• Quiet surface for the M20 Ashford Kent (J9,10,10a)
    The resurfacing with a quiet road surface would make a dramatic difference to the quality of life for all the people who live near to the M20 in Ashford Kent. As the ever increasing traffic and increased traffic the New Junction 10a will bring is making life for folk who live near the Motorway intolerable. Currently the Kent County Council and Highways have said there is not enough money to do the New 10a Junction and quiet surface the Ashford section of the M20.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adrian GEE-TURNER
  • Poundstretcher wages
    People can't live on the low wages.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lewis Davidson
  • Keep The Crossings Clean
    The way that the shared spaces on The Crossings in Stafford are currently being left, with overflowing bins full of dog mess, and poorly maintained green space is unacceptable and a health risk to the people who use it - the people of the area deserve better.
    148 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Douglas Rouxel
  • English medium teaching as an option at all schools in Wales.
    These policies put English speaking families (which are the VAST majority of families in North Wales) at a HUGE disadvantage as it excludes their parents from helping and being involved with them in their learning. Having only just got the basics of a complex language at home children are then faced with learning another VASTLY different language to learn which is then the sole medium in which they are then taught EVERYTHING at school! This leaves them continually playing "catch-up" in EVERY subject. It also hampers them from grasping the complexities of THE lingua franca of the modern world which then leaves them uncompetitive in our global economy.
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Stoner
  • End Charitable Status of Private Schools and save taxpayers the £100m this costs.
    It is very unfair that ordinary taxpayers contribute an estimated £100m to private schools due to their 'Charitable Status'. These elitist schools educate the children of very wealthy parents, charging exorbitant fees, which is hardly an act of charity! In addition to the £100m that comes from the public purse, many private schools offer fee paying schemes that enable very rich parents of pupils to reduce their own personal tax burden by advanced payment. How can perpetrating tax advantages for the education of the elitist few be considered fair in the 21st century? Education of children is recognised by the United Nations as a right. It is no longer perceived as an act of charity. This may have been different in Britain in the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. Now British private schools are highly elitist and their reputations are so well known that they attract many students from abroad. The headmaster of one leading public school has cautioned that private schools must avoid becoming 'isolated enclaves of privilege'. It is difficult to see how this can ever be achieved given their different status from state schools. They do not have to follow the National Curriculum nor are they accountable to Ofsted. There is often a massive physical difference in campus size, enabling them to provide facilities such as golf courses. An example was Eton's 'generosity' in allowing its world class facilities to be used for staging events during the London Olympics 2012. Their advantages are far too many to list! Please include a pledge to end the charitable status of private schools in your party's election manifesto. It may require careful redrafting of the legal meaning of 'charitable status' but I believe this would make the term worthier of its name. As well as regaining £100m in tax, it would make a huge difference to people's perception of your party's commitment to equality of opportunity for all.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Page
  • Politicians must keep promises or lose power
    The public no longer trusts politicians and will stop voting if trust cannot be restored. Following the break of Nick Clegg's pledge on tuition fees, politicians could see that his party remained in the coalition government and he remained as leader. The country needs honesty from politicians, it's ok to say 'we'll try to do something' even if they fail in delivering, but if they say they 'will do something' the electorate are entitled to believe they have done their homework and are positive they can deliver, otherwise they shouldn't promise. When politicians lie to get office or make claims they haven't thought through, they damage democracy. They should also make it clear before an election, which manifesto promises are negotiable in the event they are asked to form a coalition. It is a fundamental breach of contract to gain office on the strength of promises made and then renege on those promises when in power. The electorate needs to show there will be consequences if they do.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Lihou
  • Clean New Dover Road Bridge
    Canterbury is a World Heritage Site. This wall is one of the first sights of the City for coach loads of visitors from the continent. A pretty red brick wall deserves better than to be smeared with ugly thin white paint that does nothing to conceal graffiti.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Concerned Resident
  • Business and Corporation Garbage
    To help the enviroment. Create new stratagies that are enviromentally sustainable if thrown away to reduce green house emissions. Help combat Global Warming. Reduce uneccesary packaging.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Carson
  • Stop the right wing slide of this country!
    Many ordinary people in this country fear another Tory government and are also concerned about the rise of UKIP. If the result of the 2015 election is similar to the 2010 result we do not want a tory government of any sort! The only way to achieve this in my view is a coalition of left wing parties. All three parties together would be a government of social, economic and environmental justice for all and not just the wealthy elite. We call for the three party leaders to come together now and agree to a true power sharing coalition in the event of a hung parliament. If this happens, then if you vote labour you'd get Labour, If you vote Lib Dem you'd get the Lib Dems and if you vote Green you would get the greens. Please, do this for the good of the whole country!
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Auwyn Batty
  • The NHS Reinstatement Bill 2014/2015
    To Stop Privatising the NHS and Reverse - if possible any sell offs. To Protect and ensure exclusion of the NHS from being included in the TTIP free trade deal.
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Carson
  • STOP the Residential Sell OFF to foreign investors that evict UK families.
    So many people face becoming Homeless. Including families with Children.
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Carson
  • Keep our Fully Trained Firefighters
    This is important to us the public, to keep us safe as well as this caring profession. These strikes are so unnecessary if only the Government would listen to the Firefighters AND the public. Present Terms of Employment and Pension Rights that these professionals signed a legally binding contract to - agreeing that they could fulfil the Conditions of Employment and in turn would be allowed to pay into their own pension scheme and draw that pension without penalties after fulfilling 30+ years service is now being altered by this Government to The Firefighters WILL work until they are 60 years of age - they can be called for a full fitness medical the day before they retire and if they cannot pass the physical tests that they signed up for when they entered into service - their contracts will be terminated and they then forfeit a large percentage of the pension they have paid into for those years. As "Joe Public" I stand with these people in saying that I do not want a 60 year old Firefighter, man or woman to be rescuing me from a hazardous situation. The physical efforts and wear and tear on their joints, hearts, and lungs over the years of having adrenaline rushes every time the bells go in, climbing 40ft ladders and crawling their way through terrific heat and fumes can only have a detrimental effect on the body. Let the present terms that these people signed up to and agreed that they could fulfill run its course. Then introduce the new ideas for the next generation of Firefighters to agree.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shirley Harrison