The Royal Family Should Pay Their Fair Share Of TaxUK public services need funding. The royal family don't pay tax like the rest of us. The situation is clearly unfair. The UK government should change the tax laws.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Trevor Cullinan
Save the Shuttle BusThis vital link between the two hospitals is used by patients, visitors and NHS staff alike. The loss of the shuttle bus would have an impact on everyone who currently uses it and could affect a persons ability to access treatment.15,431 of 20,000 SignaturesCreated by matthew bromley
Leicestershire: Let The People VOTEWe need to ensure elections are not delayed at the request of politicians. Cancelling elections with such short notice is harmful to democracy. • Elections Are a Right: Politicians must not pick and choose when they face the public. • Uncertainty for Voters: If elections are postponed, there is no guarantee when they will take place. • A Democratic Mandate Is Needed: Any reorganisation of local government or changes to council structures must have the backing of the people through an election. • Protect Democracy: The people of Leicestershire deserve the opportunity to vote on their local representatives without delay. The Bigger Picture: Deborah Taylor, acting leader of Leicestershire County Council, has argued that reorganisation would save money, simplify local government, and protect frontline services. However, these claims have not been fully scrutinized or endorsed by voters. The Government’s White Paper proposes merging two-tier councils like Leicestershire into a single authority, possibly led by an elected mayor. This would mean abolishing districts and boroughs, expanding Leicester City’s boundaries into parts of the county, and creating a mayoral combined authority. Leicestershire County Council argues that this approach is essential for unlocking devolution, economic sustainability, and housing growth. But without a clear democratic mandate, such drastic changes risk alienating voters and undermining trust in local governance. The Real Issue: Delaying elections only benefits politicians, not the people they serve. Smaller, more localized authorities are often more efficient, manageable, and accountable. Larger authorities risk becoming wasteful, overstaffed, and disconnected from the communities they represent. Our Message: Let the people decide. The elections scheduled for May 2025 must go ahead as planned. Democracy depends on it. Let the people vote!418 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Joseph Boam
Intermittent Gate FunctionalityThe residents of Eaton House pay £2,000 annually for building repairs and maintenance, which includes the upkeep of essential amenities such as the main gate. This gate is a critical component of our building's security and privacy. Over the past three months, its intermittent functionality has compromised the safety of our homes, left the building vulnerable to unauthorised access, and caused significant inconvenience to residents. We rely on the managing agent to maintain the building to the standard outlined in our lease agreements. The prolonged malfunction of the gate represents a failure to meet these obligations, and residents should not bear the full financial burden for services that have not been adequately provided. This petition seeks to address this issue by requesting compensation for the period of reduced security and a clear timeline for the repair of the gate. It is vital that our concerns are acknowledged and resolved promptly to restore confidence in the management of Eaton House and ensure fairness in the service charges we pay.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tamara Piggott
Every Youth Deserves a Mentor!Violence affecting our youth, anti-social behaviour, and conflict among young people in London have become pressing societal issues. These challenges not only threaten the safety of our communities but also hinder the potential of our youth. As adults, it is our collective responsibility to guide young people toward positive futures, ensuring they have the tools to resolve conflicts constructively and avoid criminal paths; exacerbated by issues such as childhood poverty, homelessness and grooming. Research shows that mentorship reduces the likelihood of youth involvement in criminal activity, improves academic performance, and fosters a sense of belonging. By creating a positive environment for young people to express themselves, mentoring can break cycles of violence and empower the next generation to thrive. In short… MENTORING WORKS!62 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cherie Nedd
Matthew Pennycook, make Co-housing a mainstream housing option!Communities are disintegrating, young familes and older pensioners are finding it difficult to find suitable, affordable, permanent housing because of the influx of landlords buying-up housing for profit. Making provisions for Government backed finance for building or converting local properties for rental to the members who run and administer a Co-housing settlement or Housing Co-operative can create hundreds of local homes in multigenerational communities. These can be infvolved from the start, in identifying sites, applying for planning permission, obtaining outline funding agreement from a bank or Building society. backed by a Government guarantee. The members of the constituted Limited Company, CIC, Co-operative or other suitable organisation, can then liaise with Architetcts, Consultants builders etc. as the Client. This would creates local jobs in construction as well as care jobs, where Retirement Co-housing units are included for local people who, in time, will develop care needs. It would benefit local workforce, incouding workers' co-operatives, that would be employed by these Member-owned and run Housing Entities, cutting out employment Agencies, in collaboration with local Social Care services, for planning, recruitment, managemet and scheduling of staff. This can work very well where additional needs esist, like language competencies suited to the community they serve and creating care jobs for tmembers of the same co-housing comunities, to provide inclusive care and support built in from the start. And it can all be comunally managed by members joining and serving on the management and sub-committees on a rota basis.29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Antonella Massari
