• A515 Ashbourne Road Pelican Pedestrian Crossing Required
    The traffic should be doing 30mph on this section of A515 however most cars exceed this which leads the road to be hazardous to young children and the elderly. It is worrying to see that the bollards on the island crossing have been knocked down by vehicles... What if people were stood at the crossing when this happens again? I see an increasing number of children going to school, crossing this road. I think either a lollipop man is required / traffic calming measures or ultimately a Pelican crossing installing. There are crossings in place for other areas of Buxton where children cross regularly, why shouldn't Ashbourne Road be treated the same? Please consider the safety of residents before a bad accident happens.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charlotte Curzon
  • Stop children and disabled being housed above fourth floor
    There is only fewer homes built for social housing when there are more befor development housing a lot of families with goodaminaties including health Center's schools ect
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Crissy Townsend
  • Parking charges at Sir Joseph Hood Memorial Park (Rascals Softplay)
    The car park will become full of commuters for the train (2 minutes walk) and will become difficult for families to use the park and Rascals Softplay. Parking charges of 30p an hour will effect business at Rascals Softplay and cause disruption to local residents.
    1,361 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Von Rietberg
  • Protect Lodgers Deposits across the country
    There is a major problem in the housing and property market whereby landlords whom want to make extra money renting individual rooms are providing no agreements and are taking sizable deposits from lodgers offering no protection as there is no policy or law that says they should do, 1.7 million homeowners rented rooms to lodgers in 2016 according to Santander Mortgages Survey. This matters because alot of professionals including our emergency services sector are renting in this way and by not regulating this area means hundreds of thousands of pounds are not returned with no consequences. I have a family member that decided to use a lodging platform for listings to find a room in London, she paid £1200 as a deposit, whilst living in the property the landlord began to infringe on her personal space and belongings and so she decided to give notice to leave, when she asked for the return of her deposit the landlord refused saying she missed payments and the room wasn't in the same condition he rented it to her in, she was devastated as there seemed to be nothing she could do but taking it to a claims court, she decided to walk away. I have heard thousands of stories just like this I want a Lodger Deposit Guard to be backed by the Department of communities and local government and rolled out as a mandatory action when renting a room going hand in hand with background checking to stop unregulated renting.
    192 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jerome Davis
  • Bring an Aldi Store to Barry, South Wales
    Barry is the 5th largest town in Wales (after Cardiff, Swansea, Newport, Wrexham and Merthyr) and could easily support an Aldi store. This would give local people access to the two budget supermarkets and widen the choices available to the people in Barry. Using Facebook as my measure, I believe that there is a significant majority of people in Barry that would welcome the addition of an Aldi store and that the Vale's planning department should respect the wishes of the people in Barry
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Will Hills
  • Closing schools during extrem hot weather.
    High temp causes children to become lethargic. It also causes head aches, dizzesness, confusion, loss of appetite, a feeling of sickness, cramps, higher BP and pulse, Heat exhaustion can lead to full blown heat stroke. What is the point of making our children ill when they can't learn anything due to feeling so bad due to the heat. We need to put our children's health first. Our weather is changing due to climate change every year. It's going from one extrem to another. From bitter cold to torrential rain. Now we are starting to get hit by the heat for weeks on end.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sonia Dove
  • Emergency accommodation for Grenfell Tower victims
    It is obscene that foreign investors can buy up and leave unoccupied these properties whilst in this country there is a dire affordable housing shortage. It is a sad indictment of our society, and in particular of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, that this state of affairs is allowed to exist.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ken Earney
  • Consultation regarding the future of Drayton Green Primary School
    As parents/carers of children at Drayton Green Primary School we are writing to you to express our dismay and concern over the forthcoming strike action on 20/21 June and potential further dates. Whilst we appreciate the complexities of the situation and the difficulties both sides face, we don't understand why it appears that the governors are not communicating with the school community.   The school community would like the Governing Body to hold an information meeting before the end of the academic year so that we can understand your concerns, what investigations are taking place and what outcomes you hope to achieve.  The school community need reassurance that their concerns matter and that the Governing Body will listen to them.  By not sharing any information to date, many are making the assumption that there is nothing to discuss as decisions regarding academy status for the school have already been made. We are also asking that this petition is recognised as a formal complaint for allowing the situation to reach a point where our children are now being denied schooling. Yours sincerely Drayton Green Primary School Parents & Carers
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachael Sadegh
  • Help prevent conversion of The Bengal Bear restaurant into flats
    We are a local village restaurant striving to attract customers to experience our freshly prepared food. As we provide soft drinks, customers use local shops for beverages. As a result this has increased village trade! Our vegetables and poultry are sourced by local suppliers to benefit local businesses. Our objective is to support our community, as we contribute towards our village events. We also enjoy accommodating our friends from the local care homes on their days out.
    799 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Afzal Uddin
  • Build a Memorial On The Grenfell Tower Land When It's Demolished.
    It is important because no person or company should make money out of the death of all the people who died or have been displaced, and any housing that is build should be for the people who once lived in Grenfell.
    921 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert McGough
  • House the Grenfell Tower survivors in their home area
    1. This tragedy must not be used as the pretext for social cleansing. 2. Those who have suffered the trauma need all the stability possible: children must be able to attend their usual school; community links must be maintained with e.g. religious centres, GP surgeries.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pat Hotson
  • Please let the People Parking Bay in Hackney remain
    We would like to see a people parking bay or parklet in every street in Hackney. The provision of official parklets by Hackney Council in three locations in Hackney in three years is welcome and we recognise Hackney is ahead of the curve in London. However, it will take a millennium to have a significant impact on the parking environment in Hackney. Therefore, we would like to work with the Council to develop a community and business led 'parklet' programme that will allow people and businesses to invest in the public realm. This experimental community parklet allows the gauging of public support for such an idea. Please do let the experiment run its course. The bay is very popular with residents and passers by. The visitor book has hundreds of positive comments: https://goo.gl/photos/gUA8bbtaMamuCcUC8 Walking is the most common way for people to get around in Hackney but while car parking dominates kerbside space there is little provision for pedestrians to rest. Many people, including older and disabled people, and people with kids need regular rest stops while walking, and pavements are too narrow for walking let alone placing benches on them. The popularity of this people parking bay is demonstrating that resting spots for pedestrians are likely to very popular. The people parking bay was a lead article in Local Transport Today. https://www.transportxtra.com/publications/parking-review/news/53699/hackney-resident-wants-to-convert-parking-bays-into-people-places www.peopleparkingbay.com
    947 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Brenda Puech