• To make Fire extinguishers and fire blankets in flats Law
    Most importantly this will save lives, and fires getting out of hand so that the issue can be dealt with before it’s a full scale evacuation l.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Lees
  • Save A&E units in South West Wales
    Hywel Dda University Health Board's plans include 3 options - ALL of which will close the A&E units at Glangwili and Withybush hospitals. The Glangwili unit was built relatively recently and Withybush has also been upgraded. The plan calls for building a new major hospital in the countryside "somewhere between Narberth and St Clears". All 3 options list as a disadvantage that patients will have to travel further to access planned and emergency care in an area already poorly served by public transport and with a limited number of ambulance stations and ambulances to cover a large rural area; while it's true we have the excellent Wales Air Ambulance, that can't be everywhere. Making patients travel further to reach A&E could cost lives. A secondary issue arises from the likely difficulty patients and visitors will face in travelling to the proposed new hospital, especially if they don't have access to a car. You can see the plans in detail here: https://www.ors.org.uk/web/upload/surveys/751664/files/BC-MainConsultationDocumentVersion1%281%29.pdf
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Austin Shackles
  • Recycle ALL plastic sold in our local area
    I live in Leeds and only the plastics marked 1, 2 and 4 are recycled. I and many others want to recycle all plastics as around 50% of our grey bins are filled with plastics that the council will not accept. This is unsustainable and needs to be stopped.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jo Dawson
  • Provide Funding for Children's Play Areas
    As well as helping to provide an essential facility for young children the money invested in this manner, to help keep our children fit and active, could also increase the potential for those very children to go on to participate in football (as well as other sport of course).
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roger Hurst
  • Introduce The "One" Ticket On All High Wycombe Bus Routes
    So that people living in and near High Wycombe have an effective and cheap way to get around the area. To improve congestion and increase bus ridership.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gareth Jackson
  • Old brick heaters
    it is important to reduce energy consumption to save the environment as well as reducing costs of overall electric use so the poorest people can survive and live happy lives
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew oconnor
  • Save Pontypool library from close down
    People need library go to get books and cds DVDs go on computers
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samuel Cooke
  • Nationally Recognise Pubs/Clubs & Venues as Community Assets
    Please consider any local café, restaurant, pub, clubs/sports associations and village hall a community asset, i.e. somewhere people can gather and socialise and ensure that these establishments are protected under Planning Law. Under current planning law a change of use is permitted through the planning application process, which in turn initiates a "consultation" process i.e. the community has the opportunity to object to an application. However Planning Officers have a tendency to ignore objections and rubber stamp development, a recent example local to me had 700 petitioned objections 13 written and the support of a Local Councillor, planning was still granted. The Government must support the community and prevent Council's and developers ignoring the wish of the local populous. Media reports that society is changing, and that the mental health of the nation is suffering, could this be because people have become insular by not going out. Pub’s, as an example, used to be a place where the local community met, socialised and resolved local issues between themselves, everybody knew their neighbour, their neighbour’s kids, etc. This sense of community is rapidly being lost. People are sitting at home becoming keyboard warriors and panicking over fake-news, they do not have an outlet to talk to others, attributing to the overall mental health of a Nation. Community assets should be protected by Law and encouraged with lesser rents, exemption from business rates, they after all are providing a service to the public, the local community and at times law enforcement. If a building cannot be maintained in it's current use, an alternative use that benefits the community would be preferable, i.e. conversion to a youth club rather that developed for profit.
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jon Buller
  • Regular Day Bus Service Between Beaconsfield, Penn and Hazelmere
    In Beaconsfield congestion keeps getting worst and it is mostly due to people driving into the train station and to school during peak times and this means that it can take you 30 minutes to get into Beaconsfield on the Penn Road. Also Knotty Green is currently a blank spot for a regular bus service and has a 30 minute walk into Beaconsfield to get the bus/train. So an extension of these routes would reduce congestion and provide a vital link between Beaconsfield, Knotty Green, Penn and High Wycombe.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gareth Jackson
  • Keep Manchester Diabetes Centre on Hathersage Road
    Many of the patients who attend Manchester Diabetes Centre have mobility issues. Not all but a considerable amount. Enforcing wheelchair users who have become accustomed to the large car park and one tier access are going to struggle in a busy hospital environment. The staff at the centre are always a constant, which gives people suffering with chronic illnesses some comfort and less feeling of anxiety.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Milne
  • Save Struan Lodge
    Less than two years ago the Cowal and Bute communities made it clear that they strongly opposed the closure or Struan Lodge and Thomson Court respectively. It is simply immoral, unethical and unthinkable that vulnerable elderly residents and their families should have to be put through this cruel and stressful process once again. Our health and care services must be kept in public ownership for allmif us now and in future.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Duncan Macgillivray
  • Dedicate a pillar at MK Rose to the creation of the NHS
    The NHS will this year be celebrating its 70th birthday having been founded on July 5th 1948. For 7 decades the NHS has been treating the people of this country, from cradle to grave, regardless of their ability to pay and it regularly tops surveys asking people what makes them feel proud to be British. The NHS, since it was created, has achieved much. The NHS has delivered over 44 million (and counting) babies, carries out around 7 millions operations each year and treats more than 1 million patients every 36 hours. We are proud of our NHS, and would like to see its creation celebrated in Milton Keynes.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Williams