• Chechnya Authorities involve families in killing of Gay sons
    This is a clear violation of Human Rights. A country should not be allowed to treat it's citizen's like this and get away with it. It is grotesque. Gay and bisexual men are being rounded up and put in prison camps. They are tortured using electricity and deprived of food. The latest atrocity was reported online by Attitude May 4 2017. One survivor told of how families are being summoned to kill their family members after they have been tortured. They called it "cleaning your honour with blood". One family chose to do it rather than have the authorities kill their son. They took him out into the woods, killed him and buried him there. Can you imagine doing that to your son. It would break my heart. This has to stop. WHY IS IT NOT BEING REPORTED. Please get this out there Channel 4 and help a section of the population find some security and dignity in life.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Valentine Scarlett
  • Chechnya - Asylum for Gay Community
    The UK does not currently have a sitting Parliament, however the lives of gay people in Chechnya are seriously threatened by the State, which is now encouraging their families to murder them to save the State a job. This cannot wait for a new government to respond, Putin is doing and will do nothing. We must act now.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dan Packwood
  • Provide free sanitary products
    This petition is for the government to provide free sanitary products for females across the UK. This is so that homeless people specifically, are able to access these toiletries with no cost, to help them in their current situation. How is it that with the use of a C-card, UK citizens are allowed to have access to free condoms, but necessities like a pad or a tampon are not, and are in fact, overly priced, as it is classified as a "luxury" product. With your help, we can change that. By signing this petition, we urge the government to be fair to females in struggling situations. Thank You.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by inaya uddin
  • Change the disabled logo
    It is mortifying to be judged by people when you use disabled spots if your disability is not visible. There are stories of abusive notes being left on people's cars, which is a huge knock to their self confidence, which is often already low. The change of logo would symbolism a inclusive acknowledgment of all disabilities.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Sandland
  • Recognise UKDDA Disc Dog as an 'Approved Dog Activity'
    We want more people to have fun and #dodiscdog and keep their dogs #fitforfunction
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ruby Welsford
  • Virtual parliament at Westminster
    Why spend millions refurbishing Westminster to retain traditions that hinder progress? This is an opportunity for modernisation of process as well as infrastructure. Including virtual conference facilities in the upgrade would allow MPs from outside London to choose between attending debates in person or using a virtual link. MPs would save time and taxpayers money by reducing their travel costs and negating the need for second homes.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Craig Richmond
  • Changes needed to the misleading 'Affordable Rent' programme
    The Affordable Rent regime has shifted things further in the wrong direction by contributing to a net reduction in social rented homes. Tenancies are no longer secure and more and more continue to be changed to Affordable Rent. The rate at which these changes are occurring could mean the end of social housing all together before long. Sign now to help preserve our social housing stock and to make it affordable for the average social housing tenant. Thank you.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Nobbs
  • London living wage for all Tate staff
    Fairness in pay and security in employment are key to preventing stress and anxiety and make society as a whole a better place.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christine Ullmann
  • A statue or memorial in honour of Leo Baxendale
    Leo Baxendale was born in Preston and went on to become a succesful artist for The Beano comic. Creating amongst others Minnie the Minx and The Bash Street kids. His work brought joy and laughter to children everywhere and his legacy should be honoured. He should be honoured in the city of his birth Preston for this reason.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Col Carlisle
  • Change the Day for holding elections in the UK from Thursdays to Saturdays
    Hundreds of primary schools are closed each year to cater for local elections. In addition, thousands are closed to cater for general elections and referendums. Other countries hold their elections on Saturdays. A recent legal precedence ruled that a parent could not remove a child from school to go on holiday, but local authorities are regularly forced to close schools to facilitate elections.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jed Hillary Picture
  • A living wage for all adults not just the over 25s
    All working adults deserve equal pay for doing the same work. An 18 year old is and adult and has the same out goings and expenses to live as a 25 year old but is currently discriminated against purely on their age. It's not right or fair and every wor king adult deserves to be paid a wage that they can afford to live on.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Haines
  • Lymington council – stop using glyphosates in our parks and open spaces
    Exposure to which has been linked to cancer in humans (World Health Organisation), and has led to degradation of ecosystems. Lymington Town Council are aware of this, yet are happy to use it until it's prohibited. Why wait? Many town councils across the UK have switched to a safer non-chemical alternative – it's time Lymington followed suit.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stu Seddon