• Stop advertising gambling in your stadiums!
    Hundreds of thousands of people are addicted to gambling in the UK, and every day someone takes their life due to gambling. A recent study found up to 3,500 gambling logos were visible during a single televised Premier League game. Another study found fans received 11,000 gambling messages during the opening weekend of the Premier League last August. Children, and everyone who watches the Premier League, do not need to face this advertising barrage. The gambling industry spends £1.5 billion on advertising and marketing every year and studies show a clear link between exposure to gambling advertising and increased gambling. Last year the Premier League said it would phase out front-of-shirt gambling sponsors by the 2026/27 season, but this won’t remove the vast majority of ads that appear around stadiums. During Mental Health Awareness week, the Premier League talked about a “mentally healthy culture across the game”,  encouraging young fans to talk about their mental health, but didn’t mention the adverts with links to mental health-harming gambling products.  Tell the Premier League, if it’s serious about mental health, to remove the ads from all its stadiums. Let's make the next season the first to be gambling ad free!
    7,818 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by The Big Step
  • We’ve had enough of VAR
    Football is the beautiful game. It is full of stories of unlikely heroes, of last minute comebacks and underdogs upsetting the odds.  But for too long now, the joy of our game has been sucked away with the use of unnecessary and convoluted technology. Instead of celebrating goals when they’re scored, we now wait…  and wait… and wait… for lines to be drawn on a screen, for millimetres to be checked, for someone sitting in a box miles away to make a decision.  And worst of all, even with all this technology, there’s still loads of mistakes. If it produced immediate and accurate results, that would be great. But it doesn’t. And it’s ruining the spirit of the game. So VAR has got to go.  If at least 14 of the 20 Premier League clubs vote in favour of scrapping VAR, then it will be gone for good! 
    1,596 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sam Keyte
  • Stop Delaying our Abortion Rights
    While politicians delay, our women suffer. Just this week a woman is standing trial for an alleged illegal abortion, with a possible sentence of up to life in prison - the harshest in the world. The last 2 years have seen record numbers of police investigations and prosecutions for suspected illegal abortion. Women are facing years-long police investigations, their properties searched, blood samples taken without consent, and getting arrested straight from the hospital ward. All for having an abortion, a form of healthcare. Our abortion rights are under attack. Dame Diana Johnson MP's amendment NC1 to the Criminal Justice Bill will decriminalise abortion for women. We deserve to live in a country where women can make the decision that is right for them, and this amendment is the first step. The Leader of the House will only set a date if there’s huge public pressure about the ridiculous delays to the vote. That’s why we need people like you to sign the petition so that MPs can do the right thing and vote to end prison time for women who have an abortion once and for all.
    10,444 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by BPAS
  • Petition for Fair Treatment and Support for MFA Fine Art Students
    We, the MFA Fine Art students, have created this petition to express our profound disappointment and frustration with the lack of communication, support, and attention we have received throughout this academic year. Despite our investment of time, money, and effort into our education, we have been left feeling neglected and undervalued by the administration and academic staff. There has been a consistent lack of communication from the administration and academic staff regarding course requirements, expectations, and support systems. Important information has been withheld, leaving us feeling confused and unsupported. MFA students are consistently overlooked and marginalized in favor of BA students. We are unable to access essential workshops and resources due to the prioritisation of undergraduate students. Despite our attempts to seek assistance and support, academic staff members have been unresponsive to our emails and requests for guidance. This lack of engagement has left us feeling abandoned and alone in navigating our academic journey. In summary, joining the campaign for change is important because it promotes solidarity, upholds educational standards, impacts future generations, holds individuals accountable, and contributes to the well-being of the university community as a whole.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by christiana pietzsch
  • Join the mission to fix our economy!
    ‘Business as usual’ isn’t working. High streets are empty, councils are going bust, and our NHS is on its knees. Our trains are cancelled, our water is polluted, our bills can force us to choose between heating or eating – all while companies behind public services record huge profits. At the heart of this is a broken system. We all work for our economy, but does it work for all of us? With an election coming up, we need our next government to make a new business plan for Britain: one where all of society profits. Let’s fix our economy and build a stronger, fairer, greener future for the UK. We are asking all business and political leaders to support our mission statement: - "I support a stronger, fairer, greener UK economy – let’s unleash the power of mission-led business to help fix our future." Sign up and ask your elected official to support the mission statement too!
    550 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Future Economy Alliance
  • Save Ferndown Slop Bog “BOARDWALK”
    The Boardwalk allows people to view nature upfront and live, it also adds pleasure to the walks around Ferndown. The Slop Bog is on a Site of Special Scientific Interest, Local Nature Reserve and Special Protection Area. The Boardwalk provides accessibility for users who might otherwise not be able to access the heathland. If the Board walk is removed it will deny us the ability to view Nature in all its glory. It will also put an end to beautiful walks in the Bog area, it is a beautiful tranquil place to walk on summer evenings, as the sun sets! PLEASE,HELP US SAVE THE BOARDWALK ! Sign NOW
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Hannah
    Frome is one of the largest towns in Somerset. Barclays, HSBC and Natwest have all closed their branches in our town. Whilst many people now use internet banking, a lot of elderly do not. Frome has many elderly residents, therefore potential customers if previously with Barclays, HSBC or Natwest. Frome has many small businesses, charities and the like who would really appreciate face to face banking facilities. So come on Fromeites and people of Frome. Let your voice be heard. Sign the petition to keep a bank in Frome!
