RBS Branches Closing in Clydesdale, Scottish Borders and Midlothian SouthNot only will this have a devastating impact on the bank workers who are set to lose their jobs, these closures will also have a negative effect on the local communities of Biggar, Carnwath, Douglas, Dunns, Eyemouth, Hawick, Jedburgh, Lesmahagow, Melrose, North Berwick, Penicuik, Selkirk and Strathaven. Those who are older, in poor health, who cannot afford to travel further afield to do their banking, or who run small businesses will be hit hardest by these branch closures.953 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Claudia Beamish MSP
Keep All Northamptonshire Libraries in Public OwnershipLibraries are often one of the last free to use public hubs in towns and villages where services have already been drastically cut. Reducing Northamptonshire's libraries and potentially leaving only 8 would be devastating for this semi rural county. These important buildings don't just house books they provide modern meeting places for many clubs and groups as well as community events, meeting rooms, internet access and a host of other services. To lose the libraries and with them some children's centres and elderly respite provision would be a real tragedy for our thriving communities leaving us without access to vital services.59 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Suzanna Austin
Stop planned changes to funding for women's refugesNew government funding plans threaten to dismantle our life-saving national network of refuges and put the lives of women and children trying to escape domestic abuse at risk. A Women’s Aid survey of refuge services showed that the proposed new model of funding could force over half of refuges responding to close or reduce their provision - resulting in 4000 more women and children turned away from the lifesaving services they desperately need. Already there are not enough refuge spaces to meet demand; data from Women’s Aid shows that 60% of total referrals to refuges were declined in 2016/17. When on average two women a week are killed by a partner or ex partner across England and Wales the stakes could not be higher. Under the new plans, rent money which would have in the past gone straight to domestic violence refuges would instead go to local authorities - effectively forcing refuges to compete for funding with other local services. Refuge managers have warned “if the plans get implemented it will be the end of domestic violence refuges." Visit the Women’s Aid website to find out more about this campaign: https://www.womensaid.org.uk/what-we-do/campaigning-and-influencing/campaign-with-us/sos/176,565 of 200,000 SignaturesCreated by Women's Aid
Change the way women’s refuges are fundedThe changes, giving LA’s the money for refuges, will lead to refuges being closed because local authorities that are already stretched will be unlikely to want to pay for a woman and her children who have come from out of town( for safety reasons). The LA will want to use the money elsewhere, meaning more women will be killed and injured at the hands of abusive partners. It will also lead to more emotional trauma for children living in abusive households48 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Siobhan Grimshaw
Stunning new theatre and Civic Complex for Tunbridge Wells? Yes pleaseThe proposal to build a new Civic Centre would result in a greatly enhanced theatre and badly needed modern office space in the centre of our town. This is a real opportunity to develop Tunbridge Wells as a regional cultural hub with all the associated social and economic benefits. The proposed theatre would sit alongside Trinity, the new cinema which is to be part of the redevelopment of the old ABC site and the proposed new ‘Cultural and Learning Hub’ (the refurbished Museum, Art Gallery, Library, Adult Education and Visitor Centre). The proposed location, on the fringe of Calverley Grounds, will both maximise enjoyment of that public space and benefit from the proximity of the main railway station, as well as serving to connect the attractions at the top of town with those in the Pantiles. Existing facilities can be maintained whilst the new buildings are going up. Though the plans do not come cheap, I am persuaded by the arguments that they are affordable and represent good value for money, an investment for the future that will help ensure Tunbridge Wells continues to thrive. Refurbishing the existing buildings would be cheaper but still involve spending millions and all we would end up with is a slightly shinier version of the inadequate status quo. These are challenging times, but challenging times call for robust responses and I support the initiative behind these plans and would like to see them progressed. If you feel the same please sign this petition: the plans will only go forward if they have majority support. If you want to know more before you decide you can visit the website http://www.twciviccentre.co.uk or follow on Twitter at @TWCivicCentre.264 of 300 SignaturesCreated by jacqueline heath
