• save our last pits
    these closures would mean we would be left with one deep pit.and leave us dependant on other countries,i300 jobs are at stake here in the pits plus all the other supporting industries,and im sure these pits can play a significant part in our industrial future
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Arnfield
  • Mandatory drug and alcohol testing for all MP'S.
    Westminster is fast losing the respect and authority of the British people, This they must regain. We can no longer afford drunkenness and inappropriate behavior to be allowed in the Houses, and while they carry out their many other duties.
    95 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Porter
  • Hands Off The Brighton Royal Pavilion
    This is taken from an article in the Pensioner, which is a local Brighton and Hove magazine, specifically for older people, and was written by local activist Fancis Tonks. From time to time someone comes up with the idea to tear down the Royal Pavilion and build a hospital or build houses, yet the Pavilion, quirky and whimsical, made Brighton what it is today, originally a farmhouse the new Pavilion was designed by John Nash for the Prince Regent 200 years ago. Almost as if the Taj Mahal had been picked up and plonked down by the seaside, the Royal Pavilion is Indian outside and Chinese inside, it is a part of our history. The dining room has a massive dome complete with dragons and was lit with gas for banquets. The music room housed concerts as the Prince Regent had his own band of 70 musicians and on one occasion, welcomed Rossini. In the great War of 1914 to 1918 the pavilion was a hospital that housed Indian soldiers injured in the conflict that is all part of our heritage. It was bought by the city fathers from Queen Victoria for £50,000 in the middle of the 19th century and this makes it the only Royal Palace owned by the people through the local authority. I believe the Royal Pavilion estate as we know it is under threat. A Heritage Lottery Funding bid has gone in and the outcome is not known yet. There are some proposals that are disturbing, the cafe that has being run by the Sewell family for 70 years will be replaced by a " visitor welcome building in the cafe facility that can be operated indoors and outdoors", cutting through the jargon this means the outdoor cafe, loved by residents and visitors, would go. The main entry would be from New Road there and are also worrying references to pay events taking place on the lawns; it is essential we maintain the lawns as with the rest of the glorious gardens. There have been consultations, for what they are worth, now let the people decide, old and young. We must preserve this lovely and historic part of Brighton from the developers, Hands off our Royal Pavilion
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Bairstow
  • Prosecute cheating MP's with FRAUD
    There is a double standard which sets MP's and their cronies above the law and lets them commit crime with impunity.
    127 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nand Singh
  • Ban TV advertising of exploitative companies
    These advertisements are aimed at sections of society who are in dire financial need, or there would be no demand, and it is not likely that obtaining a 'payday loan' at exorbitant interest rates or gambling on-line will be to the benefit of individuals, their families and ultimately society as a whole. It is not difficult to imagine the distress that will ensue repaying loans of over 1000% APR. as advertised on billboard information for the same companies. We believe that a civilised society would not only end this type of commercial exploitation swiftly, but would legislate immediatley to close these industries down, review why they have been allowed to operate for so long and publish details of the individuals who have been profiting by them and defending them to Government.
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sheldon Young
  • Fair deal for pensioner's savings:
    Many pensioners live on a relatively meager pension supplemented by interest from their savings. Over recent years interest rates have been derisory leading to a poverty trap for many senior citizens. This must be urgently addressed.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joy Reardon
  • A Dedicated Support Team for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.), C.F.S etc
    We call upon the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to ensure that a dedicated Consultant/Clinic and medical support team for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Fibromyalgia sufferers is set up in South East Wales. I request that this petition be treated as an official voice of M.E. sufferers, their families, carers and interested parties. Currently, sufferers of the above ailments are not being supported, with a few exceptions, by the medical profession. They are unable to work but the government bodies assessing them do not appear to understand their problems. This is the basis for this petition.
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dennis Jones Picture
  • say no to cuts to social care
    Disabled adults rely on this care disability living fund has been scrapped by the government local authorities cash strapped by cuts from government are grabbing the money from the vulnerable by cutting hours,this leads to accidents as carers are having to work faster causing unnecessary accidents and yet more pressure on packed a&e departments it is plain evil and must be stopped
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by MIKE KNOTH
    It is a clean sustainable source of energy which will last as long as the earth.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Snare
  • Love peace and light
    Cos without these simple words the world has become a place of greed war and evil . Its time for the real people of this world to stand up with love peace and light Bless you all
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Ayres
  • Shut down the ticket touts.
    There are seven petitions going through the direct-gov organisation at the moment but it seems that only one of them has any serious numbers of supporters. As I have been watching the power of 38 Degrees for some time I believe that it is only via this route that a serious petition to this end will come about.
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul R Herd
  • Greater Awareness of Polio and post polio Syndrome
    As I suffered Polio at the age of 2yrs back in 1953 I had no ideal that it would return and bite for a second time in later life, my Dr has not got a clue about it and I have given him leaflets etc telling him but all he says is do more walking, I wish that I could its not through lack of trying my one good leg is worn out and needs a new knee while my other shorter leg has no joint movement and lack of muscle owing to the Polio all them years ago,
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by edmund peschel