ran round the Guild Wheel in Preston twice in one day and for three years he organised ‘Cheeky Santa Dashes’ in Preston – persuading all and sundry to do a lap of the Avenham and Miller Parks wearing special shorts that had plastic backside cheeks protruding from the rear. All this to not only raise a fantastic amount of money, but also to raise awareness of this cruel disease. Read the blog - https://bensbowelmovements.com/
    3,098 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Graham Dixon Picture
  • Get another crossing on broadwater road
    Because local people need a safe crossing point
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Marshfield
  • Make Westferry Road Safe for Children & Residents
    On Monday 26 June 2017, there was a serious accident on Westferry Road, in Canary Wharf Ward, Isle of Dogs, Tower Hamlets - an elderly woman was hit by a lorry and she is now, tragically, fighting for her life in hospital. As a local ward councillor, I am in contact with the family on regular basis and she remains in a critical condition. The family is grateful for many people who have shown concern and requesting everyone for prayers. I have sent an urgent message to the Council requesting a meeting with the Highways Officer to highlight the concerns on behalf of the residents. Many residents and stakeholders believe that in spite of 20 Mph speed limit – many vehicles go dangerously fast at this community hub with the local school, park, medical centre and shops, pubs etc. The zebra crossing - used by local residents, visitors and children - is not good or secure enough. We just can't afford any more accidents. Thank you, Cllr Maium Miah Canary Wharf ward 07983 798 791 London Borough of Tower Hamlets Town Hall, Mulberry Place 5 Clove Crescent London E14 2BG
    605 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Maium Miah Talukdar Picture
  • Ensuring the UK has a social and private rented sector fit for purpose
    Tenant's living in rented housing in the UK shouldn't need to set up protest sites to have their voice heard. This type of site is not effective and serious concerns can be missed, as often the message will never be seen by the intended recipient. Tragedies like Grenfell Tower might have been avoided had the residents had a direct line of communication, that delivered their concerns directly to the desk of the relevant housing team. The majority of housing staff are doing everything they can to make a difference, however, reduced budgets, staffing and available resources are having a significant impact. A system needs to be deployed immediately to provide 360 degree protection. The system needs to free up valuable staff time, whilst providing protection to all sides and a complete record of all communication between connected parties (provider and tenant). Every event and communication (on both sides) throughout the tenancy must be logged, date stamped and digitally signed. This will ensure, in the event of a dispute, or worse, ALL the facts and supporting information is available...signed, dated and in complete chronological order.
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Reice