• Save the Co-op in Clevedon
    It is important that we keep the Co-op open - both for people's jobs, and because the Post Office inside the shop is very important to the public. If the shop closes down, the Triangle area of Clevedon will be badly affected and people will have to go elsewhere to access these services. The nearest alternative Post Office is in a poor location and has bad parking facilities. As a result, elderly people will struggle to access this crucial community service. As a partially disabled person, I will definitely find it difficult to reach this other location. That's why it is crucial that the central Co-op - and the Post Office within it - remains open.
    849 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Lorraine Robinson
  • Pandemic Rent Relief for Places of Worship and Community Centres
    Following the Government advice, all masjids and other faith-building and community centres are closed due to COVID-19 to help stop the spread of the contagion in the community and society at large; to support social distancing for medical reasons; and to make all necessary efforts to safeguard people; flatten the curve and to fight this virus. Most local community masjids and other faith institutions rely on voluntary donations from the regular congregation and attendees to survive and carry on – obviously, that is not possible in the current circumstances. These places help the community regardless of circumstances and challenges but also provide a place of comfort, solace supporting the well-being and welfare of its attendees and others. Under the COVID-19 challenge, these very places of worship are under increasing pressure to support the vulnerable in their locality and beyond. The rent-relief, only for the duration of this pandemic - a national emergency - will help the places of worship, faith and community centres. We urge the Council and decision-makers to support these local places in Tower Hamlets - and ask other local authorities across the country to follow this course of action urgently. We must bring everyone together and do whatever is necessary to support the community, support the vulnerable and fight the COVID-19 virus. Thank you for your time and support.
    190 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Maium Miah Together We Can Picture
  • Give NHS staff and key workers some shopping priority
    It is important because the whole country is in this together and the NHS and key workers are the forefront of the fight to stop the pandemic. They are also people too with families, children, elderly relatives to support. This would show support to them as well as help them at this critical time as the NHS cannot shut its doors, so please be kind.
    573 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Yasmin Loughman
  • Save Haverhill Post Office from Privatisation
    In it's election manifesto the Conservative Party promised to protect public services and the High Street. This franchise proposal does neither.
    336 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Dave Smith
  • Save Our BBC
    As we face the current health crisis, it has never been more important to have trusted news and information that we, as a nation, can rely on. But only a few weeks ago, the government floated a plan that would cut hundreds of millions of pounds in funding from the BBC, which would affect the services and programmes we rely on. They've pledged to scrap the licence fee and cut dozens of TV & radio stations and want to "prune" its reach into people's homes. It's a thinly veiled attempt to clamp down on being held to account. Our BBC is a world leading public service. The way that it is funded means that it's independent of government and corporate pressure. At a time when fake news can spread like wildfire and when so much is at stake, this is a dangerous attack. Already MPs from all parties are up in arms about this attack, but to stop it, it's going to take a huge amount of public pressure. Please sign and share this petition.
    303,327 of 400,000 Signatures
  • Zebra Crossings for Paxman Academy
    The students at Paxman Academy and the local community of Shrub End would benefit from safe crossing points on both Paxman Avenue and Walnut Tree Way. These roads are very busy and see lots of traffic passing speedily through and directly passing the School entrance/exit. Pupils & the local community are at great risk of being knocked down by oncoming traffic, as at present there are no safe crossing points. I have witnessed myself students having near misses on the corner where Walnut Tree Way & Paxman Avenue. We simply cannot leave this and let a fatality / major incident occur because of inaction! Safe crossing points need to be installed ASAP to ensure everyone’s safety. This action is required ASAP to prevent a Major Road Traffic Accident occurring, involving one of our children, family or other community member.
    1,525 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Vikki Brotherton
  • Adref Volunteers say ‘Save Adref’
    Adref have been providing local hostel services and housing support services for 30 years. Adref have now lost the contract to manage hostel services in Rhondda Cynon Taf and Merthyr Tydfil. This will mean:- • Adref itself being forced to close • Hostel staff moving over to a new employer with poorer terms and conditions • Up to 10 staff made redundant • 50 fantastic Volunteers losing their positions The two Councils involved need to rethink their decision. Adref does so much more than simple managing hostels and supporting people in their own homes. They provide • Help for rough sleepers - clothing, advice and snacks • Service users are supported after they leave the hostels - supplied with new kitchen electricals and basic furniture so encourage them to stay in an otherwise empty flat/house • An annual Christmas hamper appeal supported by 100s of local people, dozens of companies, hospital staff, and local council staff, providing a much-needed boost for people in our community (over 300 households Christmas 2019) • Practical training for Service users via shop volunteering Finally, we fear for the homeless themselves because of the lack of any plan to transfer services to the new company and the loss of the extras that Adref provide.
    655 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jo McCord
  • We want Aldi to open a store on the Isle of Skye
    The island and it’s population is growing with many developments happening, not to mention the thousands of tourists that visit throughout the year !! Another supermarket is badly needed for more options and choices for us all . It would also benefit the island by supplying jobs for many people that live here.
    3,666 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Marion Colven
  • Save Chineham Library
    Hampshire County Council have announced plans to close 10 libraries as part of cost cutting plans. In addition to signing this petition, it's really important that everyone responds directly to the consultation at tiny.cc/hccsurvey. Our libraries do more than simply loan books. They provide events for children, internet access for the elderly, book clubs and more. They’re places for the whole community to come together and learn. Libraries are a door into the world, we need to protect them for future generations.
    2,770 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Louise Skeats
  • Save Haringey's Parks and Green Spaces!
    All Haringey residents - of all ages and interests - benefit from access to public green spaces for their local community and neighbourhood. But they must be well-run and in good condition in order to provide the many benefits all residents deserve. The parks staff do their best but don't have the numbers or resources to manage properly. We need 2,200 people who live, work or study in Haringey to sign up with a local postcode (your home, workplace or school) by the end of February in order to trigger a debate at the council meeting in March. Please ask all the local people you know! This is a petition from the Haringey Friends of Parks Forum, the umbrella network for the 45 local Friends of Parks groups championing their local green spaces Petition: https://bit.ly/2QQdMpk Tw: @FoHaringeyParks #saveharingeyparks www.haringeyfriendsofparks.org.uk
    2,895 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Dave Morris
  • The Child Protection System in the UK is failing our families.
    The system is failing, broken and corrupt. Families are being traumatised and left with irreparable emotional damage as a result of false allegations that result in the removal of children from happy, safe and secure homes.
    398 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Laura Baxter
  • Take leadership to solve the social care crisis and give social care the funding it needs
    The Conservative Party manifesto was shockingly empty of ideas to make sure people will be supported and cared for in old age. It's because they don't want to take on such a complicated task of fixing social care - but they must. At the moment elderly people, kids, and other adults who need support aren't getting the help they need to get dressed, wash or eat their lunch. The new government cannot shirk their responsibility. They must take concrete action now to overhaul how social care works, so we can all live out our days with dignity.
    488 of 500 Signatures