• Clean Up Politics - Sign an open letter to MPs
    Our political system is not working because it doesn't put people first. Public trust is at an all time low and discriminatory abuse of people in politics has got worse. These problems can only be fixed if we work together. We need to show the Government that the British public wish politics to change and make it better for everyone. Please sign our open letter to MPs   Dear Members of Parliament, Our political system needs repair, and we, the British people, are paying the price. • 76% of people worry about government corruption. • Only 6% believe voters influence the government. • A record 45% say they "almost never" trust politicians to prioritise the nation over party interests. • 83% of BME MPs report that racist abuse affects their work. This can’t continue! We must Clean Up Politics before it’s too late. That’s why we the British people are calling on EVERY MP to sign a pledge to: ✅ Stop lying in politics - distrust of politicians makes people less likely to vote or engage in politics. ✅ Demand respectful debate and say no to abuse - threats and discrimination of politicians puts people at risk and undermines democracy. ✅ Reform the Lords -  the House of Lords is unrepresentative with 700+ Peers, 71% men and an average age of 71. Unaccountable with no democratic oversight.  It’s time to turn over a new leaf and that starts with each and every MP saying they’ll back the pledge to Clean Up Politics today.  Signed,  Members of the public
    30,120 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Put People First Picture
  • Netflix: Ditch the price hikes!
    Netflix subscription packages are rising by as much as 20% despite Netflix making huge profits in the UK. Netflix paid just £14.2 million in taxes in the UK despite revenue of £1.7 billion.  It’s clear that Netflix is prioritising profits over its customers, and they need to know that UK consumers have the power to push back. When one streaming giant raises prices, the rest follow. It’s unacceptable. Add your name to the petition, and then share with your family and friends to spread the word! 
    5 of 100 Signatures
  • Get more bins in Victoria Park
    By signing this petition, you are single-handedly helping to fight back against litter, and keeping Newhaven as the beautiful place it is.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Noel Baker Grey
  • New Treatments for Myasthenia Gravis
    Myasthenia gravis is a chronic and incurable autoimmune disease. It can be a severe and life-threatening condition that significantly impacts a patient's quality of life. Myasthenia gravis causes muscle weakness that affects mobility and day-to-day function of many patients, and is currently treated by 'blanket' approaches such as steroids and immunosuppression, which come with their own side effect burden.   It appears UK myasthenic patients are being left behind with treatment for this chronic, disabling, and, in some cases, life limiting disease.  Patients in many other countries of the world have access to one or more of these newer therapies. These countries include USA, many countries in Europe (France, Germany, Spain, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Slovenia), the Americas (Argentina Brazil, Canada, Mexico), China, Egypt, Israel, Japan, Oman, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, and United Arab Emirates. The UK appears to stand out as a country in which patients with myasthenia have no access to treatments that can revolutionise their lives.  Patients in the UK are still being treated with the older broad-acting treatments which often involve the long-term use of steroids, with their often lifechanging side effects, or other expensive treatments such as IVIg or plasma exchange. The quality of life for many myasthenic patients is poor, their ability to earn a living can be compromised and they live in fear of a myasthenic crisis which will involve a hospital stay and can be life threatening. 
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charlotte Campbell
  • University of Sheffield - STOP Partnering with Drax
    Drax is a biomass power plant in North Yorkshire. It’s the UK’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide, as well as the world’s number 1 tree burner, and relies on millions of pounds of UK taxpayers’ money in subsidies each year. A recent report from the independent climate change think tank E3G confirmed that DRAX is not needed to achieve the Government’s clean power 2030 mission. • Drax’s operations will increase carbon dioxide levels in the environment for decades (https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/aaa512 and https://www.woodwellclimate.org/letter-regarding-use-of-forests-for-bioenergy/). • It is highly polluting. Drax’s facilities have broken environmental laws over 11,000 times in the US, with toxic emissions linked to respiratory diseases and cancers affecting poor communities of colour the most (https://www.landclimate.org/drax-usa-11000/ and https://www.southernenvironment.org/press-release/groundbreaking-report-reveals-harmful-impacts-of-biomass-wood-pellet-plants/).   • It is ecologically damaging, Drax burns rare forest wood, destroying unique habitats. Last year Ofgem fined Drax £25 million, for misreporting data on wood pellet sourcing (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-68381160 and https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications/ofgem-decision-investigation-drax-power-limited). 
    1,466 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ann-Marie Williamson
  • End Predatory Parking Fines Tutor World, Hall Green, Birmingham.
    Imagine your elderly neighbor, who uses a cane, getting slapped with a £100 fine just for parking for 5 minutes after hours to grab a pint of milk—while disabled residents face the same unfair treatment, struggling to navigate their daily lives. Although legal—it’s heartless, and it’s driving a wedge between the tuition centre and our community, including families who’d normally send their kids there. Shockingly, Google reviews are already flooded with similar complaints, showing how much goodwill they’re losing. We need to stop these predatory practices because they’re not only alienating locals but also setting a dangerous precedent for private parking firms to exploit vulnerable people—join me to demand change and protect our community’s spirit!
