• The NHS must looked after properly
    It's important to have the NHS properly staffed, and delays in waiting come down.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Cleere
  • Keep VAR in place - it makes football fairer.
    VAR was introduced in 2019 to decrease incorrect decisions and make referring easier. Over the last 5 years it has made countless right calls from offsides, player misconduct and penalty decisions which the on pitch referee may have missed or misinterpreted.   Right now, the use of VAR is not perfect in the Premier League but with a few changes such as the time it takes for a decision to be made and relaying the information to the fans in the stands it could be better. Other sports have benefited greatly by the introduction of video evidence such as rugby union and cricket, so why not football? Keeping VAR and reducing the mistakes made by humans in their application of the technology, could improve the game and do what it set out to do in the first place….which is to ensure the game we all love so much is fairer
    1,470 of 2,000 Signatures
  • Compensate infected blood scandal victims now!
    The Infected Blood Inquiry has concluded that victims were betrayed over decades by politicians, and the medical profession. The blood scandal cover up saw thousands die, as patients were knowingly exposed to unacceptable risks of infection from contaminated blood, while children and adults were used as human guinea pigs, the report found. And it adds that slow government decision making, combined with a "doctor knows best" mindset meant guidance meant to stop unsafe practices came too late. The Government must not act slowly again in launching a proper compensation scheme. No more delays, no trying to kick it to the next government to deal with: set up a compensation scheme now.
    3,612 of 4,000 Signatures
  • Save our farmland. Stop building on it and grow our own food
    Our farmland is being built on at a rate of knots. We should be heading for sustainability here and protecting the environment by growing our own food in the UK, instead of building a load of large expensive houses that are not essential. Put money back into our land before it's too late. Let's have food that tastes of something instead of imports that have been in cold storage forever and uses climate destroying flights.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jane Bloomfield
    This General Election is our chance to make sure that action is finally taken on period poverty. Across the UK, women, girls, and people who have periods are struggling to access basic essentials and the cost of living crisis has driven levels of need to unprecedented levels.  One third of girls already miss school because they can’t access essentials like pads, but the Government has not yet confirmed if they will continue this much needed scheme beyond July 2024. For many other groups of women and people who menstruate who struggle to afford period products, there’s no support in place.  This has a devastating impact on those affected by the cost of living crisis, and reliant on food banks and other community support mechanisms.    This leaves charities, like us here at Bloody Good Period and many of partners, filling the gap  and providing a rising number of essential period products to those who need them.   Scotland has made history by becoming the first country in the world to protect the right to access free period products in law. A law for period products to be available in schools, colleges and public buildings in Northern Ireland is also now in force. It’s long overdue that we get the same legislation and access in England and Wales. We need party leaders who care about ending period poverty. We need the next UK government to listen to those who menstruate, the charities who are fighting for better access to period products and people like you and me who need a solution NOW.  But to get commitments to make period products freely available in public spaces in their manifestos we need public pressure. So, please join me and sign the petition.
    9,541 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Grocott Picture
  • Stop advertising gambling in your stadiums!
    Hundreds of thousands of people are addicted to gambling in the UK, and every day someone takes their life due to gambling. A recent study found up to 3,500 gambling logos were visible during a single televised Premier League game. Another study found fans received 11,000 gambling messages during the opening weekend of the Premier League last August. Children, and everyone who watches the Premier League, do not need to face this advertising barrage. The gambling industry spends £1.5 billion on advertising and marketing every year and studies show a clear link between exposure to gambling advertising and increased gambling. Last year the Premier League said it would phase out front-of-shirt gambling sponsors by the 2026/27 season, but this won’t remove the vast majority of ads that appear around stadiums. During Mental Health Awareness week, the Premier League talked about a “mentally healthy culture across the game”,  encouraging young fans to talk about their mental health, but didn’t mention the adverts with links to mental health-harming gambling products.  Tell the Premier League, if it’s serious about mental health, to remove the ads from all its stadiums. Let's make the next season the first to be gambling ad free!
