• Protect Our Invaluable School Transport Service
    A year ago my adult sons lost their transport when Salford's mayor decided they did not fit their criteria to keep it. Both my sons are totally dependent for all their needs and now we have to transport them ourselves. This has taken its toll on our health, and now the same mayor is looking to stop children's coaches to get them to their schools. This really cannot happen again. Our children need this service - it's vital to give them a better future. It is also needed for parents, to give them that little bit extra respite so that they can relax and know that their children are in safe hands on the way to and from school. So I am asking all the people who read this: please sign and don't let this happen again. Our children deserve the best.
    736 of 800 Signatures
    Created by noreen bailey
  • Mend Edinburgh Road Surfaces
    Please petition the City of Edinburgh Council to repair our roads which are in many places more suited to a third world country. If you have driven anywhere in Edinburgh, you will be well aware of how dangerously potholed the roads are. For cyclists, it is difficult to avoid potholes without risking life and limb - and for motorists, the damage to vehicles must run into £millions, for most of which the CEC will deny any liability. If you Google "Edinburgh potholes", you will see how ludicrous the situation has become with one woman planting flowers with 35 litres of compost needed to fill the hole. The stories abound, yet the CEC has long insisted there were no potholes waiting to be repaired, hiding behind their definition of a pothole and the sheer brazen complacency that allows such incompetence to be left responsible for our road infrastructure. http://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/transport/council-no-potholes-claim-is-laughable-1-3344166 Please help to force CEC to address this situation with urgency.
    145 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Donald Clarkson
  • Allow commuters with disabilities to use free bus pass for commuting.
    At the moment the free bus pass is only valid for journeys which start after 9.30am. This seems illogical for a travel benefit which is specifically aimed at "people of working age". Imagine having a stroke in your early twenties, your life slips away to be replaced by dreams. You fight hard to recover, and learn how to walk. You want to volunteer at a local food bank but the bus pass you hold won't allow you to travel there on time. You were hoping that the volunteering might help you get a job. All you needed was a small helping hand instead of a closed door.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Woods
  • Please help save vital bus routes in Herefordshire
    The reason that this is an important issue is because there are many community’s that rely on bus services in Herefordshire. The importance of this is compounded by the reality that most people who use buses are those who are the most vulnerable in society who do not have access to private transport such as those who are retired and/or on low incomes. This issue is particularly significant in Herefordshire as its bus services have been one of the most affected by cutbacks in the whole of the UK. The extent of this is shown by the fact that since 2010 there has been a 49% cut in funding resulting in 13 routes being cut and the reduction of 31 services. Finally, on a personal note this is something that is very important to me as I have relied on bus during my time in education and still do in order to have a social life.
    2,617 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Jordan Creed
  • Save an Icon
    Lets save the Knowledge and Black Taxis. Today there are far too many PHV (Mini Cabs) on the roads of London, the streets are congested, the pollution is high. We need to cap the amount of PHV (Mini cabs) on the road. We also need to make sure that the London Knowledge (training process to drive a black taxi) is kept the way it is, it works perfectly and keeps the standards high. The Black Taxi has been the most Iconic symbol of London for 100 years and a source of pride, Changing the learning duration to 1 year would destroy an icon of London and the livelihoods of tens of thousands of people.
    1,437 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jay Stewart
  • Safe school crossing for our children
    There are currently no pedestrian signals to show when it is safe to cross the road, or how long people have to get across safely. The existing traffic lights only allow an inadequate 5 second window, and the central reservation is too small for the numbers using it, making the junction an extremely dangerous place to cross. The crossing is used by large numbers of children from St Andrew's Primary school, Enfield Grammar School and Chase Community School, as well as children from St George's primary school and other local schools, and many members of the public. We believe the safety of our children should be a priority.
