• Contaminated blood scandal: make drug companies pay!
    £10 billion. That's how much the compensation bill for victims of the contaminated blood scandal could cost. But who should pay? Right now, it'll be coming out of taxpayers money, but it SHOULD also be coming out of the pockets of global drug companies that played a role in the scandal.  In the US and Japan, drug companies like Bayer and Baxter were forced to give compensation to victims of similar infected blood scandals. Now MPs and campaigners say the Government should sue for the same to happen here in the UK. Will you sign the petition today and call on the Government's Legal Department to make sure any companies implicated in the scandal here pay the price.
    56,182 of 75,000 Signatures
  • Saving Harland and Wolff
    Harland and wolff has made history she is history she is the birth place to the Titanic Olympic and the Britannic she is a fantastic shipyard and she needs to stay open the shipyard in Belfast built 3 great ships the queen's of the Ocean and people should remember Harland and Wolff for that. They built Titanic Olympic and Britannic and Launched them and it was a joyous moment to the great Queens of the ocean they brought History to life and caught the eyes of the press and they caught the hearts of the public the joy and the excitement of the people from all over the world the 3 biggest ships who made the golden era
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lucas Donaghy
  • Carers allowance for pensioners
    There must be thousands of pensioners who care for people who are now worse off when they need it most.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colin Gargate
  • Vote Education
    Fourteen years of neglect and underfunding have left education – from early years through to post-16 – in tatters. It is imperative that all political parties address this in their manifestos. Not in vague terms, with piecemeal solutions. But with meaningful proposals about how this situation will be reversed if they form the next Government.   Our schools are chronically underfunded. Primary class sizes are the highest in Europe, and secondary class sizes are the highest since records began more than forty years ago. Teachers are underpaid and overworked, resulting in the worst recruitment and retention crisis in a generation. That will not be reversed unless there is significant change to pay and terms and conditions of the education workforce.  SEND provision and mental health support for our young people is practically non-existent. We have a curriculum and assessment system that does not engage many pupils, or give each of them the chance to thrive. Many of our school buildings are in a chronic state of disrepair, literally crumbling away with the ongoing effects of RAAC and asbestos.  This is a grim picture for one of the richest countries in the world. It’s far from the ‘world class ’ education system so regularly promised by our Government. It cannot go on.   We need a Government to invest in education and to invest in our young people. If you value education, vote for education. Let’s give our children the education they deserve. 
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samuel Hilton
  • Stop companies using '£ per month' to refer to yearly purchase plans
    This IS false advertising. It IS business mispractice. It IS immoral. It creates a false sense of worth and affordability and it is aimed at adding in an additional level of mysticism within pricing structures to make the end payment total seem less daunting than it is in hopes to trick people out of the money that they are spending. Businesses need to be transparent and trustworthy, this is neither. 
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kirk Schwarz
  • Save football now! Don't Bench the Bill
    THERE is no doubt that football is broken. With the announcement of the General Election, the Football Governance Bill, which would have introduced a new Independent Regulator for Football, fell. But this now represents an opportunity to address the serious flaws that were in it.  We need a Bill that will tackle the growing financial inequality in the game, that ensures the regulator is truly independent, protects the heritage of clubs, champions equality and the environment, and properly consults fans and clubs. It is now up to the next Government to pick up the mantle and deliver a fairer future for football.  For the sake of fans and clubs up and down the country we need all parties to make a firm commitment that a new Bill is brought forward in the first session of the next government - a Bill that is fit for purpose.
