• Commuter Fares on Mersey Ferries for Egremont & Wallasey residents
    Transport options to and from Liverpool are limited for these residents as there are no nearby train stations. It would increase revenues on this struggling service and secure the future of Seacombe Ferry landing stage.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Firth
  • Co-op food waste
    Every evening I watch my local Co-op staff dispose of perfectly good food, rather than reduce any of it for a quick sale. I feel strongly that this Co-op policy is an obscene waste of perfectly good food, when there are people in the UK going hungry every night. They spout about their 'ethical' business and strong 'social responsibility' - not very evident in this policy is it? Starbucks have bowed to pressure in the US and are now being petitioned in the UK. About time our home grown businesses stepped up to the plate, don't you think?
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by cherry smith
  • An Internet Window to the world for care homes and hospitals
    If you've been in a care home, or hospital, as a resident/patient or visitor you will realise that it is very boring. Other than TV and a few magazines (and perhaps old books) there is nothing to do to stimulate and entertain the mind. This erodes peoples' quality of life, and probably damages their mental and physical health. The ability to participate on the Internet opens up a wonderful array of stimulating and interesting opportunities; and helps to make their lives more interesting again.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adam Bostock
  • Make Public transport more accessible for disabled people
    For a lot of disabled people public transport is the only way for them to access places such as work, shops and other public places. However, for a lot of disabled people accessing public transport can cause stress and anxiety as they never know if they are able to get on and off the mode of transport. I (Simeon) have unfortunately have encountered situations on a number of occasions where I have either been refused on buses due to there not being enough places, needed someone to find a member of staff to help me off the train or needed to use a taxi that is not wheelchair accessible. Baroness Thompson, who has eleven Paralympic gold medals to her name, said it was not unusual to be left stranded on trains despite warning operators in advance that she would need assistance from staff. She described a situation in 2012 where she was forced to crawl onto a platform at midnight, the former athlete said it highlighted why disabled people are left feeling like "second class passengers" on public transport. She Said in an interview: "I ended up having to get out of my chair, sit on the floor, which is not a terribly pleasant place to sit, throw my chair off the train and then crawl off. I’m OK because I can do that, but there’s an awful lot of people who can’t.”
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simeon Wakely
  • Fairer Holiday Prices in School Holidays
    Cash strapped families with young children are already suffering with increased child care costs during the school holidays and to make it worse a lot of them can't afford a holiday abroad because the prices are so ridiculously high. They can shoot up hundreds of pounds over 24 hours! So I am petitioning the office of fair trading to try and get something done about this.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol Waugh
  • Stop the uniform for school children being so expensive
    School uniform is expensive all for the sake of the school badge. You shouldn't have to buy everything with the school crests on. Quality of the uniforms are not as good as the ones from high street/supermarkets. Children should only need to buy the badge and be able to put that on a normal school jumper/cardigan. Stop taking loads of money each year of parents. Wouldn't mind if the money went back into the local schools but it doesn't. To try and help families save a lot from the amount of money which is spent monthly/yearly those who have children in schools.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joanne Whote
  • Speech and language support to home educated special needs children
    Our son who is now 14 falls between severe and moderate learning needs, he is autistic, has chronic lung disease, requires gastric tube feeding and is prone to infection. He also is partially deaf and cannot process words easily. Surrey Education agreed with us that home education was his best option due to the issues he has. However this removes access to speech and language therapy and other communication support as the budget goes to the special needs schools, not the child. This has to change to allow his parents to provide the best support for him. We can of course go private but due to cost this is not a viable option. We need the law changed to give the education and special needs budget to the child. Educating at home is not an easy option to choose, but to limit our options is not only unfair but boarding discrimination.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Searson
  • Make public parks safer and cleaner for children
    The public park is thought to be a happy, safe place for your children to play and make new friends and be themselves but in face it is the opposite. My local parks are filled with drunken hooligans drinking despite them being a no alcohol zone and broken glass and needles and other dangerous rubbish lying around despite litter bins located everywhere, I remember it being a safe, clean environment and so many people were happy but now they both don't get as many visitors and children are sometimes scared to go there.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Taylor Griffith
  • No to the expansion of Grammar Schools
    All recent evidence shows that social mobility is stifled rather than encouraged by grammar schools. If you truly want to be a government for the people then please do not choose an education policy that has been clearly shown to reduce social mobility.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Williams
  • Stop chemical bombing in Syria
    Innocent women and children and being killed everyday, this is a war crime and must be stopped now!
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marian O'Rourke
  • Close the Dorchester
    Due to the recent closure of our beloved club Fabric due to drug related deaths, we feel that it is important that councils across London should treat all public venues with the same level of severity, if they wish to remain consistent with their "values". This is important as it is believed by many that rules are applied over excessively for some cases, namely pubs and music venues or anywhere a council chooses to re-develop. But at the same time chooses to ignore almost completely if great levels of wealth are attached. If you want us to believe that you really are doing this for the safety of the public, then you will have no problem revoking their license or imposing security measures that will heavily combat "the drug problem" that is causing human fatality there.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Patterson
  • Sunscreen should be PPE
    To save the ever increasing occurrences of skin cancer
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Raper