• Save The Mill Hall, Bellingham lane, Rayleigh, Essex, SS67ED.
    For the health and well being of the community.
    276 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ron Lyall
  • Fix the pothole problem in Arbroath
    The pothole problem within Angus is costing the people who live there money with unnecessary car repairs that could easily be avoided if the council fixed the problem.
    852 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Jordan Watson
  • Stop Chelmsford City Council increasing bereavement charges by 12%
    Chelmsford City Council has proposed to raise bereavement charges from April 2021 by 12%, which equates to about £100 for cremations and £200 for burials. At this immensely difficult time, the City Council must think again and look for other savings, or indeed utilise reserves. It is simply immoral to hike up these charges during a pandemic. We believe the City Council should be caring for its local residents at this difficult time. Please lend us your support in this endeavour.
    1,408 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Thorpe-Apps
  • Youth Centre for Penzance
    Locally and nationally, young people's mental health is in crisis, made worse by the ongoing coronavirus crisis. But, the provision of a safe space for young people in Penzance could be the chance to support, guide and provide opportunities to those in need. The local councils needs to listen and respond to the needs of young people by providing a youth strategy and youth centre space for the people of Penzance
    1,451 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jodie Tellam
  • Save Ellar Ghyll recycling centre
    The new Otley East development will bring an extra 550 houses to Otley. This makes it even more important that we have adequate infrastructure. We realise that Leeds City Council have had severe budget cuts but Otley cannot afford to lose this vital resource.
    350 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Lucy Nuttgens
  • Open a Post Office in Wollaton
    There was a Post Office at this site until December 2019 as part of the Waitrose shop. When it was sold to Lidl a commitment was made to open a PO as part of the complex. Agreement was reached between Lidl and a newsagent but the Post Office has blocked the plan. We want this changed.
    286 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Steve Battlemuch
  • Government must move 'Treasury North' to Teesside, Darlington and Hartlepool
    If the Government are serious about levelling up then this project must come to Teesside, Darlington and Hartlepool. Swapping one metropolitan city, like London, for another, like Leeds, is not going to lead to more investment and better policy making for towns, villages and rural areas. The centre of power needs to reflect and be based in communities that are most affected by lack of investment and locating it here will lead to more investment and better outcomes for local people.
    6,560 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Ben Houchen
  • Keep Our Post Office and Co-op Shop in Headington
    The Co-op shop has existed in the community for many years and is a valued local retail outlet with a loyal local customer base attracted by its strong ethical principles and member-ownership model. Within the shop is the Post Office. The Post Office is a service that is relied upon by many people in the communities both in and surrounding Headington. Not only is it important for postal services and social interaction - the Post Office also provides a place for banking. The Co-op and the Post Office are important to local people and we want to make sure the public continue to receive this vital service
    1,192 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Trish Elphinstone
  • Increase Safety on The Brent zebra crossing
    The Brent is highly built up - with residential housing, shops and 2 bus stops along this one small stretch of road. Earlier this month a woman was knocked down by a car and badly injured whilst walking across the zebra crossing, which simply isn't fit for purpose! This is not a one off incident, and since then many have shared their own experiences of near misses. We the undersigned ask Kent County Council for the zebra crossing lights to be installed, replaced and properly maintained & for railings to be installed along the ends of the crossing, to stop people parking alongside and obscuring pedestrians. We also ask Dartford Borough Council for increased parking enforcement along here, to deter people from parking dangerously and stop reckless behaviour. We have formed The Newtown Road Safety Group, in order to make our ward a safer place to live, and ask that both the local authority and Kent council start working together, before we see yet more injury and tragedies on our roads.
    392 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Laura Edie
  • #KnighthoodForNigel
    Nigel Owens has presided over 100 international Rugby Union test matches. He has been a global icon in the sport and a beacon of fair play and honesty. He embodies all that is good in Rugby Union - he has passion, he wants to share his love of the sport and he wants to ensure fans enjoy a fair game. He is one of the first openly gay “famous” people in rugby and, as such, has shown that rugby has an inclusive and accepting culture to those who may fear exposing their own sexuality in what is still perceived by many as a game for “men’s men”. For giving millions of fans around the world the enjoyment of the best-refereed matches ever known, for being a beacon of decency and fairness that all other referees still struggle to match, for providing strong discipline with a light touch and a lot of humour and for acting as a pathfinder for non-heterosexuals to feel accepted in the sport, it is only fitting that Nigel Owens be recognised as one of the most important single participants in the sport of Rugby Union globally in the past decade or so.
    514 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Chance Hooper
  • Keep Old Aberdeen Medical Practice under health-board control
    This tender would put a profit motive into the service. It will threaten the quality of service. It may result in the practice closing. It has been overwhelmingly rejected by staff in a vote. Staff are now leaving, or planning to leave. All 9 of the GPs at Old Aberdeen Medical Practice have tendered their resignation.
    1,108 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by John Singer
  • Lighting for The Rake park
    To provide safer passage to local residents by lighting the parks pathways and to hopefully prevent the misuse of the park after dark.
    112 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Denise Roberts