• Bring back baby weigh and health worker to Cranbrook Cornerstone Baby and Toddler group
    Cranbrook is a vastly growing town with a huge population of children under 5. In fact we are in the top 5% of the country and to take away a service that has been offered for nearly 5 years at this thriving group is a huge blow. Our group is inclusive and caters to children of all ages up to preschool and so is much more suibale for parents who have children of various preschool age. This group supports families old and new and helps people forge friendships in what can sometime be an isolating time in new parents lives, especially if they are new to the area. Baby weigh and health services were a big lifeline to new parents as they could meet other new mums and dads and often their children will grow up with the group and stay with us until they start preschool. Now we have lost this vital service, we have lost a lot of babies coming to group which in turn may mean we will not have the toddler's coming along when the babies grow up. We are aware there is a Tuesday session available but by all accounts this day is not suitable for all and by taking away the Thursday session it will put more pressure on the Tuesday group with waiting times and maybe not being able to seek the advice needed from the health worker in attendance as so many people will want the same.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kelly Curran
  • keep open stroke club-carers bromley
    to help stoke sufferers and their carers
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by pam robinson
  • Get anti suicide barriers up in all Gloucester car parks
    There has been many suicides and attempted suicides at these car parks over previous years. At Bruton way yesterday 16th Sept 2017 and a death 9th Sept 2017 two within 7 days. One resulting in a 32yrs old man falling to his death and a 21yr old man being talked down and taken to hospital 6 days later
    374 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Karen Lewis
  • High storrs Road safety Hangingwater Road petition
    We are doing this to help the High Storrs school Journey as a large amount of the High Storrs pupils take this route.
    106 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jake Bollington
  • A New Zebra Crossing in Tattershall on High Street
    There is nowhere safe to cross the road in Tattershall. There is a steady flow of traffic and not everyone slows down when they reach the village. Children, Elderly and other members of the community often have to negotiate their way across traffic just to do simple daily things like going to school or going to the shops. I am proposing a Zebra crossing this has several benefits. Our children, our elderly and ourselves will have somewhere safe to cross the road. Traffic around the schools will slow down cutting out the risk of any serious incidents. Because High Street is a major route for a vast number of trucks and farming vehicles with a zebra crossing this will still allow a steady flow of traffic and will only slow down when the crossing is used. I personally don't want to wait for a serious accident or even a casualty before anything is done about this.
    490 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Isobel Wilding
  • No Parking Zone & Zebra crossing outside All Souls School Cheriton
    We love our children and we want them to be safe but when people park outside the school on double yellow lines this is dangerous and selfish. Also drivers park obstructing the crossing further putting children's lives in danger. A child has already been injured how long before there is a fatality! We need Kent County Council Highways/Shepway District Council to ensure that a no parking zone and zebra crossing is put on the road outside the school and enforced by traffic wardens and the police.
    179 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kay Lees
  • Equality for Disabled Students
    Full: Students living with mental, and/or physical, disabilities have certain needs which requires suitable accommodation. For example, a student suffering with ASD who is unable to complete day-to-day tasks will often be provided with ensuite accommodation in a smaller flat. DSA (Disabled Students Allowance) used to ensure that disabled students would not pay more for their accommodation due to their needs. However, for the past few years this responsibility has been passed over to universities. For the past 3-4 months I have been contacting the University of East Anglia (almost twice a week) in order to confirm that my peers and I will receive an accommodation discount as we have before. They have been reluctant to answer, and it is clear that nobody is responsible for ensuring that disabled students are not discriminated against. These discounts vary, but can reach sums over £1200. It's simply not fair to charge disabled students extra due to their disabilities. The first representative of UEA I spoke to informed me that it was unlikely the discounts would go ahead this year. This is clearly in breach of the Equalities Act 2010, and I am truly worried that the Conservative government has failed to protect disabled students as this problem is not occurring just at UEA. Most recently the University of East Anglia has informed me that students with disabilities will be offered accommodation in the Village, and the sole reason for this is because of its price it seems. Despite being situated far from central campus, and not being able to meet the needs of those with physical and/or mental disabilities the University views this as the best option. I was offered accommodation which suits my needs within the main campus, but now I'm being told that in order to receive a fair discount I will have to move to a room which may not be adequate. They can't guarantee perfection, but they could act in the interests of students. If students remain in the suitable rooms, they will not receive a fair discount. I'm calling on the government to impose a frameworl upon universities. Universities have been acting with discretion, and have failed to advertise that discounts are available. Reducing expenditure seems to be at the forefront of university policy, as opposed to supporting students and facilitating their learning. There needs to be clear guidelines for all universities to adhere to. I will be sending this petition to the Minister for Universities, the Education Secretary, Leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Vice-Chancellor of UEA, and the Director of Student Services at UEA.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Howard
  • Benefits for the homeless
    Homelessness causes suffering, fear desperation and can also lead to long term physical and mental health problems
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Williamson
  • Lower high school dinner prices! To ensure our children are eating and drinking properly!
    They say our children deserve a great education but if they are hungry and thirsty during school hours because their dinner money doesnt stretch far, how on earth do they expect our children to focus and concentrate?? They run schemes for primary schools so why ate high schools any different and why should people be discriminated for their income or employment status? Every child matters.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Maxine Hayes
  • Save our Disabled Children's Transport
    Coventry Council are making the families of disabled children pay £600 a year for transport to and from school. This service used to be free, but now families are being forced to fork out. The wellbeing and education of disabled children is being put at risk. Disabled children should not be punished for going to school.
    2,228 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Mandy Siddiqui
  • Please reform and relax DLA rules for Diabetic Children
    Type1 diabetes Mellitus insulin dependent is for life and will never go away so why does the Government still insist on making it as difficult and upsetting as possible to make a claim for something our Diabetic children are entitled too.
    721 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Sean Ratcliff
  • Cabinet Minister for Disability
    Care & Disability deserve a place alongside Health and Education as one of the great offices of state. The UN recently described the plight of people with disabilities in Britain as a “human catastrophe”.The Equality and Human Rights Commission says disabled people are second-class citizens. Hit by cuts and a punishing assessment system many people with disabilities are in the fight of their lives. They feel marginalised and humiliated. We need a new approach and the best place to start is at the top. A junior minister in the DWP is the wrong person in the wrong place. Ask party leaders to show their commitment by appointing a Cabinet Minister. Sign the petition.
    2,607 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Alain Catzeflis Picture