• We demand for a halt in the roll-out of Universal Credit
    We the undersigned wish to express our profound disquiet at the roll-out of digital Universal Credit (UC). The Government’s plans will continue to replace all means-tested social security benefits and tax credits for those of working age, across Greater Manchester and beyond. We believe that we should not stand for such wilful ignorance of the impacts of the new system. We urge individuals, groups, organisations, MPs, councillors, landlords and housing associations to stand in solidarity against the Universal Credit roll-out. Signed and shared by: Greater Manchester Law Centre, GM Poverty Action, Big Issue North, Salford Mayor Paul Dennett, Salford Council Welfare Rights and Debt Advice Team, Salford Star, People's Plan GM, Coffee 4 Craig, St Mungo's Unite, Kill the Housing Bill, Cllr Gary Bridges, Cllr Bev Craig, Cllr Basat Sheik, Cllr Richard Leese, Council Labour Group, Manchester Shield, Withington Lib Dems. As this catastrophe unfolds the shortcomings and blind spots of UC have increasingly become clear. The following are the six issues, faced by individuals and families, which concern us most: 1. People are experiencing waits of six to twelve weeks (sometimes longer) for their first payment of Universal Credit. Consequently, people are spiraling into debt and rent arrears which they may find it impossible to recover from. 2. Universal Credit claims can only be processed online through a system called verify which cannot be completed without requisite ID or computer access. Some of the most vulnerable people, such as those who are disabled, precariously housed, homeless or non-UK citizens, find it extremely difficult to claim. This both lengthens the waiting period for first payments and makes it difficult for individuals to maintain their claims, putting them at risk of sanctions. 3. Sanctions are being applied erratically and arbitrarily in relation to UC. There is mounting evidence highlighting unfair use of sanctions, for example individuals have received them for being at work and missing their work focused interview. Full service roll-out will also bring housing benefit into the realm of sanctions, directly increasing the risk of evictions and homelessness. 4. Under UC many will see a reduction in their financial entitlement and will be living off substantially less money. In some cases individuals will be around £100-£300 less well off per month than on previous legacy benefits like Employment and Support Allowance and Severe Disability Premium . Disabled people and those with debilitating heath conditions will be pushed further into poverty as a result. 5. Young People aged 18-25 will be disproportionately affected by UC, . For example, those aged between 18-21 will not be entitled to housing benefit under UC unless in an exempt category. The exemptions will not cover thousands of at risk young people, resulting in mounting debt and homelessness. 6. Evidence suggests that UC is pushing more children and families into poverty. Unjust elements of UC like the two child limit do not support working or non-working families. Direct links to welfare reform, specifically UC are causing professionals to highlight the risk of more children going into care and families becoming homeless. We call on the Government to halt the roll-out while all of the problems are reviewed, to avoid creating unnecessary suffering. Universal Credit, if rolled out in its current form, is a Universal Catastrophe that will place an unsustainable burden on the finances of local authorities, charitable organisations and support services who will ultimately be left to pick up the pieces.
    464 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Greater Manchester Housing Action Picture
  • Philip Hammond: Bury funeral debt for grieving families
    My mum was only 46 years when she got diagnosed with a brain tumour and told she had three months to live. I was stunned when the funeral director said it would cost £5,000 for a cremation. I felt shame having to owe people money. Because I was unable to repay the debt and deal with my own emotions, I wasn’t able to grieve in peace. The government funeral fund used to cover the cost of a basic funeral for families who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford one. Now it covers less than 40% - that's just £700 for direct funeral expenses. According to Money Advice Service, the average cost of a funeral can range from £1600-£4257.but it can be much more in places like London which is double the national average. Many families like mine are being forced into debt and poverty because they can't afford a funeral when someone they love dies. Now the Fair Funerals campaign is calling on the government to raise the funeral fund and help families grieve in dignity. One in six grieving families get into serious financial problems trying to pay for a funeral. Tell the government to save grieving people like me from funeral debt. Please sign this petition now.
