• Stop Polluter Propaganda: Ban Fossil Fuel Advertising
    By eliminating these misleading ads, we can reduce public misinformation about the true impacts of fossil fuel consumption and accelerate the transition to sustainable energy sources. This decisive step will demonstrate the UK's commitment to leading the global fight against climate change and safeguarding our planet for future generations.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Davis
  • Reinstate the railway to Ventnor
     This issue is very important to citizens of Ventnor and anyone who wishes or needs to travel here. The main road to Shanklin and Sandown is currently closed and the prospect of it reopening are slim. Meanwhile, the Undercliff Drive remains closed to traffic, belying its name, with no interest from the council in restoring it. Leaving just two transport access roads into the town. Soon the Graben will be closed, albeit temporary,but this problem has a habit of returning, leaving just the Whitwell  road and a major detour via Niton to anyone wishing to reach Shanklin or Sandown. The future of Ventnor lies in its shifting strata but letting it take control should not be an option. Maybe there is not much that can be done about roads damaged beyond safe use and who knows which will be next. But the rail link offers an inviting alternative to vehicle travel to some of the Islands major towns and the mainland ferry. There is also the dreaded net zero to consider. Electric vehicles are not the answer but electric trains could have a large part to play. Let us hope that one day the trains, so rudely taken, will come back to Ventnor, and with their success the rest of the Island’s towns may follow suit and once again see trains arriving in their newly built stations.  NOW MORE THAN EVER VENTNOR MUST HAVE ITS TRAINS BACK 
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by paul Waterman
  • Pay a real Living Wage for care workers facing poverty in England
    “We all have a connection to care work. Even if you can't immediately think of someone who draws on support or who is a paid care worker, every time you leave your house you are likely to be passed by care workers like me driving from visit to visit. I guarantee you have neighbours who are visited by carers and that there are care homes in your community. To ensure support is available when we need it, it is essential that we are at the very least paid enough to cover the essential costs of living. Currently, vast numbers of care workers are illegally paid below the National Minimum Wage as a result of unpaid travel time. Meanwhile, our income is often insecure, with zero-hours contracts the norm. This makes it practically impossible to plan and prompts many to accept any and all of the hours they are offered, causing burnout and poor quality of care. These terms of employment add untold pressure to a role which already carries a significant level of responsibility. Is it any wonder social care faces an acute recruitment and retention crisis? Paying at least a real Living Wage for care workers which takes into account time spent travelling between visits is an essential place to start in addressing the joint crises of care quality and availability in England. It has already been done in Scotland and Wales, now - a full four years on from the nation's clap for carers - it's time to do the same in England. This country depends on care workers, and the quality and availability of support depends on the UK Government taking action. Every care worker's dignity should be protected through payment of at least the real Living Wage.” Rachel Kelso, care worker and Citizens UK community leader
    1,550 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nichola Jones
  • Save Rape Crisis centres from a funding crisis
    The Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Fund is the only ring-fenced government funding for sexual violence and abuse services, and a core part of the funding for Rape Crisis centres.  However, there has been no official commitment from any political party to extend the Fund beyond March 2025 – putting the future of many centres at risk. Tackling sexual violence and abuse must be a priority for any new government. In England and Wales: • 6.5 million women have been raped or sexually assaulted since the age of 16. • An estimated 1 in 6 children experience sexual abuse. • Women who have been sexually abused by a partner are seven times more likely to have attempted suicide in the past year than those who were not. Any party that is serious about ending sexual violence and abuse and supporting survivors must therefore, at a minimum, pledge in its manifesto to recommission the Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Fund from March 2025. Only in this way will Rape Crisis centres have the security they need to keep providing the specialist, trauma-informed support that survivors in England & Wales both need and deserve. “"(My counsellor) helped me so, so much. What I went through was eating me away for years and was affecting my life every day. (My counsellor) helped me get out of this, I have never had a better experience with any time of counselling" - Survivor who accessed counselling through a Rape Crisis centre.” --- Note: this petition was launched by Rape Crisis England & Wales (RCEW), a charity working to end sexual violence and abuse (SVA). We are the national membership organisation for a network of 39 independent Rape Crisis centres that support SVA victim-survivors across 49 locations. We also provide specialist information and support to anyone affected by any form of SVA in England and Wales, via our 24/7 national support line. • Contact the 24/7 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Line • Find your local Rape Crisis Centre • Find out more about our other General Election manifesto asks • Donate to Rape Crisis England and Wales
    3,552 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Rape Crisis England & Wales Picture
  • Scotland, join the mission to fix our economy
    Business-as-usual in our economy isn’t working. The cost of living is forcing many people to choose between heating or eating, we’re working harder than ever but for low pay, inequality is rampant and social security is failing too many people. At the heart of this is a broken economic system - we all work for our economy, but it doesn't often work for us. With a general election coming up, we need the next UK Government to ensure that the economic needs of the people of Scotland are front and centre. Social enterprises, community and employee owned businesses, cooperatives and similar enterprises put people and planet first. We need a new business plan for Britain: one where all of society profits. Let’s fix our economy and build a stronger, fairer, greener future for Scotland and for the rest of the UK.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Social Enterprise Scotland Picture
  • Traffic Measures Longside
    We have seen car accidents, destruction of property and our vulnerable residents scared to cross the road due to the volume of traffic and speed of some motorists travelling through Longside.  This has been an issue for decades and is only a matter of time before something very tragic happens. 