    164 of 200 Signatures
    Created by James Parsons
  • Scrap the PIP reform proposals
    This is extremely important because the people of whom claim PIP rely on the benefit's cash income for everyday use. Including those who find it difficult to get around unfamiliar places independently, those who find it difficult to walk long distances without support, mental health problems (which in some cases is highly severe) and those with hidden disabilities who rely on the income to purchase items to help them with everyday life. If the benefit is reformed, it will impact a lot of disabled people and those with mental health problems who would lose their money for being unable to work due to either their disability or very severe mental health. This petition is to tell the work and pensions secretary to scrap the proposals to reform PIP because so many people rely on it and they need it to survive financially if they're to get anywhere in life. Charities such as Scope have grave concerns about the situation surrounding the proposals and they are very worried that those who are in desperate need of their financial support will lose out on vital benefits. The situation is very stressful and concerning for the families and claimants on PIP who could potentially have sleepless nights over the fact that their financial support through PIP would not be there for them if the proposals were to take place. Mental health problems could get worse and the proposals would have a very serious impact on those who are claiming PIP for various reasons wether it is mental health related or disability related. These people really need their income.
    252 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Victoria Austen Picture
  • Maths and English GCSE for SEN children
    Under government law, it is compulsory for all children including those with special educational needs to study maths and English to the age of 19 alongside any other course until they reach grade 4 and above. Many SEN teens find this a huge trigger for overwhelm and anxiety. Many are bright creatives, musicians and artists who are finally able to focus on a course that suits them after years of school environments that have failed them. They are forced into retaking maths or English over and over despite trying the best they can and constant failure can seriously impact on self esteem and mental health. If the lack of one or the other of these qualifications are a barrier in life then the opportunity to come back to them without the added pressure of the clock ticking would be far more valuable than the way things currently stand. Metaphorically speaking, it’s time for this government to stop judging fish by their ability to climb trees. They are damaging our bright creative neurodiverse kids as a result. We want our bright, neurodiverse kids to have the best chance at an education that works for them. Currently it does not!
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lucy Mizen
  • What happens to our RC Primary schools and need for a Secondary Catholic School in Aberdeen, UK
    We need Aberdeen City Council to help it's many denominational communities including Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and other faith based communities who send their kids to Catholic Schools. It affects a lot of locals who historically sent their kids to these schools, as well as ethnic minorities of Aberdeen.  We need a secondary school to continue helping the kids who studies in RC primaries to continue friendships and their school values.
    684 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Spencer
  • Review the use of Physician Associates in the NHS
    Two years of training is insufficient for Physician Associates (PAs) to diagnose or treat patients effectively. The promotion of PAs in medical settings has several drawbacks, both for the PAs who are being parachuted into jobs they aren't prepared for and set up to fail, and for doctors who must supervise them and are held accountable for their mistakes. PAs lack the medical expertise that comes with specialised training, unlike nurses or paramedics, and their role does not complement but, rather, attempts to mimic that of doctors. Their courses are unaccredited, and they miss crucial training in ethics, communication, and basic medical knowledge. Consequently, PAs often fail to diagnose or treat conditions correctly, burdening already overstretched doctors with the responsibility for these errors. PAs also dilute the educational opportunities available to student doctors and, unlike other health professionals, PAs lack a regulatory body to ensure safety and accountability. Employing PAs over doctors in GP practices, where they often work unsupervised, is financially incentivised. However, it can lead to increased net costs due to the need for supervision. In GP practices and across NHS Trusts, patients are frequently seen by PAs without realising they are not doctors, undermining the extensive training that doctors undergo. This practice devalues doctors, creates friction within the NHS, and contributes to the unemployment of qualified GPs. The introduction of underqualified PAs, who often receive better pay and conditions than more medically competent doctors or nurses, is seen by many as a move to undermine the NHS and erode public trust and the morale of healthcare professionals.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Sollazzi
  • Provide a Safer Crossing of Westbourne Road near Gledholt Roundabout
    Crossing Westbourne road at this location as a pedestrian or cyclist can be a scary experience and often involves having to cross in small gaps in constant traffic and sprint out of the way of fast and emerging vehicles. It is hard to judge vehicle speeds coming off Gledholt Roundabout and often vehicles emerge from Grasmere Road without looking for pedestrians crossing the main road as they two are trying to watch for gaps in traffic from the roundabout. This is not helped by the many vehicles that ignore the no right turn signs when emerging from Glebe Street. Personally I have experienced struggling to cross and having to make a dash for it at this junction many times and have heard many others mention similar issues crossing. It is a well known issue for anyone who tries to cross here. It is even scarier for anyone crossing here with children or those less able to cross quickly. This is a busy crossing point particularly for those using Greenhead Park and is in a built up area where the barrier caused by the main road should be reduced as much as possible. This is especially important if we want more people to walk, cycle and wheel rather than jumping in the car for short journeys causing even more congestion on our roads and reducing further the available parking near Greenhead Park. Even worse is the isolation that can be caused by those who don't feel safe not feeling they can get out and about. Amazingly there is already a developed plan to do something about all this. It has already been consulted on twice as part of the A629 Phase 4 project. Unfortunately despite it being 5 years (!) since it was first consulted on in 2019 then again in 2021 the project was paused indefinitely in 2023 on financial grounds. This petition calls on Kirklees Council to fund this particular part of the scheme independently rather than having to wait on funding to become available from the A629 Phase 4 scheme as a whole. It is unknown when, if ever, this funding will become available and the need for work to make this junction safer is immediate.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Dunlop