Stop the deportation of whistleblower Kweku AdoboliKweku Adoboli moved to the UK 26 years ago, at the age of 12, and has lived here ever since. The Home Office is aggressively trying to deport him to Ghana, away from the country he calls home and his closest friends. Kweku is now facing imminent removal from the UK after his submission of a Judicial Review of the Home Office’s treatment of his case was expedited at their request. Permission to apply for the Judicial Review was denied this week. Kweku urgently needs your help. In 2011, Kweku accepted responsibility for a large trading loss at Swiss Investment Bank UBS. Whilst he was cleared of the majority of charges against him, it was clear his actions had nothing to do with trying to achieve personal financial gain. He served his sentence as a model prisoner and for the last three years has been doing outstanding work of benefit both to industry and community. Convicted of a finance offence, posing no threat to his society, Kweku faces the draconian double punishment of being deported from the UK. The consequences of his removal to Ghana are severe and will include a potential lifetime ban on travelling not just back to the UK, but to Europe, North America and many other countries. Given the frequency of organisational scandals in recent years, Kweku's story offers a powerful and relevant living case study. Through his work, Kweku is challenging senior leaders and organisations to go beyond stereotypes of 'bad apples' to consider how context and environment shape decision making. Kweku is in a unique position to do this but is being prevented from doing so by the Home Office. Genuinely thoughtful, honest and open conversations about difficult issues are crucial to public life. Unfortunately, very few people are willing or able to do this. It is important not to deport Kweku not just for the fact that he is more British than foreign, but because his work is of value to the public interest.74,977 of 75,000 SignaturesCreated by Scott Rogers
Fair pricing for tied pubs/barsA tied bar means that you have to buy all your products from the brewery that leases you the bar. This means that the brewery charges you rent to lease the building, you have to buy there products at an inflated price and in some cases they will also take a cut of your net profit.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James MacDougall
To ban Alcohol consumption in the Scottish parlimentI feel that in todays climate it is totally unacceptable that we the public should subsidise the consumption of Alcohol in government buildings at a time when everyones belts are having to be tightened, I work in a zero tolerance industry where we cannot drink alcohol along with many other hard working taxpayers while on duty therefore if the Scottish government feel so strongly about driving up the minimum Alcohol price for health reasons they should lead by example and look closer to home. to that end we should ban the sale and consumption of Alcohol totally in government buildings.299 of 300 SignaturesCreated by John Martin
Scrap VAT on community-purchased defibrillatorsVAT of 20% is charged on community-purchased defibrillators and the secure cabinet in which they are housed. More than 30,000 people a year have a cardiac arrest in a non-hospital location. From the moment of cardiac arrest there is on average five minutes to save a life with the survival rate dropping by 10% for every minute that the heart is stopped without defibrillation. If the NHS, a charity or local authority purchase these pieces of live-saving equipment then there is no VAT on them. However, if a community purchases one then VAT is added. If VAT were removed from community defibrillators, then every sixth machine would be free! On November 22, in his Budget, the Chancellor Philip Hammond can make a difference and help save the lives of people who face cardiac arrest. Please sign this petition today to urge the Chancellor to scrap VAT on community-purchased defibrillators on November 22 and ask your friends and family to sign too. Together, we can make a difference. #SaveALife https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/public38/images/mp.gif156 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Thelma Walker MP
Give Welsh Fishing Clubs and Salmon and Seatrout a ChanceFishing Clubs, fishing methods and therefore fishing in Wales is at imminent risk from NRWs proposed fishery byelaws 2017. Byelaws must sustain fishing aswell as fish stocks under a sustainable management of natural resources approach. The potential knock on impacts of the proposed byelaws are likely to lead to excessive illegal fishing which could not be policed. Critical evidence - Catch Return Data - would be lost due to absenteeism of fishermen from rivers. Revised management measures must therefore be developed which do not carry the same residual risks. Sustained and increased participation in fishing through empowerment and attention to catchment specific issues will establish a progressive means of achieving healthy fish stocks and the wellbeing of fishing clubs, contributing positively to local economies. Harmonisation of the overall approach can only succeed where fish are protected from destruction and harm in the near coastal waters in particular. Following an integrated approach, the river environments must be optimised to receive and support adult and juvenile fish. At present there are obvious gains to be made that are being neglected due to insufficient funding and contradictory roles and responsibilities within NRW.1,783 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Reuben Woodford
Support New Malden Farmers' MarketIn order to move forward, we have found the only viable location, as is the case in other successful markets in neighbouring towns, is to relocate the market onto the High Street. We ask that the Neighbourhood Committee works with the organisers to help us in this regard to ensure the market can continue to be a community asset for the whole of New Malden.300 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Mary Clark
Save the emergency entertainment team at ButlinsButlins say keeping guests happy is a priority..... well keep the guys Butlins say they make job opportunities better..... well keep the guys The emergency entertainment team at Butlins Skegness are amazing the are forever making parents and children laugh they brighten even the darkest days393 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Amanda Ward Ne Sherriff
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