    1,357 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Niall Couper
  • Reinstate Legal Aid's ability to connect you with a legal aid solicitor
    A client, often vulnerable, should not have to call around to be repeatedly told that solicitors cannot take on a case. Despite a duty to not refuse a case, they are suitably qualified, and many solicitors discriminate. They do this by stating they "do not have capacity". This way a solicitor will pick and choose who they would take on. Often is not a solicitor who chooses the case but the paralegal deciding for the solicitor. Leaving, the most marginalised without representation. Reinstating the referral to a solicitor will help the vulnerable, help uphold their human rights, and the rule of law by actually providing access to legal aid where the UK has determined that they should receive funding for this. Else the legal aid agency is merely providing the illusion of help, without having to produce the rabbit. Not connecting them to a solicitor the UK may be denying this right by the back door. When the outgoing government removed the option to be referred, they were also silently applying a reduction in the amount of legal aid being made available. As well as gatekeeping, there are added resistances to finding solicitors. Often the legal aid search on Resolution, Law Society and the .gov website is not up to date. This adds unneeded friction to the process, at a time is everything to a person who needs to obtain and instruct solicitors. No, fixing the database will not stop the gatekeeping. Because maybe the databases are up to date. I hope that you will support the access to the legal aid agency so that you can continue to uphold the rule of law for the UK, and its human rights record.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ryan Niccolls
  • The NHS must looked after properly
    It's important to have the NHS properly staffed, and delays in waiting come down.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Cleere
  • Keep VAR in place - it makes football fairer.
    VAR was introduced in 2019 to decrease incorrect decisions and make referring easier. Over the last 5 years it has made countless right calls from offsides, player misconduct and penalty decisions which the on pitch referee may have missed or misinterpreted.   Right now, the use of VAR is not perfect in the Premier League but with a few changes such as the time it takes for a decision to be made and relaying the information to the fans in the stands it could be better. Other sports have benefited greatly by the introduction of video evidence such as rugby union and cricket, so why not football? Keeping VAR and reducing the mistakes made by humans in their application of the technology, could improve the game and do what it set out to do in the first place….which is to ensure the game we all love so much is fairer
    1,471 of 2,000 Signatures
  • Compensate infected blood scandal victims now!
    The Infected Blood Inquiry has concluded that victims were betrayed over decades by politicians, and the medical profession. The blood scandal cover up saw thousands die, as patients were knowingly exposed to unacceptable risks of infection from contaminated blood, while children and adults were used as human guinea pigs, the report found. And it adds that slow government decision making, combined with a "doctor knows best" mindset meant guidance meant to stop unsafe practices came too late. The Government must not act slowly again in launching a proper compensation scheme. No more delays, no trying to kick it to the next government to deal with: set up a compensation scheme now.
    3,605 of 4,000 Signatures
  • Save our farmland. Stop building on it and grow our own food
    Our farmland is being built on at a rate of knots. We should be heading for sustainability here and protecting the environment by growing our own food in the UK, instead of building a load of large expensive houses that are not essential. Put money back into our land before it's too late. Let's have food that tastes of something instead of imports that have been in cold storage forever and uses climate destroying flights.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jane Bloomfield
    This General Election is our chance to make sure that action is finally taken on period poverty. Across the UK, women, girls, and people who have periods are struggling to access basic essentials and the cost of living crisis has driven levels of need to unprecedented levels.  One third of girls already miss school because they can’t access essentials like pads, but the Government has not yet confirmed if they will continue this much needed scheme beyond July 2024. For many other groups of women and people who menstruate who struggle to afford period products, there’s no support in place.  This has a devastating impact on those affected by the cost of living crisis, and reliant on food banks and other community support mechanisms.    This leaves charities, like us here at Bloody Good Period and many of partners, filling the gap  and providing a rising number of essential period products to those who need them.   Scotland has made history by becoming the first country in the world to protect the right to access free period products in law. A law for period products to be available in schools, colleges and public buildings in Northern Ireland is also now in force. It’s long overdue that we get the same legislation and access in England and Wales. We need party leaders who care about ending period poverty. We need the next UK government to listen to those who menstruate, the charities who are fighting for better access to period products and people like you and me who need a solution NOW.  But to get commitments to make period products freely available in public spaces in their manifestos we need public pressure. So, please join me and sign the petition.
    9,470 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Grocott Picture