• One way traffic in Church Street Athlone
    It was tried before and was a glorious failure .
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Ross
  • Demand CPS charge or dismiss MPs allegedly guilty of electoral fraud by May 2nd
    Investigations by Channel 4 News over a year have uncovered alleged electoral fraud & corruption which has already led to the resignation of some officials. It has been reported that 14 police forces have so far referred approximately 30 MPs to the CPS for alleged electoral fraud who, with officials may have illegally influenced the result of the previous election. The police forces would not have referred the matter to the CPS without compelling evidence. The electorate has a fundamental legal right to know which MPs may be found guilty may face custodial sentences preventing them from representing their constituents. If charges are brought, as many expect, an immediate high court injunction or supreme court hearing must be brought on behalf of the allegedly defrauded electorate either to bar those found guilty or at least to postpone the election until such time as guilt or innocence is proven. All details must be disclosed prior to the proposed election or those already allegedly guilty of of gaining election through corrupt means may be re-elected and the proposed election being judged null and void.
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tim Corcoran
  • Provide higher primates with same protection as humans
    These creatures are the nearest relatives we have and as such deserve our care and protection. The main source of harm to these animals is purely financial so it is up to us to decide, it is a choice. Provide the same protection as to humans and we start to stop the mistreatment, exploitation and deaths of animals with over 98% identical DNA to ourselves, this is a measure of our humanity to humanity!
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by rupert chandler
  • Bring back Star Wars The clone wars
    Star Wars the clone wars was a great show that started in Cartoon Network the show grew with its fans and was getting better and better with each season. Untill it got cancelled and was replaced by rebels which is good but not great. The clone wars introduced us to beloved characters in rebels Rex and Asoka. it also added Darth maul into the series. I loved the Clone wars and with Rebels ending on season 4 it's a perfect time to bring back Star Wars the clone wars right where we left off.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Conor Page
  • Vote Online
    Imagine an election, where your vote would be as easy as checking an update on your phone. In our age of social media, everything is online - from our pensions, tax details, banking and car insurance - and so voting online should be a service for people too. If citizens were able to vote online, this would empower thousands more people to register and vote: as a vote would simply be a question of logging into your smartphone, and swiping right or left, to select your candidate or party of choice. Please add your signature to help petition the UK Government, to make online voting an option for all general and local elections in the UK. Let's put democracy in the palms of people's hands,
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Megarry
  • Government fund all life-saving services.
    Many services such as the RNLI, Air Ambulance, St John's Ambulance, Mountain Rescue England & Wales (MREW) and British Cave Rescue Council (BCRC) rely on public funding. They are registered charities and survive mainly on public donations, despite the fact that they save lives. I strongly feel that any potential service that has the ability to save lives should not have to rely on voluntary donations, and instead should be funded by the government. And this also goes to our existing emergency services who have experienced budget cuts in recent times. For example the Police, Ambulance/NHS, Fire Brigade and Coastguard. Sign this petition if you believe that the government should invest more into our emergency services in order to prevent loss of life.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Curtis Oliver
  • Protect democracy from opinion polls
    Are Opinion Polls now harming the democratic process? The reporting of opinion polls has become increasingly central to the work of broadcast and print media, but they are proving to be increasingly flawed and inaccurate in their predictions. In the British context they also skew reporting by focusing attention on the ratings of party leaders; we are not voting for a president and it is worth underlining that none of those leading the Conservative Party, Labour Party or the Liberal Democrats at the 2015 election are any longer in post. The biggest problem with opinion polls is that they are presented as a predictor of what the result will be, despite all recent evidence to the contrary. By being reported in this way they can be an influence on turnout and how the voter casts their vote because the election or referendum is often being portrayed as a foregone conclusion. Polls rather than policy often become the story. I am asking concerned individuals to call on responsible sections of the media to suspend reporting opinion poll results for a period of five days before election day. This would be a shot in the arm for the democratic process by allowing the discussion to be about policy and principles and not about polls. The media needs to be about more than partisanship and entertainment if it is to contribute to a healthy and representative democracy.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frank Booth
  • Cameras in care homes
    This would protect both staff and residents help improve the care the elderly receive and cut down on neglect and abuse.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ray Lewis
  • Make Stevenson Square car free
    Stevenson Square is a space that the people of Manchester could own, in a city that lacks publicly owned community spaces. It was once a space for open-air speakers, a meeting place for all and the starting point for processions and celebrations. Today we're seeing the revival of that culture with street parties, markets, cafes, bars and restaurants spilling out into the square. But it can never be the vibrant public space we need whilst cars continue to dominate it. By removing the right of cars and buses to use Hilton Street the square could be a permanent space for music events, festivals, community gardens or just people enjoying their lunches in the sun. Just look at what happened when Levelz took over the square for just a few hours as part of Record Store Day https://twitter.com/LEVELZMCR?lang=en. Pure fun.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Square
  • Make housing developers' actions transparent in Birmingham
    Current planning law states that if a developer will make less than 20% profit on a new development, they can ignore a council's regulations about building affordable and social housing. Leaked documents from several developers have shown that the maths they use to work out their profit margins are purposefully misleading, allowing them to claim they will make less than 20% profit on a development by undervaluing the prices of the houses they will sell and over-costing the labour. To combat this Islington, Greenwich, Lambeth and Bristol councils have introduced a policy that forces developers "viability assessments" to be made public. By bringing these dodgy maths into the public domain, Councils, campaigning groups and individuals will be able to hold developers to account and force them to use more honest maths. ___________ As a recent graduate taking my first steps in my career, I'm considering long term housing rather than long term renting. Many like me are doing the same in Birmingham, but sadly we may be being cheated of feasible means of settling in our nation's second city. Bottom lines left unchecked don't add up to fair societies. Let's hold companies accountable to their legal responsibilities in required affordable housing. -Sam, Campaigner
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sam Molyneux
  • Help keep Worksop alive. Don't close Marks and Sparks and any more shops that still, open
    Many people still want to shop locally and it is still a good place to meet others and promotes communiy life. It supports uk manufacturers and is better environmentally,if we shop nearby. It also encourages pride in our town when shops are open and being used
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lucy Kirby
  • Gavin Rossdale back on The Voice
    He is honest with his feedback, a good alternative option and a worthy mentor. Lots of fans want him back on TV next season too
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by mary mastro