    317 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Catriona Molver
  • Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup - WE WANT OUR A & E BACK!!!
    Since the 1980s, over 100 NHS Hospitals have been closed, and half of NHS hospital beds have been CUT while the UK population has grown by about 10 million. Our NHS is short of properly qualified Staff, NHS beds and NHS equipment due to deliberate underfunding. And the UK is the 6th richest country in the world with no shortage of billionaires.
    89 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie David
  • Restore Swanage and Wareham NHS Services!
    In Swanage we are a long way from the major hospitals, we have an older population, public transport is limited and 25% of us have no access to a car. Yet local community hospital services in Swanage (and Wareham) are reducing, beds have been closed, and staff dealing with 111 calls or booking outpatient appointments routinely miss opportunities to support much needed access to local NHS care. Also, the Swanage NHS Dentist’s list is closed to new patients. 
    1,284 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Debby Monkhouse
  • Stop wasting £billions on farcical and doomed technology projects!
    Over several decades, procurer and supplier organisations have combined to squander £billions of UK taxpayers money on techno-junk. In this regard, UK defence and government IT projects have been notoriously shambolic for decades, as indicated in https://ukcampaign4change.com/2022/01/27/43-years-of-state-it-project-disasters-and-theyre-still-happening/ The Post Office Horizon scandal is a prime example of unreliable technology causing years of mayhem and human misery. Other corroborating factors include: • The Horizon statutory inquiry uncovered weak leadership and engineering incompetence at ICL/Fujitsu and Post Office. • The current NBIT project, due to replace Horizon, has turned farcical. • ICL/Fujitsu was involved in previous techno-farces such as Lorenzo (NHS) and Libra (MoJ). • Circa 2007, our assessment of ICL/Fujitsu identified practices that were not conducive to the engineering of dependable systems. Qualified, trained and experienced engineering professionals are hampered every day of their working lives when surrounded by incompetent techno-twats. For my peer group, this is from direct experience and not merely speculation. Time for competence management to be the rule, not the exception!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Allen
  • Re-Open Ventnor Roads Now
    Ventnor is a gorgeous, commercially resurgent resort town on the Isle of Wight’s stunning south coast. Thanks to a historic Victorian road network impacted by unprecedented recent rainfall, Ventnor is now cut off from the local population centers of the Isle of Wight and the bus, train, ferry & road networks back to the mainland.   Single road closures are manageable, but the current dire state of multiple emergency road closures spanning Leeson, Gills Cliff, Bath, Graben and Southgrove roads threatens the health & wellbeing of an entire town. The lack of any overall plan to restore access & vague timeframes for repair or reopening that Island Roads seem unable to justify has created a feeling of helplessness among businesses & residents that cannot continue.   Parents cannot effectively get children to school. The vulnerable cannot access critical health services. Visitors are not returning. Deliveries are delayed or canceled. Island residents are circumventing the town. Employees cannot get to work. Jobs are being lost. Remaining roads are becoming seriously unsafe. Traffic is heavily congested resulting in vastly increased emissions.   Phil Jordan & Wendy Perera, please immediately lead from the front to create the political will & contractual leadership needed to re-open Ventnor roads NOW not in a year or more’s time when the town has become unviable.
    2,280 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Tom Fahey
    To identify, encourage and support the existing communities, talent and next generation that huddersfield and kirklees should be nurturing. Create more green space and a common space for activity. The site is prime for an amazing mixed use scheme that so much further than a Lidl and carpark.
    211 of 300 Signatures
    Created by joe Dempsey
  • Upgrade scargreen skatepark
    It is Important because of today's society and how children now stay inside and do nothing or go out and play with knives a skatepark would help distract them but right now it is locked up and broken
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alfie Charnock