    98 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mohammed A
  • Do not invite Trump to make State Visit to UK 2025
    In view of Mr Trump's appalling record in Office to date: his abandonment of the rights of minorities, his threats to take over foreign lands, his abuse of friendly Heads of State, his promise to stop protection of the environment and threats to abandon countries in need and his ending of USAID to the world's neediest we believe that such a Visit would encourage him in further uncivilised and autocratic behaviour.  This Visit would bring shame on our country, is likely to embarass His Majesty and send out all the wrong signals about who the British are.
    846 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by John-Francis Friendship
  • Save Triangle Wood bar our Local hub
    They are not opening the Triangle Wood bar this year, it is not due to a licence. I have been informed this is not a issue, it is down to the solicitors dealing with the will. This us not just a bar it is a community hub, for people to catch up, meet new friends and have somewhere they can go and not feel alone. Please sign this petition and help us to get the bar reopened.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joyce smith
  • Chiltern railways, get your act together
    The situation at Leamington station and with Chiltern railways is appalling for customers. Most days there are no seats, particularly on London trains. Hundreds of people wait on the platform and then have to struggle to get a seat which is actually impossible since there are none. People are angry and frustrated since we have paid the same fare as the lucky ones. There are people with health issues who can't stand for periods of more than an hour. Some people need to be near a toilet but often the toilets are also out of order and the ones on the station platform are also not available currently. It's an absolute embarrassment that this is a key part of the transport infrastructure of this region and the service is dreadful. Add carriages and fix the toilets!!!! Only with people actually pressuring local government and the train company itself can anything be done. We will not just tut and shake our heads in dismay. Let's sign and show that we customers have rights.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynnette Richards
  • Fact check MAGA propaganda
    This is crucial because MAGA propaganda is typically far-right rhetoric, aimed to sow confusion, radicalize, create scapegoats, and destabilize societies.  MAGA figures actively seek to influence our electorate and politicians in the UK and other countries. Diligent, persistent fact-checking of far-right statements is essential to mitigate harm.  Mandating this through Ofcom is the most effective approach. 
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adrian Melia
  • Restore Ravenscraig Castle, Kirkcaldy, Fife
    Ravenscraig Castle is an historically important castle for Scotland and the United Kingdom: - It was the home of Mary of Guelders Queen of Scotland, the wife of King James II of Scotland. After her husband's death, Mary ruled as regent for their son James III of Scotland from 1460 to 1463.  - It is the only castle in Scotland the building of which was commissioned by a woman. - Ravenscraig was built in volatile times for King James II and Scotland, as a last resort refuge for the Royal family with Falkland Palace deemed not entirely safe and Stirling Castle having been subjected to siege by the waring Douglas Clan following King James II stabbing William, 8th Earl of Douglas to death at a banquet in Stirling Castle. - In 1471 in a very important transaction for Scotland and ultimately the United Kingdom, castle ownership passed from Scottish royalty to William Sinclair, Earl of Orkney and Caithness in return for surrender of Sinclair’s Orkney title.  This exchange was part and parcel of the dowry in the marriage of King James III of Scotland and Margaret of Denmark (the daughter of King Kristian 1, King of Denmark and Norway). Ultimately the terms of the dowry lead Orkney and Shetland becoming part of Scotland rather than Norway.    - It is the first example of a castle built in Scotland, and one of the first in Europe of a castle built with artillery fortification to defend against gunpowder siege artillery and firearms. The high and massive round fronted tower house has a maximum thickness of 4.4 metres. This is the only Scottish pre-1513 gun looped work with an extraordinary reinforcement of wall thickness against bombardment threat. - Kirkcaldy is also an economically challenged area (as recognised by the Scottish government). The restoration of the castle would restore the jewel in Kirkcaldy’s crown and could bring jobs to Kirkcaldy and potentially specialist apprenticeship opportunities, and post restoration tourism jobs.  - As recently as 1905 the castle was used in local customs as an important focal point for the gathering of townsfolk for Hansel Monday and New Years Day celebrations. As recently as 40 years ago the public could visit the rooms in the castle however the rooms are no longer open to the public. Indeed there is no access at all to the castle at the moment. - The Castle is not currently in a good state of repair. The approach of Historic Environment Scotland to the castle appears to be one off managed decline or curated decay ie just a pile of stones to look at from the outside, rather than to preserve or restore.  Given the historical and military importance of Ravenscraig Castle it should be restored and preserved for future generations, like Edinburgh and Stirling Castles.
    466 of 500 Signatures
    Created by John Dennett
  • Urgent: Fix Mail Loss & Delays at Upper Meadow Estate. Chronic Delivery Failures Need Resolution
    Your signature matters because every resident in every community deserves a reliable postal service. It is not until something significant is missed with severe consequences that it begins to matter more. Let us be proactive, and ensure this is mitigated with a simple joining together of this petition. Written communication is a beautiful but diminishing art - let us ensure it doesn't die out unnecessarily! This isn't about occasional delays - it's about a chronic failure that at worst severely disrupts lives. When you can't count on receiving important documents when it matters it can cause signficant stress. By signing this petition we are taking steps to ensure we, and those after us can experience a stress-free and happy visitation of family, friends and importantly, deliveres of post and parcels - including reducing stress for our busy posties and delivery drivers. *Note: Even attempting to input Upper Meadow or Equus Close into this Petition failed! We are not logged in the maps system, and this needs to change to ensure smooth flowing, stress-free operations of for all involved.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tim Barsellotti