• Hermes: Protect all your drivers now!
    Parcel delivery firm Hermes are hiring for 10,000 new jobs to cope with the huge increase in demand for online shopping during the coronavirus pandemic. But, Hermes is facing criticism that it doesn’t protect all of their delivery drivers. Many drivers still don’t receive any sick pay and aren’t guaranteed the legal minimum wage. It just isn’t fair. It's time Hermes did more to ensure all staff receive basic workers rights. Sign the petition to pressure Hermes to do more to protect all drivers now!
    89,171 of 100,000 Signatures
  • Save Wales Aviation Jobs
    In July alone, 3,848 job losses have been announced in the Welsh Aviation industry. That figure only covers sites with union membership and agreements. There could be many more jobs at risk. Until the pandemic, Welsh Aviation had seen 10 years of growth – with excellent apprenticeship schemes bringing young women, as well as young men, into highly skilled engineering jobs. In 18 months, perhaps less, this sector will be back on track – as long as these jobs are protected. If not, they'll be gone forever. We are calling on Central Government in Westminster to listen to Welsh aviation workers and stop this tsunami of job losses.
    3,447 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Mariam Kamish
  • Blended Care For Childminders
    This will have a detrimental affect on childminding settings ☆☆Blended care allows childminders to be able to drop off and pick children up from school and nursery. This is 90% of our business. ☆☆ We need your support people! ❤
    3,395 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Kym Smith
  • End the exploitation of garment workers
    Workers in clothing factories in the UK are being exposed to unsafe working conditions, and wages as low as £3 an hour. It is illegal to earn less than minimum wage in the UK - and we have laws and workers’ rights in place that should protect all of us at work. But right now they are not properly enforced - which means workers are put at risk. This needs to change. If the government commits to improving the enforcement of UK labour laws, we can set a level playing field that ensures decent jobs, safe conditions and fair wages for everyone. Sign the petition to up the pressure now.
    6,615 of 7,000 Signatures
  • Protect all staff returning to work
    The UK Government’s draft plans to reopen our workplaces safely after the lockdown are being criticised for not going far enough. The Government are planning to issue guidelines to employers, but more needs to be done. In particular: 1. Forcing business to make risk assessments of workplaces public 2. Properly holding businesses to account to protect staff There isn’t long before the Government will set their plans in stone. Add your name to the petition now to ensure we can return to work confident that we will be kept safe.
    79,066 of 100,000 Signatures
  • Kerry Foods workers deserve a bonus payment
    Kerry Foods workers are required to continue working during this crisis. This places them at increased risk of contracting Covid-19. Other companies, including some of Kerry's customers, pay their workers an additional premium to recognise the efforts those workers are going to. To date, Kerry Foods have only offered a free breakfast, once a week, to acknowledge their workers' contribution. We demand a Hazard payment.
    285 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Paddy Mackel
  • Help gig economy workers
    Thousands of people are not covered by the support announced by the government. If you are an employee with contracted hours or you work solely as self employed, you are entitled to 80% of your income if you cannot work due the COVID-19 crisis. However many people in the gig economy have a mixed pattern of work - a bit freelance, a bit contract, a bit self-employed, a bit zero hours. Some people have a pension and do a bit of self-employed work to top it up. Students do part time work to make ends meet. Supply teachers, fee paid Tribunal members, NHS agency staff, artists, performers, contractors. These people are all left with no support. Please treat them the same as everyone else and support them with 80% of their income if they can’t work due to COVID-19.
    240 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Baalham
  • Kerry Foods - Pay Furlough Pay of 100%
    Last year, Kerry Foods made £47 million profit after tax. Per head, they made over £18,000 profit after tax for every employee. With pockets so deep, Kerry Foods shouldn't force workers to pay for being temporarily laid off.
    356 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Paddy Mackel
  • Support self-employed people during coronavirus
    Last Friday, the UK government promised billions of pounds in support for workers - but when this announcement was made, self-employed workers seemed to slip through the cracks. Around five million of us working in the UK are self-employed. And right now, these workers are being left without equal support during the coronavirus pandemic. Schemes that help busineses keep afloat and ensure people can still receive their wages should be extended to self-employed workers as well. Right now, rumours are swirling that the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, might announce plans to help self-employed people. But the risk is that he won’t go far enough, and self-employed workers will still be left out of pocket.
    161,487 of 200,000 Signatures
  • Free Parking For NHS Staff At All Hospital Sites
    It important because staff are going to be going above and beyond in a very stressful situation and the last thing they need is to be worrying about paying for parking
    568 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Anita Walters
  • Average pay for casual and low hour staff for South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture staff
    As of the 19th of March, South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture’s casual workers have been told there’s no more work for them within leisure and culture and those on low hour contracts will have their hours drastically cut as many of them work far beyond their contracted hours. This will mean we may have to go for anywhere up to twelve weeks with no pay, meaning many of us won’t be able to pay our unavoidable bills such as rent and food. This is a disgrace. It shows that the trust shows little to no regard for their staff, who often work long shifts for the benefit of their centre. We have been told that we can work on a casual basis for the NHS and social care during this time, provided we replied to an email within a time frame that was less than a day, however we have not been informed as to whether those with underlying health conditions will be able to carry out this work or what will happen to those who miss the deadline. While we would be more than happy to help our communities in this way, we will be switching us from one precarious situation to another. We have not been told how often we will be able to work, nor whether we will have to pay for any additional travel ourselves. On top of this not all casual staff received the email notifying them of the opportunity to support our NHS.
    163 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joshua Morris
  • Fair Pay, Fair Chance: Ban Long-Term Unpaid Internships
    Thousands of young people every year work for months on end for no pay to gain some work experience to help get a job. Many others – people from poorer backgrounds - lose out because they can’t afford to live without a wage and find themselves blocked from getting the experience needed for good entry-level jobs. . Now MP Alex Cunningham is bidding to change all that and the Second Reading of his Unpaid Work Experience Bill will take place on 27th March. The Bill would ban unpaid work experience that lasts longer than four weeks. The Bill doesn’t ban work experience – it just stops employers getting away with not paying their staff. In 2018 it was found that the average unpaid internship costs the person about £1100 in London just to live – meaning they are essentially paying for getting experience that most people cannot afford. If we are to make the race fair, we need to ensure that everybody starts from the same starting position. Sign the petition now to show your support for the Bill that ensures work opportunities aren’t open just to those who can afford to work for free.
    158 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Alex Cunningham MP Picture