• Elsrickle 20mph limit - safety for everyone
    Please, join us in trying to get a permanent 20 mph limit throughout Elsrickle to keep our kids, friends, family and pets safe. The speed that traffic currently goes through the village is unacceptable for a growing community of young families and the walking routes to our new school are unfit for purpose. Even if you do not live in Elsrickle, a reduced speed limit would allow safer school and nursery walks out.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah McGlasson
  • No Cuts to Dudley Libraries & Archives!
    We believe that access to free public libraries and archives services can change lives for the better. They are needed in Dudley Borough more than ever. Library services foster literacy and a lifelong love of books, particularly among children and young people. They enable access to vital information for marginalised groups and permit students of all ages a quiet working environment. They're also community hubs, support to parents, and offer culture, music, and reading to all. Archives, along with libraries, are also vital to the preservation of our local heritage and identity. Closing or cutting libraries or archives services in Dudley will jeopardise the educational development and cultural life of the Borough for decades to come. Your support of this petition will be visible in the public domain.
    4,147 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Paul Quigley
  • Save our swimming - Protect Uckfield's Pool!
    Uckfield Leisure Centre and swimming pool is being threatened with closure. For many Uckfield residents, the Leisure Centre is not just a gym and pool, but a vital part of the community. It is where our children learn to swim and where many of their parents learnt, too. Older residents remember paying for the pool, donating to the Uckfield Indoor Swimming Pool Trust in the 1980s. The Leisure Centre is not just a council building; it is our pool and we want it protected. With thousands more homes planned for the Uckfield area in the next 5 years, we need more public services - not less. Our Youth Centre has already been shut, leaving our young people without an indoor social space other than the pool. It meets their curriculum needs of learning to swim, saving school time by reducing travel to other towns for lessons, and the environment. Like our young people, families and older residents also benefit both physically and socially from swimming and the many other sporting activities provided at the Leisure Centre. It serves the whole community like few other places do. We know that times are tough. Many of us are feeling it more than we ever have before, and are making difficult choices as a result. We ask that Wealden District Council does the same, by finding a way to look after our Leisure Centre and save our swimming pool. We see that money, many millions in fact, can be found for our neighbours in Crowborough and Hailsham, and we are pleased for them. We all deserve good, local public services. We just ask for some of the same. Please, protect our pool and save our swimming.
    1,483 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Manvell Picture
  • Save The Swan
    To save the heritage and a great traditional pub
    1,939 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Scott Hindley
    There are lots of elderly people who need Post office services, its an important service for all
    204 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Karthik Raj
  • Sign the petition: stop cuts to our NHS and public services by taxing the super rich
    The new prime minister, Rishi Sunak, is looking to cut money from our NHS and struggling public services. He is looking for a way to pay for the disastrous budget decisions made by his predecessor Liz Truss. But with services like the NHS at breaking point we can’t take another round of cuts. Meanwhile the super rich just keep getting richer. We need to start taxing their wealth to support our struggling public services. For example, a 1% tax on super rich people with assets worth over £10 million could bring in £10 billion a year. This money could be put straight back into the NHS and our public services. The government has to act. Rishi Sunak must raise money by taxing the super rich – they must pay their share. With our NHS under severe strain, it’s never been more important for the super rich to pay more tax.
    14,134 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Palmer Picture
  • Free parking at Eastrop Park
    The introduction of parking charges at Eastrop Park has been implemented during a cost of living crisis. It ignored a significant level (c99%) of public objection; it restricts access to outdoor space and exercise with the associated health benefits following pandemic restrictions; it adversely affects those on a low income (according to the Council's own Equalities Impact Assessment) predominantly women who are far more likely to be poor, have care of children, and not have access to their own garden; it impacts on the elderly and infirm and their carers; and it sets a precedent that charging for access to parks in Basingstoke and Deane is OK. It is not OK.
    2,269 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Cllr Paul Basham
  • We need fair tax to tackle the cost of living crisis
    We’re in a cost of living crisis. Across the country, millions of families can’t keep up with their bills as energy, food, fuel and other everyday costs soar. From pensioners to children, too many are being plunged into poverty as a result. Many people are left with the choice between heating their homes or feeding their families. This is a scandal. The government has to act. The pandemic showed that politicians can choose to support people when times are tough. The enormous profits of energy giants, like BP and Shell, shows that the money is there to be used to help people through this crisis.
    90,191 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Palmer Picture
  • Brighton and Hove City Council Bin/Refuse Collection
    For the Health of The Community and a provision of ‘Paid for Services’. Council Tax payment is paying for services for which collection of waste is included.
    652 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Nicholas Bounds
  • Whitchurch skate park redevelopment project
    The current skatepark has become outdated. Its age and condition have made it no longer fit for purpose both in usability and safety. The metal ramps that were once standard practice for local parks are now recognised to be dangerous, in damp conditions they are extremely slippery, and in hot weather, they can burn skin from the heat. The rivets holding the ramps together are beginning to fail exposing sharp edges of the metal sheets. We are suggesting a complete redevelopment of the skatepark area in up-to-date building materials, which will be safer and more enjoyable to skate on, last longer and aid beginners and experts of all active sports.
    423 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Jake A Picture
  • Regeneration of Queens Leisure Centre, Derby
    Queen's Leisure Centre provides essential swimming facilities for a large proportion of Derby's population. Whilst the Moorways facility is welcome it is a long way for many people in Derby to travel especially if they don't have a car. This is a great opportunity to regenerate Queens Leisure centre so that it not only retains basic swimming facilities which are essential for public health but also contains new features which will attract people to the city bringing money into the city and generating new jobs in leisure and tourism. IMPORTANT - Please note if you are signing this petition please take part in Derby City Council's Public Consultation AS WELL... https://www.derby.gov.uk/council-and-democracy/consultations/latest-consultations/
    170 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mike Wingfield
  • Keep all our One Stop Shops
    One Stop Shops provide essential support and advice to residents. Up to March 2020, before lockdown, there were eight full-time One Stop Shops serving their local communities. In addition to routine queries, the One Stop Shops advise and support people facing emergencies such as homelessness, or the stopping of benefits for essentials. To save money, the Council proposes to replace the eight community buildings with two One Stop Shops full-time, with a variety of part-time services being offered in other buildings. We are now facing a situation of unprecedented austerity. Many Liverpool residents do not have internet access, and others have complex situations which cannot be dealt with online. Others will not have the money to travel to a One Stop Shop at the other side of the city. We need the face to face service located in our local community.
    1,948 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Knox