Capping Political donationsLook to America3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roger Lallemant
A youth centre for WitneyWhy is it important? It is crucial to invest in a youth centre in Witney because the lack of accessible, funded activities for young people has led to a rise in anti-social behaviour, mental health issues, gang violence, and substance abuse. Studies show that over the past decade, reductions in youth services have contributed to these problems. Providing a safe, supportive space where young people can engage in positive activities will help reduce boredom, prevent risky behaviour, and promote better mental and physical health. Reasons to join the campaign: • Statistical evidence: Reduced youth funding correlates with an increase in anti-social behaviour and mental health challenges. • Accessibility: Not all young people can afford to participate in private clubs or sports, making a free, local youth centre essential. • Positive alternatives: A youth centre offers a constructive space for expression, creativity, and personal development. • Community well-being: Investing in the youth today will create a safer, healthier community for everyone in Witney. By supporting this campaign, we can provide the next generation with the resources they need to thrive and avoid falling into negative behaviours. I personally am a youth so can tell you just how important this case is to me personally. Thankyou so much in advance. If Your a youth who feels this is needed or a parent who cares for youth in Witney please sign up !!! ❤️11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ashley Nyakairu
Water bills up by £31 a year on average for what?Raise in the water bills by at least £31 on average a year to cover the sewage spills which aren't customers fault4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nigel Roscorla
Bring Back Local Flexibility: Support Our Community EventsThis campaign is vital to preserve the rich traditions and community spirit of Argyll and Bute. Local events like agricultural shows have been an integral part of our cultural and economic landscape for generations, bringing people together and supporting small businesses, charities, and community groups. The recent changes to school holiday policies threaten participation in these events, diminishing their accessibility and success. By joining this campaign, you support a return to local flexibility in school holiday scheduling, ensuring these cherished traditions can continue to thrive without undue burden on families or organisations. This is a chance to stand together for our heritage, economy, and community well-being, sending a strong message to decision-makers that local voices matter.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Peter Leckie
NO 2ND GRADE US MEAT!The UK has a good record of farm welfare (excluding battery chickens). We have fought long and hard for this. We do not need US meat imports.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Susannah Greaves
Build for, not against our communities!Dear Angela, We are all aware of the need for warm, affordable housing across the country. However, recent announcements from yourself and the government have sadly sought to pitch communities against local decision making processes and nature against people. The new Planning Reforms seek to take power away from those who have been elected to represent residents, overriding democracy and playing into the hands and ultimately pockets of developers. Developers already hold too much power and people will continue to be locked out of buying and even renting in this, their home town 💔 As one of the most nature depleted countries on earth, we can't afford to keep building without a thought for nature. Not only are green spaces essential to relax in, flooding is an increasing risk in over built locations, such as this. We rely on biodiversity, eg pollinators such as 🐝 bees and 🦋 butterflies to pollinate our food, however if all of their habitats continue to be concreted over, long-term this will effect every species, including our own. In order to reassure local people, who are understandably dismayed at these new proposals, please can you offer comfort with the following 🏘👇 - To bring empty properties back into use as a priority. - Setting an expectation for all developers to build a minimum 50% Affordable housing. - Abolish the disastrous Right to Buy scheme - Commit to respecting Local Plans - The expectation for developers to build warm, affordable homes. - Environmental measures such as solar panels, flooding protections, swift & bee bricks & hedgehog holes to be delivered as standard for all builds. - Ensuring environmental protections such as Sites of Scientific Special Interest (SSSIs] are adhered to - thereby keeping important nature havens such as Swanscombe Peninsula safe. Thank you, Written by 💚 Cllr Laura Edie On behalf of Dartford Borough residents125 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Laura Edie
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