    2,016 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Kristina Soup
  • Bring Joey Home ❤️
    This is joey, our 13 month old pup and he has now been seized after dog wardens picked him up classing him as a stray after he slipped his collar, the police are trying to intimidate us by telling us Joey will suffer 6 months in their kennels and other nasty things they said to which I got all on record. We will not sign him over and we will fight until we get him back. This is a support page for Myself Martina & Joey. Currently waiting to open a case with a professional Solicitors that deal with this. Never thought this would ever happen as he’s such a kind loving puppy, my little sisters are as devastated as us. This is happening too often and many dogs are being destroyed purely because of their looks and being deemed a dangerous dog. It's absolutely wrong in so many ways. We need to stand up for our dogs and beat this BLS #SayNoToBls #ItsNotTheBreed #BringHomeJoeyBear
    726 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Josh Cardno
  • Keep this man near his friends and family
    Richard had a riding accident which left him in a wheelchair with spinal injuries 4 and a half years ago. He has to leave his BCC tenancy farm where he has lived for 46 years as his father has died and he was not allowed to take over the tenancy. He has unpredictable weakness in all limbs and needs 3 people to do any physio safely. He was only given 1 hour of physio every 4 weeks by the NHS and needed amulance transport to get to SMH for it so it was cancelled after a few weeks as he was too tired by the time he got there for it to be worthwile. So his friends and family who all live in North Marston or within 5 miles have set up a rota and each evening we get him out of his chair and walk a few steps and do physio on his hands which are like claws if physio is missed for a few days. Richard has suffered from sever depression since the accident and this bit of respite and regular visits has given him a new lease of life. He is in an electric wheelchair so cannot use public transport. His two small sons also live within North Marston and he loves to go in is wheelchair to school and see them... all this will be denied if he gets moved out o the vilage. He has a live in carer due to his dependency and cannot move himself or take care of any basic needs without her help. There is a VAHT property in North Marston tht has been empty for 9 months. It needs some adaptions but as I understand it grants are available It doesn't currently have a wet room but nor does his current property as he was refused a grant to adapt it by BCC.
    2,215 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Christina Hutson
  • Young people after care
    kids in care are mounded by the system with rules regulations and professional boundaries. at the age of 18 they become adults yet are so venerable
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by katie riordan potts
  • Use cycle training to teach road safety to all new drivers
    This would enable new drivers to understand the benefits and vulnerabilities of being on a bicycle, improving road safety for everyone. It would also improve the skills and awareness of those adults most likely to cycle on urban roads at peak times. Thirdly, it would enable many more people to experience cycling as an adult and encourage them to see the opportunities it presents for clean, cheap and easy transport.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Steve Walker
  • Reform the GRA
    The rights of millions of Trans and Non-Binary people is at stake! Our Government is exploiting us into 'outing' ourselves to obtaining birth certification! We need this reformation of the Gender Recognition Act, in order for the birth of future Trans and Non-Binary people to obtain certification no matter where on life's journey they are. It will change the way society accepts us as members of society = no questions asked It will generate employment and better immigration rights It will make government run things quicker than today. My case story My name is Alexandria Aileen Adamson, I am an autistic woman. There was complications earlier on in life. My grandparents raised me a girl, but then at 10 he (the biological father) threatened to murder me, and from then on I was forced to pretend for him for 15 years until my mum had enough of his abuse. Mum moved me with her away from the abuse, From then on I was a free women with severe medical complications, that resulted in intense physical therapy and now awaiting surgery that wasn't my fault. From the Tories NHS cuts I am on an incredibly long waiting list and having problems with losing weight to reduce the BMI, as well as obtain birth certification under Tory rule. however there has been cuts on dietitions on the NHS, that's becoming more hard to lose weight! The Gender Identity Clinic under the NHS are to supply evidence on cases of "gender dysphoria", which in the of cases, patients do not feel it should be relevent to obain a birth certificate. I have suffered seven suicide attempts and severe mental health problems due to the Tories ignorance and austerity. I have been offered a place at East Tennessee State University to study Bluegrass Old-Time and Country music, because no birth certificate = no visa or green card. I started this petition on the evening of International Day of Peace, as it is a day for calling for ceasefire and putting an end to hate
    215 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Alexandria Adamson Picture
  • We need a bridge with pedestrian lifts at Abergavenny Station
    This station is on the mainline route from Swansea/Cardiff to Manchester and Holyhead, and serves a huge area of Monmouthshire and South Powys, the Brecon Beacons and Black Mountains as well as the town of Abergavenny. There are 2 ways to reach the far platform at Abergavenny. One is by a steep footbridge which has 45 steps and is difficult to negotiate, especially in bad weather. The other is to cross the line, accompanied by a member of staff. If you wish to do the latter, then you are expected to phone to notify your request to travel at least 24 hours beforehand. If you wish to travel out of office hours, there will be no members of staff at the station and you are dependent on the guard or the driver of the arriving train to accompany you across the line. So much for spontaneity of travel for many people! We want a bridge with passenger lifts to give full access for disabled passengers, older people and those with heavy luggage. 30% of the population in Monmouthshire is over 60. We were granted the money and planning permission for the bridge about 5 years ago. It never happened because Network Rail could not work out what to do about the position of the signal because the driver’s view of it would be blocked by the new bridge. We demand that Network Rail solve this problem, find the resources and, either replace or resite the signal in order that work on a bridge and lifts can commence. This is not just important to local people; Abergavenny station is used by visitors to major events such as The Food Festival and the Green Man Festival, the Hay Festival, and the 2016 National Eisteddfod. All these events bring visitors and revenue into the area. If you believe, like the organisers of this petition, that this situation is not good enough and that there should be equal access for all at the station, please sign this petition.
