No British bombs in syriaThere have been almost 30,000 bombs dropped there already by 15 other countries, what makes British bombs any more effective?????70 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary Oneill
Spend Defence budgets on DefenceIf the Paris attacks had been carried out by ETA (Basque Separatists) there would be no call to bomb Spain. Involvement in Syria and Iraq results in killing innocents. Their family and friends then become OUR enemies where they were previously for the West. Nuclear weapons are no deterrent as an attack may come from any country and it may not be that country responsible. The £millions spent on offensive weapons could instead strengthen border checks which would save us money by cutting smuggling. Drones are becoming more accurate and cheap. Drones which can kill a terrorist leader can be used to kill any leader. Governments should be investing in defensive measures for themselves and the rest of us. Bombing thousands or even millions is not a proportionate response. We do not kill members of organizations to which murderers belong, nor do we kill their family and friends. Someone in IS in Syria or Iraq MAY have planned the Paris attacks but if we don't know exactly who then why are we killing people there? Spend the so-called Defence Budget on real Intelligence and policing instead and make us all safer, not less safe.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andy Jenkinson
Call on Labour MPs to support Jeremy Corbyn on SyriaThe recent Labour Party conference agreed four conditions that would have to be satisfied before military action could be supported. None of these have been satisfied: 1. Clear and unambiguous authorisation from the United Nations. As reported by the BBC, UN Security Council resolution 2249 carried last week does not provide a legal basis for military action by the UK and does not invoke Chapter VII of the UN charter authorising the use of force. 2. A comprehensive EU-wide plan to provide humanitarian assistance to the consequent increase in the number of refugees. In fact, the EU refugee plan is unravelling and the approach to refugees is highly fragmented. 3. That bombing is exclusively directed at military targets directly associated with 'ISIL'. There is evidence that around 90% of drone strike victims in other conflicts were unintended casualties. 4. That any military action is subordinated to international diplomatic efforts, including the main regional powers, to end the Syrian civil war. The shooting down of a Russian plane by Turkey in addition to differing approaches to the Assad regime and a continuing multifaceted conflict make a broadly-based, sovereign Syrian government that could retake territory currently controlled by ISIL a diminishing prospect. We would all like to see the defeat of IS. The future of the Assad government should be determined by the Syrian peoples alone and not by Western intervention. What is certain is that further bombing will increase the humanitarian crisis and cause civilian loss of life. Recent wars have created the sort of stateless societies in which terrorist groups like ISIL can thrive, as recently admitted by Tony Blair when he stated that the invasion of Iraq created the conditions for the rise of ISIL. Jeremy Corbyn was elected by 59.5% of voters. It's time to stand by the democratically expressed will of the party members.20,581 of 25,000 SignaturesCreated by David Gering-Hasthorpe
Please, don't bomb Syria!Thousands of innocent people will die and the refugee crisis will escalate, pushing us all towards a never-ending conflict. The vast amount of public money that this military action will cost could be well spent elsewhere. War only escalates more war, please listen to the voice of reason.14,212 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Jay Tubsman
Do Not Bomb Syria -We do not know who Cameron will really be giving orders to our Air Force to bomb,.We do not know for sure that Britain is not arming IS in order to bring the Syrian Government down, in order to impose an American chosen Islamic dictatorship in Syria. We are getting conflicting reports but what we do know for sure is that we shall bomb Syrian civilians. Give peace a chance even if it means British Arms sales suffer.106 of 200 SignaturesCreated by ostarra langridge
'Game Of War' An Irresponsibly Named Game.This game is of complete bad taste, an irresponsible game imprinting the idea that 'war', i.e killing is a an 'game' to play in both its suggestive name and in the nature of this game. 'Game Of War' is desensitizing the players to real life actions such as War and killing. This theory has been tried, tested and proven on numerous occasions and yet these games still carry suggestive names and through the bad nature of these games which can and has for some transpired into real life events. In this case War.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James How
Support Jeremy Corbyn: No to nuclear weapons! No to Trident!Jeremy Corbyn's political enemies are seeking to undermine his position as Labour Leader and have chosen nuclear weapons as their attack platform. We must not allow them to get away with it. Some helpful advice from a supporter - a great way to get this petition circulating widely is to share on comments on relevant online newspaper articles! For those of you that have the time .... Facebook 'misbehaviour'. A number of supporters have reported that Facebook is not sharing this petition. I have tried to do it myself and failed with a very unusual message. The petition has also 'dropped off' The Ecologist's timeline. I have now re-posted on Facebook with a perma-URL of https://www.facebook.com/TheEcologist/posts/10152959345741618 . You should be able to share from there. Either that or just copy the petition URL in the browser bar to your timeline.4,682 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Oliver Tickell
Asylum for Russian soldiers surrendering in UkraineThis is important as stopping the war in Ukraine and the loss of innocent life is critical for peace in Europe. Offering asylum to surrendered Russian soldiers is uniquely both a peaceful act, will speed up stopping Russian aggression and shows to both the Ukrainian and Russian people that we care, and are prepared to make sacrifices.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gareth Selby
Ban ALL calls for violence on FacebookTo permit any form of incitement to violence is extremely dangerous. To enable expressions of outrage is a valuable service that acts as a 'safety valve' in times of trouble. To extend that service to enable incitement to violence is a dangerous declaration that acts as a match to a powder keg.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ron Tocknell
🏴Scotland football fans stand with the Ukraine 🇺🇦Liar's don't speak for Scotland, Scotland stands with the Ukraine21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gill Sherry
Throw Russia out of the 2022 football World Cup NOWWe need to do something to help register the world's outrage at the illegal action of the Russian government.28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brian Eadon
Withhold Welsh Support for Nuclear WeaponsCurrently, the UK Government has announced that they will be increasing the stock of Trident by 40%. I, and I expect the people of Wales, believe that this is a worrying move. Is it really in the Welsh public’s interest to be part of this expansion? Does this make us safer? Soon, the Welsh Parliament must ask itself; “What side of history do we want to be on?”. Let’s make it the right side.83 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tobi Wells
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