• Save music education funding
    The government is now consulting on reducing funding by 30% - consultation closes on 19 June 2014. The UK has produced some of the world's finest musicians and composers which are supported by millions of people in this country. All our children deserve the opportunity to learn an instrument and/or sing in a choir. Music education can improve numeracy, literacy and social interaction (as demonstrated brilliantly by the El Sistema programme in Venezuela).
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Lachowicz
  • Fair holiday deals for young parents
    I feel the importance of this financial restriction would be to not only assist young families but would also help teachers and schools in general to maintain a high level of school attendance.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leslie Jones
  • Stop Moving Nature Reserves
    The habitats and wildlife in nature reserves are irreplaceable. If development corporations make the promise to offset them by attempting to replace habitats elsewhere much wildlife will be lost, and it is difficult for these animals to adjust to new habitats, just as it is important to preserve our countryside for future generations.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Saskia Cornish
  • Secret terrorists trials. Don't let them become a daily reality.
    I'm very concerned about the precedent that secret trials could lead to. The CIA are very heavily involved with British legal system strongly advising what information can be made public or not. The CIA are not an elected representative of the British public. They have just used there vast influence to tell the British Government how to conduct them selves. Then what will happen next? If you are convicted of a terrorist crime you will be denied access to all the evidence that is held against you. If you can afford to have a solicitor Legal aid is being savagely cut Your fair trial will not be in public. People who support you family and friends might not be allowed to follow the legal presidia. What the public is not aware of is that White Anglo Saxon Protestants will be put on trial as well. And this is only the beginning.Once the precedence has been set, It will become common for other serious crimes to be herd in secret.Murder, and Rape ; trials for stop and search, . Many people believe that as Law abiding Citizen's they will never experience the living horror of a secret trial. Please do not assume anything, all it takes is one nasty person making a nasty telephone call.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Kosminsky
  • Stop road rallies
    Recent road races in Northern Ireland and Scotland have led to the death, serious injuries of the motor bike riders and spectators. This is huge waste of life but also for a pointless activity that burns up thousands of litres of fossil fuel.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Woolley
  • Save our grass verges in Plumstead Road East. Taxpayer's money wasted!
    This area is public and the grass was put there for all to enjoy not for a few to destroy. Money is wasted paying grass cutters where there is little grass left in some places. You can't even walk your dog on the grass because of lorries and cars blocking the way. It's also dangerous for the cars trying to leave their own driveway as their vision is obstructed. Now there is a hole in the ground caused by vehicles parking on the grass verge. How much will it cost to repair that?
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Sweeney
  • A Holiday To Give Us All A Rest
    Our local precinct in Accrington often plays host to a man who carries his life's possessions in a large rucksack and two M&S bags. Standing there in his burst slippers he declaims himself a messenger from god sent to rescue us from the cesspool of our morals. He is an example of (Don't) care in the community. I see so many parallels but Gove is better dressed... * "Mice and Men", "Islamic Trojan Horses" and others * Micromanagement, Term Time Holidays * Fight people and shadows outside his department So many signs... Perhaps it is too late to send for Matron. He may need a time-out and perhaps counselling. It would be a win-win situation in that teachers, and the rest of the UK could take a breath, take stock and be worry free for a while. I ask the nation to chip in. Please show you care.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Davidson
  • Campaign against taking Metallica off the Glastonbury Festival line-up
    This is important because for many of us, Metallica's performance at Glastonbury Festival will be a memory we will treasure forever. Taking them off the line-up would be an absolute tragedy for their fans. Especially for such a ridiculous reason which has nothing to do with their music. As much as I am against game hunting, it's not as if they're going to be doing it on the Festival site, is it?? Chris Jenaya Aaron Dale's petition is like saying to a friend, "you can't come ice skating because you eat meat." So please, support my petition for the sake of amazing music.
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthea Pawsey
  • Citizens' Chamber to ensure manifesto compliance
    Cynicism with our political process is widespread, and a major cause is the impunity with which a political party can completely ignore the manifesto on which it was elected. The whipped House of Commons fails to call the executive to account. A non-party-political Citizens' Chamber would act as an important check and balance, ensuring governing parties keep to the election promises they made.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Phil Whitaker
  • Cigarette Packet Labelling
    Evidence has been produced indicating very clearly that Brand I.D. greatly encourages young people to start smoking and that habitual smokers are encouraged to continue by product brand identification
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Massey
  • Scrap post work programme support
    I want the government to realise that the unemployed are not lazy, spongers or a burden to the system. Going to the Job Centre 30 plus hours a week will not solve the issue, they be doing exactly the same as they would be doing at home, community support is a free labour for the council, we pay council tax to keep the streets the clean. The unemployed should be going on courses to claim certificates like PTS, CSCS or go to college to get NVQ's, whilst looking for work.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by andrew james
  • Fix Crawley's Roads and Pavements!
    Pavements have often taken on a slant which was not there originally because the recent heavy rains must have somehow changed the level and now it is almost impossible to drive a buggy on that side of some roads. Also as most people in Crawley now have their own driveways, there seems to be no care taken to see that the slope from pavement to road is not done too steeply. As a disabled person, I have already been thrown off and been trapped under my buggy in the road after dark. If it hadn't been for a kind dog walker pulling the buggy off me and helping me up, any car driving round that bend would not have seen me in time as there were cars parked nose to tail on the other side of an already narrow road. Apparently a lady came up here after a complaint about uneven pavements. She took a tape measure out and measured the drop between pavement and normal level and told the lady that the drop was less than 2 inches and so nothing would be done. Pavements in Furzefield , West Green are so full of past repairs done by many contractors, that walking is treacherous and the pavement outside my house is often flooded, because it is below normal level.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stevie Hobbs