• Energy action
    The greed shown by these corporate giants has shown the contempt they have for the British public, we don’t want bailouts we need change to the rotten system of corporate greed.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Neil Walker
    We all want a sustainable future for our families, friends, communities both near and far. The impacts of climate change are in the news every day and will only get worse. Making sure your money is not being used to create climate chaos is part of the answer and something we can do easily.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Ramage
  • All politicians to declare all business interests
    Because the UK parliament is corrupt worse so that countries that have always been associated with corruption like Africa. The current energy crisis is not because of the manufactured war is Ukraine but to make profits and bust us all due to WEF corruption. It's time for us to say we aren't allowing these crimes on humanity to continue.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Stephenson
  • Climate control
    Climate control is one of the most important issues around today. Humans need to act by using more sustainable energy and recycling better! Is it fair for your children to live in a polluted earth just because of the impact we have made to the environment? We need all the help we can get to spread this issue to as many people as possible! Thank you for your time.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Coyne
  • Save our environment, STOP withdrawing our buses!
    They are always removing our bus services without any consultation. We need to have be heard.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ana Hayrabedian
  • Stop alcohol being served in the Houses of Parliament
    We must show that as a nation we have high expectations for our politicians. Those who can’t meet those expectations should not serve as MPs
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Black
  • FCDO please send urgent aid to Pakistan during humantarian crisis caused by flooding
    It is of an unprecedented humanitarian crisis with devastation caused on a large scale. People of Pakistan need our help.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adiba Begum
  • Tenants rejection at proposed Parking Bay Paid Scheme
    We have been a Neighbourhood Community for over 20 years and we must prevent this method of imposing charges on those in hardship especially with the increase in cost of living during this economic downturn.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julian Samuels
  • Save Lake Windermere!
    We will not accept the wanton destruction of such precious habitats and DEMAND, with immediate Government intervention that the despoiling of England's largest and most iconic inland body of water ceases with immediate effect. The privatised companies responsible must quite simply invest in the capital projects and infrastructure required to manage our waste properly and responsibly. This is what we pay them to do. It ought to be deemed some kind of breach of contract! If they cannot they should be fined for the damage they are responsible for and their industry taken back into public hands as a matter of urgency. The Government should NOT legally allow any percentages of untreated sewage release. This merely encourages pollution!..these 'allowances' are often maximised as I understand it. This is foreseeable under the Capitalist model. I am no expert in matters of water and sewage treatment but from my knowledge of what happened with cholera in Victorian London and Basiljet's ingenious solutions (unsurprisingly relied upon to this day) swift, effective action can be taken. Yes its expensive but. This problem CAN be solved. Too late for much of the wildlife that has recently been killed in this rich soup of raw sewage, nitrate run off, hormones and unabsorbed antidepressant and other medication. Is a shareholders dividend worth more than the beauty of a lake which symbolises bucolic English pastoral magnificence like no other. Immortalised by Wordsworth, Ruskington, Beatrix Potter and a myriad of our finest landscape painters, photographers and Writers, are we to give it up so easily?
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Petch
  • New Sutton Hospital Now
    This new hospital is urgently needed to bring our NHS facilities into the 21st century and to provide top quality care. In the meantime many people will continue to suffer and lives will continue to be unnecessarily lost. Staff morale is at an all time low because of this.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tim Manley
    We are members of a building society which have been supported , since they re named it from the friendly society. Barclays , HSBC have gone Lloyds are going and poss Nat West. Does Nationwide care , we all do want to go on line or cannot. Obviously we are invisible. Tilehurst Triangle has 30 shops, Coffee shops, Solicitors , and 4 estate Agents, and other business's . We are all horrified and will fight this.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by maria Webb
  • Give Wiltshire public fruit trees and a community fruit distribution network
    If you want to make your town a more resilient and positive place for people and wildlife, please help by signing this petition. Together we can contribute to a movement that has already enjoyed success in urban areas across the world, from Montreal, Canada, to Perth, Australia, and beyond!
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kira Jefferies