• Pay the real Living Wage to Mitie Cleaners NOW
    If you use Glasgow Central, Edinburgh Waverley, Liverpool Lime Street, Manchester Piccadilly, Leeds City or Birmingham New Street stations, you’re passing through stations that are cleaned, day and night, by people who are surviving on poverty pay. Network Rail has outsourced the work of cleaning many of their stations to a company called Mitie Facilities Management, part of the Mitie Group plc. Mitie Group paid nearly £49 million to its shareholders in dividends in the last five years. With their CEO, Phil Bentley getting paid £2.2m. [1] But it doesn’t pay its cleaners the Real Living Wage. Mitie’s cleaners have had enough and we’ll fight for a real Living Wage, but we need your help. Please help us to persuade Mitie and Network Rail to put an end to this scandal. What Mitie workers say: -50% of respondents to a recent survey of Mitie workers said they struggled to make ends meet. -“This salary makes it impossible to save money. It's only just about enough to pay bills and that's it.” -“£8.40 per hour is a joke. It’s a continual struggle to make ends meet and doing without to cope.” -Support for the real Living Wage in Scotland, Manchester and Liverpool: -“I would encourage businesses and organisations to recognise the benefits of the real Living Wage which is not only helping to ensure people’s basic pay meets the cost of living but is increasing staff retention, productivity and boosting morale in the workplace.” Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland -“I will expect, over time, all companies in the city region benefitting from public contracts to become living wage employers”, Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham -“Paying the Real Living Wage is not just the right thing to do, there are significant benefits for individuals, businesses and the wider economy.” Metro Mayor for Liverpool Steve Rotherham [1] The Telegraph: Mitie boss’s pay packet doubles to £2.2m despite outsourcing malaise: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2019/07/07/mitie-bosss-pay-packet-doubles-22m-despite-outsourcing-malaise/
    83,902 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by RMT Union Picture
  • Make flexible working work for everyone
    Flexible working (part time, flexi hours, home working, compressed hours and job share) is good for the economy. It increases productivity, staff wellbeing, staff retention and company profits. The problem is there’s a huge disconnect between the 9 out of 10 people who want to work flexibly and the 1 in 10 jobs that are currently advertised as flexible. Flexible working could protect our economy for the future, research by McKinsey shows that enabling women to achieve their full potential in the workplace, including through widening flexible working, could add £148 billion to the UK economy by 2030; and when fathers work flexibly and share the childcare, mothers are twice as likely to advance in their careers compared to when fathers work traditionally. Flexible working should not be seen as a perk for favoured employees but as a normal way to work in the modern world. Flex For All is an alliance between: Pregnant Then Screwed, Fawcett Society, Mother Pukka, Young Women's Trust and The Fatherhood Institute.
    31,953 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Flex For All Picture
  • Stop Firing and Harassing Couriers
    Just a few days before Christmas 2018 Deliveroo chose to terminate the contracts of over 100 of their workers with no notice or right to appeal, on accusations of fraud. No evidence of these allegations was provided to terminated workers. As 2019 has progressed, Deliveroo has continued to use un-evidenced fraud and theft allegations to both terminate and intimidate couriers. As self-employed contractors, we do not have the same recourse to law or statutory rights that other workers do. While we are exploring legal solutions to this unfair treatment of workers, we recognise that the law is fundamentally not on our side, and as such we must find means to put pressure directly on Deliveroo to treat their workers fairly. We believe that, as Deliveroo face stiff competition with the likes of Uber Eats and Just Eat for willing and competent couriers, they will benefit from taking the concerns of their workers seriously. If Deliveroo chose to ignore these concerns then they are likely to face further action by couriers. ---- Żądamy aby Deliveroo: a) Zaprzestało poniżania i zwalniania dostawców bez przedstawienia adekwatnych na to dowodów. b) Wprowadziło w życie proces odwoławczy wobec wszystkich decyzji zwolnień oraz procesów dyscyplinarnych, oraz dało prawo do odwłania od decyzji zwolnienia wszystkim dostawcom zwolnionym przez ostani rok. c) Wdrążyło system chroniący swoich pracowników przed obarczeniem winą za oszustwa