• We need Jeremy Hunt MP to get NHS England to fund Vimizin for Morquio sufferers
    It gives Morquio sufferers a better quality of life and prolongs their lives. It is vital. Our 6 year old son Harvey suffers from Morquio and as desperate parents along with all other Morquio sufferers, we really need this drug funded. NHS England could not come to a decision about funding and passed the buck to NICE.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dean Brown
  • Make the SNP the Official Opposition.
    It is not inevitable that the second largest party should form the Opposition, any more than the largest single party should form the Government. It is the normal state of affairs, but many combinations are arithmetically possible and from time to time special circumstances may apply. This is one of those times. The interim leader of the Labour Party has stated that having lost the General Election, it cannot and should not vote against Bills brought forward by the Government. This is a fundamental misunderstanding of the parliamentary process at Westminster, and brings the whole House into disrepute. Adversarial politics requires a strong Opposition to hold the Government to account, by force of argument and by attempting to defeat it in divisions. An Opposition party that will not do so abdicates its constitutional role. In fairness, not all Labour MPs agree with the leader's position, and if there were so much as an even split it might be legitimate to leave the matter alone. But the 48 Labour members who voted against the Government's recent Welfare Bill constitute barely a quarter of the delegation, and are in themselves a smaller parliamentary group than the Scottish National Party. The official Opposition should be the largest party which actually opposes the Government. At present, that is the SNP, not Labour. There may be a case for reexamining the issue in September, depending on the result of the Labour leadership election and the policies it pursues thereafter, but that should not stay your hand now.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Will Pickering
  • End Detention and Deportation of Srilankan Tamils
    Deporting political activists to Sri Lanka poses a serious threat to their lives. The current Sri Lankan government is looking more unstable. The warmonger Mahinda Rajapaksa has confirmed that he will stand in the coming election and the political situation never looked more unstable. A no-confidence motion was passed against prime minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, and was signed by 112 MPs. It has been six years since the end of the bloody war but still no independent international investigation has taken place into war crimes and no justice given to the victims and survivors. The delay in the UNHRC report – which in March was put back by six months – is seen as a delay in justice to the Tamil people, and led to protests by Jaffna University students and many others. But the hoped for democratic breathing space under the new government was short lived. Although earlier this year there was a change of government, the rights of the Tamil minority, and other oppressed people, are still being attacked. Militarisation and land grabs continue in the north and east province, where most Tamils live. Recently, the right to protest was attacked by the government following the gang rape of a schoolgirl. This sparked a countrywide protest against violence against women but the Sri Lankan government is using this as an opportunity to spark up fear that ‘terrorism’ is on the rise. Under president Maithripala Sirisena no major change has taken place to protect political activists in Sri Lanka. They are persecuted for defending the rights of the people and continue to be imprisoned or abducted. Many still go missing and the disappearance list is on the increase. Freedom of speech and the right to protest are under attack. Tamils continue to be arrested on return to Sri Lanka. Suresh Premachandran MP and spokesperson for the Tamil National Alliance even told the Tamil diaspora not to return to Sri Lanka – http://www.tamilsolidarity.org/?p=4138 – Amongst the many returnees who have been arrested, only two have been released. These people were arrested by the Terrorism Investigation Department (TID). The newly elected president not only failed to address the issues of the rights of Tamil and Muslim people, it has continued with the agenda of the previous regime. The state is whipping up fear and xenophobia to perpetuate the military occupation, and maintains the culture of impunity through the Prevention of Terrorism Act. The recent report, ‘The Long Shadow of War: Struggle for Justice in Post War Sri Lanka’, by the US-based Oakland Institute think-tank, finds that thousands of people continue to be missing since the war ended in spite on the government’s promise to engage in a process of truth and reconciliation. Sri Lanka is not a safe place to send back those who have fled that country to save their lives. Deporting political activists back to Sri Lanka puts them at real danger of arrest on arrival, and the high risk of torture, and their disappearance.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by janahan sivanathan
  • Bring the MPs pay back down from £75,000 to £67,000
    £64,000 is plenty amount of cash for members of parliament, so why are the MPs taking a large pay rise while the BBC and working families take a pay cut for already rich MPs to get a higher pay check. It's selfish and we must stop it. There pay rise is causing damage to working families and public services (Eg Transport) the BBC is now on its knees
    97 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Whitehouse
  • Keep policing public in Hertfordshire
    Policing is a public service and depends on the consent of the community. Companies such as G4S should not be given police powers to stop and search citizens.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Wilkins
  • All Public contracts to be made legally "NOT FOR PROFIT" contracts
    Its public money and therefore should be the best value and the most ethical
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by sean daly
  • EU Funding of the BBC
    Because if taxpayers money (via the EU and BBC licence fees) is used to influence the outcome of the Referendum, then the issue of UK membership of the EU, will not be settled properly - and the issue is more likely to rumble on for many years, without proper resolution.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roger Arthur
  • Members of Parliament Pay Rise
    If we are to turn this country around and save money, how is it right that Members of Parliament get such a large increase in comparison to other public sector workers. We have all had to make sacrifices over the last 7 years because the pay rises given to NHS workers in particular, have been at 1% or less, which has not been keeping up with inflation. This is all public money that comes out of all of our pockets (those that have, still are, or will be) paying income tax. I have emailed my own MP to ask him to act, so if everyone does this, then maybe we will be heard.
    112 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tony Baker
  • Give us back our surgeries
    Because patents are getting bad service. Referrals aren't being made. Prescription changes being noticed at the pharmacy. False advertisement of opening times.
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Michael Castle
  • Improve Wigan Cycle Network
    A fatality happened on Robin Park Road in May. http://www.itv.com/news/granada/update/2015-05-15/cyclist-killed-near-wigan-polcie-station/ A tragedy like this is a clear indicator that the Wigan cycle network is unfit for use. Its high time that something has to be done to make cycling safer in the borough and to prevent any further incidents happening in the future. Other references that display the disappointing effort Wigan council make towards the cycling infrastructure: https://samuriinbred.wordpress.com/2014/05/05/wigan-orrell-cycling-corridor/
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Yates
  • Don't destroy the BBC
    The BBC is a crucial public service broadcaster in Britain and across the world which millions of people rely on everyday. We call on you to protect this British institution by ensuring it has the necessary governance structure which is free from interference and the required resources to remain a strong, independent and inspiring broadcaster.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Souter
  • Keep Your Hands Off Our NHS Cameron
    Without the NHS people like the elderly, disabled, which we all know your poor late son Ivan was, sick children and poor will suffer as they will not be ableto afford private health care and subsequently, like poor Ivan, die. I, myself, have epilepsy and, at the age of six months, contracted menigitis. This left me partially disabled and, without our beloved NHS I, no doubt, would've probably died as my parents were unable to afford private health care. In recent times my 70 year old dad suffered a subdural haemotoma and, yet again, without the NHS, we would have no doubt lost him. Get rid of the NHS and our blood will be on your hands.
    146 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ben Wilson