• Stop bombarding us with gambling ads on public transport
    Gambling companies spend over a BILLION pounds on ads every year to convince us to gamble. And it works - studies show a clear link between seeing gambling ads and gambling more. Gambling isn't a harmless hobby. Hundreds and thousands of people across the UK are addicted to gambling and every day someone takes their life due to gambling. In 2021 Sadiq Khan pledged in his London Mayoral manifesto to ban gambling ads on the London transport network, but three years later as he heads into another election the ads remain all over TfL. There's outrage over “This bus is now a casino" ads on TfL, which forced the gambling company to promise to withdraw them. Every day thousands of children, people experiencing gambling addiction, those in recovery, and families bereaved by gambling, will have been forced to see them, when they were just trying to get from point A to B. We shouldn't have to wait for companies to decide to take gambling ads down. TfL has shown they're willing to turn down advertising cash before out of concern for commuters. They removed ads for strawberries and cream at Wimbledon because of health concerns - why do treats at tennis force TfL to act, but the risks of addiction don't? We can show TfL and the London Mayor that it's time to take the damage done by gambling seriously. Right now, they mostly hear from the advertisers instead of us, the people the Mayor and TfL are meant to serve. With a huge petition, we can show them that the backlash isn't worth the money they might get from casinos and betting companies, and turn promises into action.
    11,081 of 15,000 Signatures
  • Trees not Cars - a new park in Manchester!
    Our last petition was spring boarded our campaign and helped us stop Manchester City Council when they wanted to turn the car park into a temporary car park.  We are now making progress on the idea of a park, plans for the site as a response to our campaign had been to fully pave over the lot!  Now we need a fresh push to show the council that after 5 years, local people and visitors still need a park on that site. In addition: • New Islington Green is now being replaced with offices, locals have lost 3 acres of green space. • Cotton Fields (not publicly owned) and Cutting Square are absolutely packed on nice days. The area desperately needs a safe place for people to enjoy the sun and for children to learn to ride their bikes away from the canal and cars. • Local people need green space for exercise, mental well-being and cleaner air. The GP office behind see the damage the pollution is doing to people.
    1,879 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Gemma Cameron
    Bannan fitness has been providing a very valuable service to the local community of coatbridge for many years. The club brought fitness to the area through the art of boxing and was based at langloan for a number of years. Not only was the club providing this service, it was very affordable for the community being only £2 for adults and 50p for kids. On top off all this it is also a charitable organisation raising thousands of pounds for various charity's. The club got threw out of the gym at the end of January of 2023 with no valid reason as to why and we have been fighting tirelessly to get back in. This is where we need your help to help get the club back to their original home.
    559 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Bryan Kennedy
  • End Hostile Architecture: Prioritise Housing Justice
    Hostile architecture perpetuates systemic inequality by excluding and marginalising homeless individuals from public spaces, reinforcing stigma, and violating basic human rights. It's a manifestation of a larger issue of homelessness and housing insecurity that affects vulnerable populations worldwide. By advocating for compassionate solutions and inclusive urban design, we can create communities where everyone is valued and respected, regardless of their housing status. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who are most in need.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Cruzat
  • A new Statue of Liberty to say refugees and migrants are welcome in Ireland.
    The current debate about where asylum seekers fearful of forced deportation by the UK government might try to escape to; is at the moment about the 'problem' of people crossing the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland border. Do you think people crossing this border are the problem governments need to 'solve', or do you think respect for human rights, dignity and the need for co-operation between governments are the subjects we need to make our representatives do work about? If you agree with me, please sign this petition.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Dykes
  • We need our postal service
    Our postal service has gone down hill due to a mix of inept senior management , lack of investment in the basic requirements and threats to our letter day to day deliveries. If we lose Royal Mail - what do we have?- sometime we posties are the only ones people see, sometimes we are the only ones they have to listen to them- this has been taken away in favour of algorithms and monitoring in order to create a better return for shareholders and senior management. Help us to keep Royal Mail - 500 year old company
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frances Thomas
  • Don't Scrap Replays: Keep the Magic of the FA Cup!
