Make School Uniforms Affordable for AllMany families across the UK are already struggling financially. Just this week, many pupils were turned away from various Local Comprehensive Schools due to not wearing the updated and inflated priced trousers/skirts available only at exclusive school wear shops (this is also in breach of the 'Competion act'). Children are being excluded and left feeling humiliated and oustricised because they're from poorer or struggling families who are getting further into debt trying to purchase these ever changing requirements. This not only deeply affects a families finances, but also adds to stress within the family home, creating knock on effects. Schools were once about education, not business and profit making. A smart uniform displaying one logo on the blazer/jumper was enough and didn't affect a childs education - PE kits were also once plain and simple - Legislation states that Uniform should be affordable for all. We are asking you to join us in this cause and help make it illegal for schools to force these unnecessary changes, and keep the cost of uniform affordable for all. A plain smart uniform is adequate enough.271 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Hannah Grant
Save our Disabled Children's TransportCoventry Council are making the families of disabled children pay £600 a year for transport to and from school. This service used to be free, but now families are being forced to fork out. The wellbeing and education of disabled children is being put at risk. Disabled children should not be punished for going to school.2,229 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Mandy Siddiqui
USS must show its workingsThe current valuation of the USS pension scheme is critically important to its members, as the results may well lead to significant benefits cuts or large contribution increases. The assumptions and methods that USS have used in their valuations are causing huge amounts of controversy, and led to the biggest strike in higher education for a generation. The 'Academics for Pensions Justice' campaign, resourced through donations by 2,000 USS members, are demanding that USS provides full disclosure of the data, assumptions and modelling approach underpinning the 2017 valuation. It is imperative that those wanting to scrutinize the workings, including the Joint Expert Panel established in the wake of the strike action, are able to do so. The current lack of transparency is indefensible and should be of huge concern to all USS members, who have every right to see the workings behind any figures USS produces and need to be sure that any claims of unsustainability are put under proper scrutiny.5,691 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Sam Marsh
Please reform and relax DLA rules for Diabetic ChildrenType1 diabetes Mellitus insulin dependent is for life and will never go away so why does the Government still insist on making it as difficult and upsetting as possible to make a claim for something our Diabetic children are entitled too.721 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Sean Ratcliff
End The Unfair Pricing of Gendered ProductsWhy should women pay up to 37% more than men to shave, wash and keep themselves smelling fresh? It is 2017 and yet women are still being treated unfairly, earning less and paying more for basic toiletries, whilst men earn more and pay less. What example is Boots giving to the future generations by setting this terrible example in the UK?14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by DaisyandAbbie .com
Delays and lack of communication regarding spouse visa enquiriesIt's important as genuine people's lives are in limbo. Some people are made physically sick with the long waiting of 7, 8, 9 even 12 months. With little or no response from the HO. MPs try to help in certain cases and they are also told to tell the sponsor to wait with no explanation other than "it's still being decided". I don't think they realise the anguish, heartache and trauma that some people experience. It's difficult to go about daily lives with no update from the HO when enquiring about the visa that you are applying for just to continue living a normal family life with children or husband. The public are not aware of the mounting costs the HO / Government are charging after you have paid your fee.149 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Africa Njie
Do not renew Geoffrey Boycott's employment contract for his recent racist commentWe need to challenge casual racism, especially from respected figures, such as Geoffrey Boycott. Such attempts at humour, no matter where the offence takes place, undermine efforts to create a more equal society, in which respect is due to all. The BBC should apply its equality policies consistently, irrespective of how long a person has worked for them. The Black and White Minstrel Show, in which white performers appeared with blacked out faces, ended in 1978, because it was felt to be offensive and inconsistent with British values then. The BBC Code of Conduct states in Part 1.3 Treating everyone equally "We don’t tolerate discrimination of any kind, and we speak up when we see it. We’ll take disciplinary action against anyone who crosses the line, including firing them for gross misconduct, if it’s serious."26 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Denise Robson
Compulsory education for people to raise awareness about Islamaphobia.It is important to educate people about Islam so they are less islamaphobic.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Team Perham
Install More Disabled Changing Rooms in BritainAt the moment only a few establishments in the UK have disabled changing places, ie a toilet with a hoist and disabled changing bed. Companies do not realise that a disabled toilet on it's own does not cater for the needs of people who can't stand unaided or weightbear. As a consequence, many disabled people and their carers find their choice of leisure/social activities limited by the lack of a disabled toilet which they can use without being lifted and/or suffering the degradation of being changed on the floor in a disabled toilet. Even family orientated venues like Center Parcs do not offer disabled changing places. This is an issue that daily impacts on my 20 year old daughter's life, and therefore also on ours and her carers'. My daughter either waits for the toilet until we get home, which can take anything from half an hour to an hour, depending on where we are. Or, despite my urging her not to, she will go without a drink. Disabled people are being deprived of a basic human right that most of us take for granted.74 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nikki Dennis
Remove the Edward Colston Statue from Bristol City CentreEdward Colston was a Bristol-born English slave trader, merchant and Member of Parliament. Much of his wealth was acquired through the trade and exploitation of slaves. Yet we celebrate and commemorate him with a statue in our beloved city centre. He has no place there. Following the events in Charlottesville and the announcement that the Colston Hall will be renamed, it seems appropriate that his statue also be removed. Whilst history shouldn't be forgotten, these people who benefited from the enslavement of individuals do not deserve the honour of a statue. This should be reserved for those who bring about positive change and who fight for peace, equality and social unity. We hereby encourage Bristol city council to remove the Edward Colston Statue. He does not represent our diverse and multicultural city.12,045 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Samantha Gould
Give Shared Parental Pay to the Self-EmployedSelf-employed parents are not eligible for Shared Parental Pay (ShPP). The current system of Maternity Allowance for the self-employed places the entire burden of childcare onto the mother, and offers no financial support for self-employed fathers or same-sex partners wanting to share childcare. We would like to see ShPP implemented for self-employed parents, as it would allow them more flexibility to successfully run their businesses without claiming any more money from the government than the mothers are currently entitled to. Self-employed mothers claiming Maternity Allowance have none of the legal protections afforded to employees when they go on maternity leave, so the flexibility to share childcare and stop and start their maternity pay in order to maintain their business becomes even more crucial. We believe that in 2017 gender-equality is a fundamental right, not an optional extra reserved for those in traditional employment.8,146 of 9,000 SignaturesCreated by Organise.org.uk - The UK's workplace campaigning site
Improved holiday provisions for all special needs children in Telford and WrekinTo support families with complex children during school holidays giving routines, consistency and respite. Having a provision like this would improve mental health and wellbeing of everyone involved. Parents are exhausted and children have no where to go that is suitable for their needs. Even if they do have access to the small amount of trips and playscheme available it is small and not consistent throughout the entire school closures. Parents who are employed are unable to go to go to work as there is no permenant or regular provision suitable for their child. We are not able to send our children to just any holiday club or child minder... They are extremely vulnerable persons and have to have all of their needs met and understood. Our son is 5 and a half years old. He was placed at The Bridge Assessment Nursery for almost 2 yrs so was able to access a holiday playscheme for a couple of hours twice per week for 4 weeks. We were grateful for this little bit of respite at the time even as small as it was, but as our son has now moved to another special school there is no permenant holiday provision at all. Not having respite for a family with a special needs child is so difficult. Our children need routine and consistency and don't understand why school closes for 6weeks+, this accentuates all of their difficulties.201 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Lucy Trower
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