Keep our Fully Trained FirefightersThis is important to us the public, to keep us safe as well as this caring profession. These strikes are so unnecessary if only the Government would listen to the Firefighters AND the public. Present Terms of Employment and Pension Rights that these professionals signed a legally binding contract to - agreeing that they could fulfil the Conditions of Employment and in turn would be allowed to pay into their own pension scheme and draw that pension without penalties after fulfilling 30+ years service is now being altered by this Government to The Firefighters WILL work until they are 60 years of age - they can be called for a full fitness medical the day before they retire and if they cannot pass the physical tests that they signed up for when they entered into service - their contracts will be terminated and they then forfeit a large percentage of the pension they have paid into for those years. As "Joe Public" I stand with these people in saying that I do not want a 60 year old Firefighter, man or woman to be rescuing me from a hazardous situation. The physical efforts and wear and tear on their joints, hearts, and lungs over the years of having adrenaline rushes every time the bells go in, climbing 40ft ladders and crawling their way through terrific heat and fumes can only have a detrimental effect on the body. Let the present terms that these people signed up to and agreed that they could fulfill run its course. Then introduce the new ideas for the next generation of Firefighters to agree.24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shirley Harrison
Balance the Books : Tourist TaxEvery major city both in Europe and the rest of the world have a tax added to the cost of hotel bedrooms. This does not need to be a huge amount £1 per night per room would have raised approx £28 million pounds just charging the tax in our major cities. We provide free museums, free parks and botanical gardens ( In Edinburgh), free art galleries. This extra money would help clean our streets (making it more appealing for tourists) and take some pressure off other services12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joan Beattie
Free doughnuts for firefightersOver the last few months, the firefighters pension dispute has taken its toll and the current moral on the fire ground is extremely low. They have been lied to and made to believe a successful outcome could have been achieved. They are praised one minute for their heroism and courage before being let down again and treated a militant troublemakers... This small gesture would reinstate some joy and a sentiment of recognition for all firefighters across the country... Should this campaign be successful, I am willing to move further and extend this offer to other emergency services such as coastguards, police, ambulance and mountain rescue...22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Fred Le Ouedec
Hull Youth Motor ProjectsThese youth services are nationally recognised for their outstanding work with the young people of Hull and have served the community for 30 years. They are accessed by the city's most vulnerable young people and are highly valued by all of those who have used them. The councils current proposal will see the price rocket from £2 a session to £50 denying the young people from Hull's most deprived areas access.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nikki Osborne
We Need More Ambulances and Ambulance Staff and More Nurses and Doctors in A&EPeople lives are at risk waiting for ambulances and people are waiting on beds in corridors and people waiting in Casualty waiting rooms to see nurses and doctors and also ambulance staff are waiting for hospital staff to handover too.27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Aaron Jack
Improve the services provided by Northern RailTo improve the quality of the North's rail lines, by encouraging the main rail service to improve its quality of service, so people in the north of England don't feel neglected. This will also encourage more people to use the train. More people want a reliable rail service, so commuting between cities should be more comfortable and reliable79 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joshua Bastow
We Want Our Railways BackWhy it matters I am addressing this petition to the above three party leaders because I have no real idea who will form the next government after May 2015. Our national railways were privatised in the 1990 with the usual promises of better services, cheaper fares, less or no pull on the taxpayer and ownership by us, the British public. Despite the fact of course that we already owned the railway. As with every privatisation before and after it the results have been very different to those promised. However it is true that many train companies that run franchises in the UK are publicly owned, but by other European countries. Arriva is a wholly owned subsidiary of the German national rail company Deutsche Bahn, and runs the Arriva Trains Wales and Cross Country franchises. The French national rail operator SNCF has a majority stake in Keolis, which operates the Trans Pennine franchise in partnership with FirstGroup. Keolis is also a minority partner in the Govia rail operating company, which runs the Southern, Southeastern and London Midland services. The Dutch state railway company Nederlandse Spoorwegen owns Abellio, which has a 50% stake in Serco-Abellio, which runs the Merseyrail and Northern Rail franchises. Abellio also runs Scotrail. European governments make millions of pounds a year in dividends from their British operations. From the subsidies paid by British tax payers. Please do not read this piece as an 'anti-foreigner' rant. I simply do not understand how paying other governments vast profits to run our railways is good for the British people. Since privatisation billions of pounds of tax payer subsidised profits have gone into the coffers of other governments. There is one railway still at the moment in the hands of the UK tax payer. The state-owned East Coast railway paid £225m to the government in the year to March 2014. In our hands now but for how long. We are about to sell our stake in Eurostar. Who to? It seems the French State Railways SNCF. As a side word I can tell you that last year I travelled First Class on SNCF from Tarbes in the South West of France to Paris, a journey of about 600 Km, for a cost of 45 Euros. Subsidised? Probably. Should I thank the British taxpayer for their contribution? So the publicly owned East Coast Railway paid £225m in 'profits' to the UK taxpayers. What should we do with it now? Privatise it seems. And one of the front runners to take over this publicly owned success story? It seems its a joint venture between Keolis and Eurostar, subsidiaries of France's state-owned railway company, SNCF. So should I book my return journey to Tarbes now or wait a little while. After all it could be even cheaper in a few months.59 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ken Long