    For more than 150 years the FA Cup has provided some of the most memorable moments in sporting history. Football fans relish the David and Goliath battles between the smaller clubs and the Premier League giants. The shock upsets at the hands of giantkiller are one of the reasons why the Cup is the world’s most admired domestic tournament. But the Cup could be stripped of its magic because of the actions of the Football Association. Without proper consultation the FA has decided to scrap replays. We are calling on the FA to rethink this decision. Replays are a vital source of revenue for lower league and non league clubs. The money they receive from the gate and TV rights can be the difference between survival or bankruptcy. By caving into the demands of the big clubs, the FA is not just betraying the smaller ones. It is betraying communities across the country who are brought together through their love of their local team. They need to hear from us - the fans - that these plans cannot go ahead. A huge public backlash could force them to change their mind.
    10,890 of 15,000 Signatures
  • Save BOAT (Brownsea Open Air Theatre)
    Members of the public are very upset that the annual summer performance will no longer be held at the island. The magic of outdoor theatre combined with the boat journey home is one of the highlights of the summer for many Dorset residents. It brings in a lot of money to the island. Some of the sweetness of the ticket price is that it is going to the national trust which is a great cause. Even if performances continued elsewhere, nothing can replicate the magic of travelling to and from the island and a lazy afternoon picnic before watching theatre in the beautiful surroundings of Brownsea Island.
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ochre Primrose
  • Brighton & Hove Council: SEND us a Break!
    Children and Young People and their Parents and Carers urgently need this provision to be in place and accessible to all before the summer holidays start at the end of July 2024 so that children and young people can engage in meaningful activities when they are not at school or college, so that parents and carers can work, and so that parents and carers can have a break from their caring role. Since the closure of Extratime in 2023, the local authority has failed to produce a plan of action to provide short breaks and holiday activities for all children with SEND, the little that has been offered is not suitable for those with complex needs who need 1:1 support. This is contrary to the local authority’s legal duties and leaves Children and Young People and their families in crisis and struggling to cope. Without having adequate provision in place many families will not cope with the summer holidays and without adequate provision to allow parents to work parents may lose their jobs and many families will be plunged into financial and family crisis. This is likely to cost the local authority more in the long term if families in crisis results in more emergency placements for children and young people being required.
    1,382 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Helen Irving
    The surgery does not only cover Bishops castle but many surrounding areas. It is a 60mile round trip by car to the nearest hospital and a 2hr round trip at least by bus. Those with medical conditions would be unable to travel by bus and if they have no vehicle would be unable to travel - what then?
    1,040 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sue Cieciora
  • Stop fines for taking your children on holiday in school term
    Imagine not taking your child out of school to make memories and then losing them in there 2nd year of primary school.. before we found out about Jaydens cancer we had letters about his attendance that it was far to low (87%) and he shouldn’t miss anymore time .. I am so glad I never worried about his attendance and I made it a priority to make memories as a family .. I understand learning is important for children but so is soaking up as much time as you can while there young, life is far to short to be worried about them missing the odd week here and there after Covid I don’t think they could really complain about childrens attendance atleast till they hit atleast year 9 in secondary! Make the memories while you can! Tomorrow is never promised! I lost my son to cancer at the age on 6 years old! If I never took him out of school I’d never have the memories I do with him! Memories are just as important as getting an education and unfortunately for some families it’s not financially feasible in the school holidays so many families miss out
    181 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Chelsea Johnson
  • Clean Up Our Kids Route to School
    Kids deserve a safe and pleasant walk to school. Many Chatsworth pupils walk to school down the alleyway near Hounslow Station which is surrounded by bags of rubbish, food waste and flytipped waste. These piles of rubbish look disgusting and I believe they are attract rats and other vermin. I believe they are a health and safety hazard. I contacted Network Rail but received no reply. I believe I am being ignored my and nothing is being done to address this issue. They must act now!
    97 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Littlewood