• The Non Renewal of the Highdown Tearoom’s Tenancy Agreement
    The Highdown Tearooms is a much loved establishment for the people of Worthing in West Sussex and beyond. This dog friendly cafe is a lovely place to meet up with friends, and is popular with dog walkers, walkers, and for those visiting the adjoining Highdown Gardens. It has been there for many years, and is a very popular and thriving business, so it was a shock to hear that their tenancy agreement is not being renewed by the owners. The notice of non renewal says that the premises have to be vacated by the 6th July. Further update today 3rd July. Donna has been advised that the tearoom can now continue trading until the 18th July 2018. Further update today 10th July. From Donna. 29th July 2018 Sadly, the 29th July 2018 will be our last day at the Tearoom. Today is not about me. I feel for our staff who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. I feel for all our customers who have lost somewhere they could sit, chat, relax and hopefully feel valued. I’m sorry but I can’t say much more at the moment, but I thank every one of you from the bottom of my heart that has taken time to visit the tearoom to personally wish us all the best, those of you that took the time to sign the petition and to those of you that took time to add such special comments to the Worthing Herald and our Facebook page. I could not have wished for better people to call my friends. A special thank you goes out to our four-legged friends for bringing in their owners each week. We want to make our closing weekend something special. We will all be putting our heads together to come up with some idea’s. All suggestions welcome! We will keep you updated. Donna XX 10th July 2018
    4,559 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Smith
    North Lanarkshire Council intend to close the plant nursery in September 2018. This would be a great loss for the whole of North Lanarkshire, and would mean putting plant containers, bedding and floral displays out to tender to the private sector. Also, this would put an end to job placements and horticulture in this area, as well as the loss of visitors in Coatbridge. The nursery has over 100 years of service within this authority, and is used by several vulnerable groups, who would no longer have access to the support they get here. We recommend the council steps in to stop this closure and keeps the complex open to the public and available to the community. More than 1300 people have already supported our campaign by signing the petition available in the cafe at Drumpellier Country Park, please sign this petition to show the strength of support in the community for retaining this service.
    192 of 200 Signatures
    Created by GMB SCOTLAND Picture
  • Keep M&S Newton Abbot open!
    It is a much valued and popular focus in the shopping centre, for both food and outlet bargains. If the store closes it will mean a very long journey for many locals to access their nearest M&S at Torbay.
    704 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Peter Munday
  • Save Lincoln House of Fraser (Binns)
    This is a profitable, long-standing, socially important resource for the local community. It provides a good range of products and services, owns it's own lease, and is a much-loved part of a vibrant city with great staff who always make people welcome. There seems to be no economic or social case for its closure.
    439 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Paul Jackman
  • Save Scottish Borders School Libraries!
    School Librarians are a critical part of any school’s professional staff. Their skills are needed now more than ever. With vast online resources there is no shortage of sources of information. However, the more important skill is now understanding and evaluating these sources. Pupils need to learn how to sort out fact from fake. This decision will prevent pupils from reaching their full potential. Librarians have professional skills that support children of all abilities to learn. Replacing essential staff with the unpaid labour of pupils is an absolute disgrace. Scottish Borders Council should hang their heads in shame. Follow the story: Pressure grows on education officials over school library plans http://www.bordertelegraph.com/news/16272089.Pressure_grows_on_education_officials_over_school_library_plans/ Scottish Borders Council slammed for using pupils as library staff says it will teach them leadership http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/16271266.Scots_council_slammed_for_using_pupils_as_library_staff_says_it_will_teach_them_leadership/ Playground pressure mounts on council to reverse school library cuts https://www.peeblesshirenews.com/news/17233450.playground-pressure-mounts-on-council-to-reverse-school-library-cuts/
    977 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by UNISON West Lothian Picture
  • Come on Salfordians. A last attempt to tempt investors to revamp the Gas works
    There is growing Concern by a lot of Salfordians that this iconic cast-iron structures that many generations have grown up with will no longer be there!. There are many great examples around the UK of how they have been redeveloped into housing, public and community usage. In a sympathetic and artistic eye pleasing manner. Like the one in the photograph. In alot of Salfordians eyes they should be saved and redeveloped instead of just being demolished so the land can be built on for another high rised apartment block, in Salford So come on SALFORD, too many of our historic landmarks have been demolished to build high rise unaffordable apartment blocks , we need to join together and hopefully stop this from happening before its too late as this is a historic sites. This great historic landmark need to be saved for all of Salford to admire for generations to come.