klientów. Jednym z rozwiązań zaproponowanych przez środowisko dostawców jest wysyłanie klientom unikalnego kodu PIN, który musiałby być przedstawiony kurierowi w momencie dostawy. d)Opublikowało przeprosiny za złe traktowanie oddanych swojej pracy i ciężko pracujących dostawców, którzy zostali zwolonieni oraz żle traktowani. Dlaczego jest to tak ważne? Kilka dni przed Świętami Bożego Narodzenia w 2018 roku, Deliveroo zdecydowało się zwolnić ponad 100 swoich pracowników bez wcześniejszego ostrzeżenia ani też prawa do odwołania. Dokonało tego pod zarzutem oszustwa. Żaden z dowodów na takie oskarżenie nie został przedstawiony pokrzywdzonym. Wraz z 2019 rokiem, Deliveroo kontynuuje bezpodstawne okskarżenia nadal zwalniając dostawców. Jako usługodawcy na zasadzie samozatrudnienia nie mamy takich samych przywilejów, czy praw statutowych. W czasie gdy poszukujemy prawego rozwiązania tej sprawy, stwierdzamy że aktualna sytuacja prawna na nie wiele nam pozwala. Stąd też zwracamy się bezpośrednio do Deliveroo aby to traktowało swoich pracowników uczciwie. Wierzymy, że Deliveroo chcąc stawiać czoła konkurencji takiej jak Uber Eats czy Just Eat dobrze traktujących swoich pracowników, weźmie sobie do serca powyższe postulaty wobec swoich dostawców. W sytuacji gdy Deliveroo zignoruje zażalenia swoich pracowników, Ci oddadzą się dalszym czynnościom w tej sprawie. ---- Nós demandamos que a Deliveroo: a) Pare de terminar contratos e ameaçar os drivers sem evidências de que fizeram algo errado. b) Implementar um processo para recursos em todos os casos de terminação de contratos e processos disciplinares, e dar o direito a recurso a todos os drivers que tiveram seus contratos terminados no ano passado. c) Implementar um sistema de proteção aos drivers para que não sejam culpados por fraudes cometidas pelos clientes. Uma solução seria enviar para o cliente um pin único que seria repassado para o driver na entrega. d) Publicar um pedido de desculpas por seu mau tratamento para com os drivers honestos e trabalhadores que tiveram seus contratos terminados ou receberam mensagens ameaçando terminar o contrato. Porque é isto importante? Alguns dias antes do natal, no ano passado, a Deliveroo terminou o contrato de mais de 100 drivers sem dar aviso prévio ou direito a recurso, com base em acusações de fraude. Nenhuma evidência para essas alegações foi fornecida. Em 2019, a Deliveroo continua a fazer o mesmo, terminando contratos ou ameçando terminar com base em alegações sem evidências. Como somos self-employed, não temos os mesmos direitos legais que outros trabalhadores têm. Nós estamos procurando soluções na lei contra o tratamento injusto feito pela Deliveroo, mas nós reconhecemos que a lei não está do nosso lado, então devemos achar maneiras de pressionar a Deliveroo diretamente. Nós acreditamos que, como a Deliveroo enfrenta uma competição feroz com a UberEats e a JustEat, ela irá se beneficiar ao levar a sério os problemas e reclamações de seus drivers. Se a Deliveroo ignorar as nossas reclamações, então ela provavelmente enfrentará futuras ações de seus drivers. -- Arabic: https://pastebin.com/V2u88LZy -- Spanish: https://pastebin.com/JHzdbXgP -- Romanian: https://pastebin.com/imBHLqFQ
    234 of 300 Signatures
    Created by IWW CouriersNetwork
  • Stop Ipswich hospital reducing staff car parking
    Not only do staff already have to pay to park at work they are now expected to park a 20 minute walk away from the hospital. This will mean members of staff walking often alone in the dark and cold/wet weather to their cars before and after a 12 hour shift.
    2,578 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Hannah Bridges
  • Save Princess Alexandra Hospital Domestics
    We as a team have worked in house for the hospital some for over 25yrs. We work hard to meet the standards of cleanliness that is required. Not only that we have a repour with the staff throughout the hospital. Doctors, Nursing and HCA trust us and our ability to do our jobs to the highest of standards. It's our lively hood and we think it's only fair that we have the right to fight for our jobs to stay in house.
    3,228 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Lyndsey Johnstone
  • Bangor University - protect our pensions
    It is grossly unfair of Bangor University to attack the pensions of their lowest paid staff, particularly as their scheme - BUPAS - is running at a surplus. University support staff are the lowest paid in their sector. They provide services such as cleaning, security, maintenance and catering - low paid work which is vital for the smooth running of Bangor University. Their academic colleagues took action to protect their pensions - and successfully fought off the attacks. All Bangor University staff deserve a fair pension which gives them dignity in retirement, not pension poverty.