Lets Untrash CornwallPlastic waste is persistent in the environment, highly toxic and poisons marine animals. It is working up the whole marine food chain to the extent that autopsies performed on beached whales and dolphins reveal a huge amount of damage to all organs. Unless action is taken immediately the seas and oceans will be a toxic soup. Already some areas of the Pacific are so contaminated that the mortality rate amongst sea birds and mammals is high and even albatross chicks have abdomens full of discarded plastic waste.100 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Lindsay Southcombe
No more injury claim adverts on NHS pamphletsI fell off my bike two weeks ago, fracturing my shoulder and giving myself a severe concussion. The NHS treated me amazingly, especially given it was a Friday night in A&E. The bang I received to my head meant I was in no fit state to properly understand everything they told me about my injuries, so the nurses put all the information in my bag to ensure I had everything I needed when I got home to help me deal with my recovery. I woke up the next day and was perplexed when I found a load of literature about injury lawyers and compensation claims in my bag. Currently, adverts for injury lawyers are on the back of information given to patients after treatment. Informative pamphlets are designed to notify patients of their condition and to explain what they need to do and why. These adverts encourage a 'blame' culture, do nothing to assist a patients recovery and propagate the idea that you can put a price on everything. Ironically, the NHS are likely to be one of the main targets of these law firms, thus tax payers' money is spend on litigation and compensation rather than improvements to the health care system. The NHS paid £1.2 billion in legal fees for clinical negligence. I am sure that much of this compensation is justified, however we need an autonomous health service which can operate for the good of the whole society without being blamed and forced to cough up for every worse-than-expected outcome. It is imperative that these adverts are removed from all NHS literature that is distributed to the public.34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Angus McNelly
NHS ProfessionalsIt is important to stop further privatisation of the NHS. Read more here: http://news.sky.com/story/1356686/nhs-sale-plan-controversy-risk-for-ministers60 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Geoff Clegg
REFORM MEASURES AGAINST DISABLED PEOPLE AND PROVIDE THEM WITH ADQUATE HOUSINGThis is important as the government are targeting disabled people to get them into work and not providing adequate housing to those who need it. They intimidate the vulnerable and sick, bully those who speak out about their actions, and make foolish comments on what is a fair wage for a disabled person who is working. This has to stop! Sign this petition today and hopefully the government might actually listen to our outcry. It is important to realise that in today's society to work and live without benefits it would cost each person an average of £200.00 per week to pay rent, bills & for food when working. As claimants of benefits the average amount a single person gets is £75 per week with that a person has to pay top up council tax & rent which docks roughly £15 off their benefits per week, then they have to pay for food & bills leaving them with £0 money at the end of a week, for a couple this benefit works out at under £145.00 per fortnight. The government expects people on benefits to struggle even though they themselves haven't taken a pay cut and in fact asked for wages to be put up for all mp's a few weeks ago. How is this a fair system when even the working class are struggling to pay bills and government mp's are sitting pretty in their nice houses and estates. They say welfare claimants are a drain on this country but we are not the government need to realise, that the more pressure they insert on the general public the more angry they will get. Time for change is now! Time to change the government, time to change the changes they are making to this once beautiful Britain, it time to say enough is enough and we aren't going to take it anymore. Sign this petition today. Lets make them change.68 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Gooch
Political Debates 2015 - All Parties Large and SmallIn a country that is supposed to be democratic with a media that is supposed to be unbiased it is yet again being wholly biased with its 2015 debates. Asking the usual suspects and then inviting Nigel Farage whilst leaving out other parties is undemocratic and unfair on the electorate who want to hear all parties views and policies so they can make a fair and informed decision on who they want to run their country! : SNP who are now the United Kingdoms third largest political party 80,000 + and rising : Greens who are a bigger party than UKIP : SSP To name just three who deserve the right to be heard equally in the media debates or are the media and the parties invited afraid of the impact that will have in the actual polling stations on the day? We as an electorate demand that all parties are heard equally in the debates in 201557 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tina McCaffery
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