    264 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Katrina Bell
  • Boots to pay staff in London the London Living Wage
    I have spoken to many Boots UK staff, who are all struggling to pay their bills from month to month. I think it is awful that members of staff who work 37.5 hours a week, are in a position where they are struggling to pay basic bills. Some even have to go to food banks to support their families. This needs to change. Staff members who currently work in London get approximately £3000 less than the London living wage a year. Based on the 2016-2017 Government figures for social housing in London, this equals to around 26 weeks rent. This is half a year's rent that staff are having to find by making cuts to their already tight budgets.
    6,187 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Jenny Foster
  • Oppose further attempts to privatise the NHS
    The board of the Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, which manages Pinderfields, Dewsbury and Pontefract Hospitals, approved plans to create a 'Wholly Owned Subsidiary;' effectively a private company owned by the Trust. Essentially, staff and services currently provided in-house such as, Facilities and Estates, will be 'outsourced' to this new arms-length company in a bid to save money. The Trust claims that money will be saved by exploiting a tax loophole. However, the Trusts CEO has given no guarantees that wages, conditions and pensions of current NHS staff will not be affected and it seems likely that the main savings will come from employing new staff on non-NHS terms and conditions with no access to the NHS Pension Scheme, creating a two-tier workforce. This is a form of backdoor privatisation that will have direct consequences on health workers and could potentially affect patient care and service delivery. Why is it that honest, hard-working people, always seem to pay the price? NHS Staff are valued members of our community, they are our neighbours, our friends and our colleagues, who dedicate their lives to helping others. After years of increased workloads and understaffing due to Austerity and nurses using foodbanks due to the pay cap, this latest threat to jobs is their 'reward'. The Mid Yorkshire Unison Health Branch is due to ballot their members for Industrial Action in a bid to protect jobs. The Wakefield Constituency Labour Party believe NHS Workers deserve better than this, especially at a time where there is a need for higher wages and better conditions. We will be standing with Unison members in this fight and we would like to call on your support in opposing these plans.
    205 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jakob Williamson
  • Save M&S Newmarket
    It is vital the store remains because many elderly people without access or an understanding of modern technology live in the town and for them this is one of their main suppliers of basic groceries like bread and milk. When I was younger, my grandmother would buy me my favourite treats from M&S; therefore it too holds a special place in my heart. This is why it is so important the store must remain open!
    229 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Nasir Rahman
  • Stop Royal Free nurses' home being turned into luxury flats
    Health workers get paid so little, they work long frequently unsociable hours. They need to be able to afford to live near where they work so they don’t have to add huge travel time and costs to their daily life. Our lives are literally in these people’s hands and we need to give them the respect that they clearly deserve and one way we can show this respect is to let them have affordable housing. The house prices in Camden are extremely high, we have a huge amount of very expensive housing already. The average house price in this area is over a million pounds and the average London wage for a nurse is only £24,963. How on earth are the backbone of our health service supposed to afford to live anywhere near where they work? Affordable nurses housing should be sacrosanct. The Royal Free London NHS foundation and Camden council need to backtrack on these plans as a matter of urgency. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/may/18/royal-free-secretly-planning-to-develop-100-year-old-hospital-into-luxury-flats?utm_source=&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=blast2018-05-22
    23,629 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Catherine Atherton
  • Defend our Veterans Services
    The UK Government is looking to outsource Veterans Services without public consultation taking place. Notice of tenders were issued in April 2018 which considerably expand the services that will form part of the Future Service Delivery Contract (FSDC). This contract provides provision of Armed Forces Pay, Pensions and Military HR and Administration Services and will be expanded to include: • Administration of the War Pensions Scheme and Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (including payment and financial accounting with interfaces to other Ministry of Defence and other government department financial systems); • MoD Medal Office – the administration and issue of medals and awards; • Provision of Veterans Enabling and Supporting Services; and • Maintenance and development of existing Information System (IS) and enquiry services in support of the above services. We are concerned about the impact outsourcing these services will have on the quality of service provision that veterans currently receive. We are also concerned that the MoD is reserving the right to include/add any other work related to delivery of Military Human Resources or Veterans Services during the lifetime of the contract. The contract is worth up to £800 million and an estimated 400 jobs are being put at risk.
    3,879 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by James Davies
  • Employment slavery
    To avoid homelessness and crime,illegal activity and to survive while applying for asylum.Avoiding under national minimum wage payment,illegal working.Unscrupulas employers.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeremy Hart