    7,835 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by The Big Step
  • We’ve had enough of VAR
    Football is the beautiful game. It is full of stories of unlikely heroes, of last minute comebacks and underdogs upsetting the odds.  But for too long now, the joy of our game has been sucked away with the use of unnecessary and convoluted technology. Instead of celebrating goals when they’re scored, we now wait…  and wait… and wait… for lines to be drawn on a screen, for millimetres to be checked, for someone sitting in a box miles away to make a decision.  And worst of all, even with all this technology, there’s still loads of mistakes. If it produced immediate and accurate results, that would be great. But it doesn’t. And it’s ruining the spirit of the game. So VAR has got to go.  If at least 14 of the 20 Premier League clubs vote in favour of scrapping VAR, then it will be gone for good! 
    1,596 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sam Keyte
  • Stop Delaying our Abortion Rights
    While politicians delay, our women suffer. Just this week a woman is standing trial for an alleged illegal abortion, with a possible sentence of up to life in prison - the harshest in the world. The last 2 years have seen record numbers of police investigations and prosecutions for suspected illegal abortion. Women are facing years-long police investigations, their properties searched, blood samples taken without consent, and getting arrested straight from the hospital ward. All for having an abortion, a form of healthcare. Our abortion rights are under attack. Dame Diana Johnson MP's amendment NC1 to the Criminal Justice Bill will decriminalise abortion for women. We deserve to live in a country where women can make the decision that is right for them, and this amendment is the first step. The Leader of the House will only set a date if there’s huge public pressure about the ridiculous delays to the vote. That’s why we need people like you to sign the petition so that MPs can do the right thing and vote to end prison time for women who have an abortion once and for all.
    10,450 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by BPAS
  • Petition for Fair Treatment and Support for MFA Fine Art Students
    We, the MFA Fine Art students, have created this petition to express our profound disappointment and frustration with the lack of communication, support, and attention we have received throughout this academic year. Despite our investment of time, money, and effort into our education, we have been left feeling neglected and undervalued by the administration and academic staff. There has been a consistent lack of communication from the administration and academic staff regarding course requirements, expectations, and support systems. Important information has been withheld, leaving us feeling confused and unsupported. MFA students are consistently overlooked and marginalized in favor of BA students. We are unable to access essential workshops and resources due to the prioritisation of undergraduate students. Despite our attempts to seek assistance and support, academic staff members have been unresponsive to our emails and requests for guidance. This lack of engagement has left us feeling abandoned and alone in navigating our academic journey. In summary, joining the campaign for change is important because it promotes solidarity, upholds educational standards, impacts future generations, holds individuals accountable, and contributes to the well-being of the university community as a whole.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by christiana pietzsch
  • Join the mission to fix our economy!
    ‘Business as usual’ isn’t working. High streets are empty, councils are going bust, and our NHS is on its knees. Our trains are cancelled, our water is polluted, our bills can force us to choose between heating or eating – all while companies behind public services record huge profits. At the heart of this is a broken system. We all work for our economy, but does it work for all of us? With an election coming up, we need our next government to make a new business plan for Britain: one where all of society profits. Let’s fix our economy and build a stronger, fairer, greener future for the UK. We are asking all business and political leaders to support our mission statement: - "I support a stronger, fairer, greener UK economy – let’s unleash the power of mission-led business to help fix our future." Sign up and ask your elected official to support the mission statement too!
    558 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Future Economy Alliance
  • Save Ferndown Slop Bog “BOARDWALK”
    The Boardwalk allows people to view nature upfront and live, it also adds pleasure to the walks around Ferndown. The Slop Bog is on a Site of Special Scientific Interest, Local Nature Reserve and Special Protection Area. The Boardwalk provides accessibility for users who might otherwise not be able to access the heathland. If the Board walk is removed it will deny us the ability to view Nature in all its glory. It will also put an end to beautiful walks in the Bog area, it is a beautiful tranquil place to walk on summer evenings, as the sun sets! PLEASE,HELP US SAVE THE BOARDWALK ! Sign NOW
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Hannah
    Frome is one of the largest towns in Somerset. Barclays, HSBC and Natwest have all closed their branches in our town. Whilst many people now use internet banking, a lot of elderly do not. Frome has many elderly residents, therefore potential customers if previously with Barclays, HSBC or Natwest. Frome has many small businesses, charities and the like who would really appreciate face to face banking facilities. So come on Fromeites and people of Frome. Let your voice be heard. Sign the petition to keep a bank in Frome!
    169 of 200 Signatures
    Created by James Parsons