    570 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Wendy Allison
  • Justice for HES workers - abandoned by private NHS firm
    When Healthcare Environmental Services (HES) - a private healthcare company making profits from the NHS - collapsed, staff were left without the wages they were owed. HES were the private company that made a fortune out of the NHS before collapsing in scandal over their failure to dispose of hazardous waste that is now piled high in warehouses across the UK. Now these failures are forcing former staff to foodbanks. The Scottish Government can end this by stepping in to make sure the staff get paid. Despite the company’s collapse, NHS boards have continued to pay HES Ltd despite wages being withheld from staff. Continuing to pay hundreds of thousands of pounds to HES Ltd in December and January whilst workers were denied their wages makes a mockery of the NHS. We are only asking for what we are rightfully owed. We need the Cabinet Secretary to end this injustice.
    1,628 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Healthcare Ex-employees
  • ‘Weekly Payment Now’ on Universal Credit
    The current design of Universal Credit is one of the evils of our age. The design of Universal Credit was supposed to make it easier for people on benefits to move into employment. A key feature is that it is paid monthly and wraps all benefits into one payment including rent. There is a huge problem with paying benefits monthly. Because of the often chaotic nature of the finances of people on benefits, most poor people run out of money long before the month end. The result is that children go hungry for days, even weeks at a time and food banks proliferate. Moreover paying claimants the money needed for their rent, which they are supposed to pass on is folly. 73% of Universal Credit claimants are now in arrears on their rent, this is causing real strain on housing associations. Basically housing associations and landlords have become the lender of last resort to those on Universal Credit. But there is a sensible quick fix that will make Universal Credit work. It is repackaging an old idea. Pass a law that anyone in employment paid under £20,000 pa has the right to be paid weekly. Admittedly that will cause a short term cash flow issue for many employers. But that could easily be overcome if the Government lent every employer the right amount of money to move people to weekly pay. They already know all this information due to the HMRC real time submissions that employers are obliged to make to HMRC any time any payment is made to any employee. It would be dead simple to work out exactly the cash flow shortfall an employer would face, this could be advanced as a Tax and NI Credit and it could be repaid over an agreed period again by an adjustment to the amount of Tax and NI an employer has to make. Then simply, pay Universal Credit weekly and pay any rent element direct to the housing association or landlord. Then insist that ATMs and point of sale equipment in the supermarkets use fingerprint recognition technology and give access to benefit accounts using the ID God has given us all. At a stoke of legislation this would reduce the problem of running out of money for too long. Basically claimants are likely to be able to budget better on a weekly basis and if they make a mistake like drinking too much it only impacts their family for a week and not a whole month. So join me in asking Parliament to pass legislation to achieve this. It is so simple and sensible that it is quite remarkable that it has never been suggested. Adrian Hill
    228 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Adrian Hill
    This is a thriving and successful community pub that has served the area since the 1850s. We urge the London Borough of Lewisham planning department to refuse the application to demolish this handsome, landmark, historic pub which is well-used and much-loved by the community.
    425 of 500 Signatures
    Created by South East London CAMRA
  • Save our Libraries Essex (SOLE)
    Essex County Council have announced plans to close 25 libraries and to turn a further 19 over to be run by local communities to save money. My local library, in West Mersea, employs 2 people for 21 hours a week. Not only will they lose their jobs if these closures go ahead, but so will all the staff at the threatened 44 libraries. My library is thriving. It is always busy with people of all ages reading newspapers and periodicals, borrowing books, DVDs and CDs, accessing the internet, researching their family ancestry and speaking to others. Libraries are fantastic assets to the community and need to be saved. No libraries in Essex should be closed or downgraded to being run by volunteers The elderly population of Essex need these libraries. Many do not have computers and some of them may not speak to anyone else in their day. We need local libraries in local communities which can be accessed on foot or bike, by all sections of society. Please think again before implementing these closures.
    11,812 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Bry Mogridge
  • Keep my workshop
    Without it I can’t continue my business
    687 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Tori Willis
    Huncoat Colliery is one of the best places in Hyndburn to see butterflies, wildflowers and other wildlife. Since the Colliery stopped operating in the 1960s, the land has been reclaimed by nature and is now a haven for wildlife. Although classed as brownfield land, Huncoat Colliery is more like a nature reserve. 21 butterfly species are present at Huncoat Colliery, 13 of which are in decline, including 2 species classed as a priority in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (Small Heath and White-letter Hairstreak). Butterflies are attracted to Huncoat Colliery by large areas of wildflowers, including stunning patches of wild orchids. Huncoat Colliery is an accessible site which gives local people easy access to nature, as well as providing educational interest. Sadly, Huncoat Colliery has been earmarked for housing development. This could be terrible news for local biodiversity, as we stand to lose an area rich in wildlife at a time when it’s more important than ever to protect the precious habitat we have left. This site has the potential to be a destination and a contribution to tourism in the Borough.
    805 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by KERRY GORMLEY Picture