    1,118 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Abergavenny Rail Access Campaign
  • Motor Way Disability
    My Name Is Mrs Eileen Brown I started to become Disabled in 2000 as my right leg kept collapsing. I have since become Disabled with Severe Arthritis in my Knees Hips Back & Now becoming in both my Shoulders. I can hardly put one foot in front of the other I'm only able to sit for 1- 11/2 hour due to Severe Back Pain & I can only stand in any one Position for about 1/2 hour. I had always loved working & had wished to do so until I was retirement age. Due to the Severe Arthritis I have been Robbed of my Ability to Work or do any of the Hobbies I used to love. Able bodied people take for granted. I also have Severe Depression due to the Arthritis & weight gain. My only Pleasure left in life is my Ability to Drive Short Distances or be driven Short Distances at any one time. MY PETITION IS FOR DISABLED PEOPLE TO BE ALLOWED TO PARK AT ALL MOTOR WAY SERVICE STATIONS WITH OUT A TIME LIMIT. I WOULD LIKE TO SEE DISABLED LOOS AT BOTH ENTRANCES INTO THESE FOOD HALLS I WANT TO SEE MORE ACTUAL DISABLED PARKING BAYS MARKED FOR DISABLED OUT SIDE OF THE ACTUAL FOOD HALLS FOR US TO BE ABLE TO PARK OUR CARS CAMPERVANS MOTOR HOMES OR CARAVANS. IN THE LATER THREE WE DO NOT FEEL SAFE PARKING IN LORRY PARKS OR AT THE BACK WHERE IT TENDS TO BE DARK. I HAVE WITNESSED THE LATER THREE BE STOLEN ON VARIOUS STATIONS AND WE DO NOT NEED THE EXTRA STRESS TO FIND OUR TRANSPORT STOLEN REPLACEMENT TRANSPORT IS NOT ALWAYS POSSIBLE DUE TO COMPLEX DISABILITES I DO NOT LYE DOWN THROUGH CHOICE ITS A MUST / NEED TO LYE DOWN REST MY WHOLE BODY AND SOME TIMES TAKE MY MEDICATION. THE SAME WOULD NEED TO APPLY TO DUEL CARRIAGE WAY SERVICE STATIONS WE WANT OUR FREEDOM TO TRAVEL JUST LIKE ABLE BODIED PEOPLE CAN PLEASE SIGN I'M BEGGING EVERY ONE TO DO SO
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eileen Brown
  • Awareness of Rohingya
    This is greatly important as Burmese leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been denying any mistreatment of the Rohingya muslims. Whereas in fact the situation is like a ethnic cleansing with mass murders occuring effortlessly by soldiers. A breach of basic human rights is an understatement as the Rohingya are being slaughtered soley on their choice of religion, which is atrocious. If our MP can bring this situation to eyes of Parliament, aid can be sent to refugees fleeing Burma and ultimately the government can add to the international pressure being applied on Burma to open their borders so aid can be sent for the oppressed still hiding and living within the country.
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Saadat Kamali
  • Lower high school dinner prices! To ensure our children are eating and drinking properly!
    They say our children deserve a great education but if they are hungry and thirsty during school hours because their dinner money doesnt stretch far, how on earth do they expect our children to focus and concentrate?? They run schemes for primary schools so why ate high schools any different and why should people be discriminated for their income or employment status? Every child matters.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Maxine Hayes
  • Save the Hope & Anchor
    This pub has been trading since 1892 and so it has huge historical reference in Pontefract and is shadowed by Pontefract Castle. The pub is loved throughout the community and is beginning to become a hive of music activity drawing bands from far and wide as well as catering for our talented local musicians. It is the home of Pontefract Scooter Club, who regularly host events to raise money for local charities such as The Prince of Wales Hospice and The Yorkshire Air Ambulance. The Hope & Anchor is an integral part of the community and we should be saving these historical institutions not turning them into offices etc
    907 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Dave Hallaways