    622 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jackie Pummell
  • Let the community decide Vauxhall's future
    Transport for London (TfL), with Lambeth Council, has a plan to make the Vauxhall one-way gyratory into a two-way system. This will replace the well-used, safe and much-loved Vauxhall bus station with dispersed, unprotected bus stops. The plan will not improve the efficiency of the transport interchange, make pedestrian and cycle journeys safe, improve public realm or combat pollution. The proposals are a waste of public money which do not go far enough to improve Vauxhall. Local community group Our Vauxhall, which includes award-winning architects, world-class transport engineers and local residents has produced an alternative, which would make Vauxhall greener, safer and less polluted. Our Vauxhall's plan will keep the traffic moving more smoothly than TfL's whilst also improving journeys through the bus interchange for cyclists, public transport users and pedestrians. See the plan at www.ourvauxhall.com Local meetings have confirmed the popularity of Our Vauxhall's scheme. But TfL refuses to give Londoners a choice. Their consultation is limited to asking for views on their scheme alone. Vauxhall is one of the busiest interchanges in London. This is not just a local matter for Vauxhall. Don't let TfL waste taxpayers' money putting in an inferior scheme when a better plan is ready and waiting. help us to give Londoners a choice and an opportunity to decide.
    663 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Helen Irwin
  • Keep free school transport for Grammar School pupils in Lincolnshire.
    As a parent I want what is best for my children. My son was given an OPPORTUNITY when he was offered a Grammar School place. If free school transport is withdrawn, a grammar school education would become a PRIVILEGE which many parents across Lincolnshire would be unable to afford.
    172 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mick Flindall
  • No charging points
    It is important for people as electric cars are cheaper to run, they don't send out a lot of harmful emissions & its better for the eviroment
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aaron Hollingsworth
  • Scrap HS2 and build a Hyperloop
    High speed 2 has been predicted to cost between 43 and 80 billion pounds, at a time when the government is making cuts to services that we depend on. This is an outdated service, as a 'normal' train service becoming fully completed in 2033 an insult to humanity. Surely we have a better dream for our future. The obvious alternative is to build a hyperloop system. Such a system has been predicted to cost a quarter to an eighth of the cost of HS2, whilst being three times HS2's speed, making it six times faster than current trains. These attributes could make the hyperloop incredibly low cost, maybe even free. There is no better way to balance London with northern cities than free tickets from London to Manchester with a journey times of less then twenty minutes. The destructive impact of HS2 would be mostly negated if a hyperloop system was built instead. HS2's current proposed route damages at least seven Sites of Special Scientific Interest and 66 Local Wildlife Sites. Hyperloop is elevated above the ground and in a sealed tube, meaning that little damage is done to wildlife on the ground and cannot be harmed by moving vehicles. An example of someone who has to move due to HS2 was shown in the Guardian. This person keeps birds of prey and has to move for fear of the birds harming themselves on passing trains. A hyperloop would not have such problems. Finally, a hyperloop has the potential to reinstate Britain's place as one of the most innovative countries. The transport pioneers of old would be disappointed to see that we have progressed little since their time. A transonic transport system is very possible, and our world class university system could provide the engineering skill base for such a project. We need to make sure we take the cheaper, smarter and greener option.
    215 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Chris Long
  • Save our local bus services in Oxfordshire
    ALL SUBSIDISED bus routes in the county are set to lose their funding from Oxfordshire County Council under proposals approved in November 2015 by the Council. The subsidies are paid to bus companies and community groups so they can run 118 bus routes, mainly in rural areas, that would otherwise not be commercially viable. The bus network is vital to the health of local communities and especially important to vulnerable members of the community who use the network to access support and care and avoid social isolation. These cuts are totally unacceptable and a false economy as they will have hidden costs in terms of additional social care and health spending to support those who currently use the bus service to access support and life opportunities. The cuts also make a mockery of the County Council’s integrated transport plan and environmental targets. We are calling on the Leader of the County Council Council and the Prime Minister, who is MP for Winey and who has in correspondence questioned whether the cuts to front line council services are necessary in Oxfordshire, to resolve their disagreement about council funding and withdraw these cuts proposals before the new County Council budget is agreed in February. Deadline for completion January 12th (to be presented to the Council’s Transport Advisory Panel on the 14th January).
    1,764 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by David Radford
  • Make bad driving a thing of the past!!
    It will serve to make our roads safer and will make work easier for the Police. It will potentially help to drive down insurance premium costs.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aled Brewerton