• Goring Community Skatepark Project
    Skateparks are proven to increase health, well-being and community cohesion whilst reducing social exclusion and anti-social behaviour. The skatepark will not only benefit skatepark users, it will enhance the village and will be an asset to the whole community. The new skatepark will be a free-to-use, safe, inclusive and family orientated sports facility for users of all ages. It will be professionally designed and constructed by a company selected by the Goring Community Skateboard Project with design input from local skatepark users
    637 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Geraldine Poole Picture
  • Save the Trees of Little Stoke
    Our Trees and hedgerows are precious to us, they are characteristic of the area having been here for a very long time. Since Covid-19 hit there is even less need for a new bus, our roads In the stokes and surrounding areas at rush hour are practically empty and the busses that do run have even less passengers than before. Our hedgerows thrive with small birds and other wildlife. Where will they go? If the trees and hedges are removed there will be nowhere. This is not the behaviour we would expect of a local authority in an area so caring about its wildlife and trees. We question whether there’s even a need for this bus, the COVID-19 crisis is predicted to last years not months, what a huge waste of local council tax payer’s money. Surely our money could be better spent helping small businesses and families rebuild and adjust to our new post lockdown normal.
    374 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Jessop
  • No fun for Nature - Save Swanscombe Marshes
    The Swanscombe Peninsula is home to a remarkable mix of habitat of high value to wildlife – these include grasslands, coastal habitats, brownfield features, scrub and intricate wetlands. Known as Swanscombe Marshes, this urban wilderness is home to thousands of species, including over 200 invertebrate species which are rare or under threat. As well as abundant bees, butterflies and beetles, Swanscombe Marshes is one of just two places in the UK where you can find the Critically Endangered Distinguished jumping spider (Attulus distinguendus). It is home to Nightingales, Cuckoos, Marsh harriers and a thriving population of Common lizards, thanks to its array of rich habitats. Swanscombe Marshes is not just important for wildlife. The site has been enjoyed by local people for years for walking, bird watching, angling and escaping the hustle and bustle of North Kent. But all of this is now threatened by the proposed London Resort theme park. Hyped as the ‘UK’s Disneyland’, much of the unique habitat of Swanscombe Marshes would be destroyed and concreted. The wildlife riches of the site simply will not survive this development. At a time when the value of wildlife and open spaces is being appreciated more than ever and amid a biodiversity crisis, we urge the Secretary of State to reject this unnecessary and ill thought out application. Please sign our petition to save this unique site, let’s save Swanscombe Marshes! For more information please visit our website https://www.buglife.org.uk/campaigns/save-swanscombe-marshes/. Photos l to r (c) Diamond Geezer, Peter Harvey
    35,490 of 40,000 Signatures
    Created by Paul Hetherington Picture
  • Support Manor Farm Dog & Sports Complex
    For over 6 years now we as a family have taken pride in caring for the Manor Farm 22 acre site. When we moved in it was heading into ruins with vandalism and lack of care. My family and I were welcomed by the local residents and community and we felt obligated to do what we can to make this site enjoyable to all. In doing so we have been pleased to offer our dog day care and dog homeboarding service since 2014 along side all of the other benefits to the site. Many of you may have heard of our dog cafe that opened 3 years ago in Wythenshawe called "The Beach Dog Cafe". We have now moved our cafe to this muched loved site. In order to do this planning permission is required. And since our overall concept is unique some of our other services are being reviewed. So we need your help.  We know our ambitions are big for our Manor Farm site and the service we offer and we are looking for support to help bolster our application. Our 22 acre site will be more than a café and day care, it will be a focal point for the community - combining sports, outdoor recreation, a dog café, as well as a rewarding dog day care and dog home boarding service.  And if that wasn’t enough, we will have indoor space for small gatherings, exercise and fitness, as well as workshops and space for community organisations.  The Manor Farm site located in Timperley has lacked a  purpose for many years now but we feel combining these interests will offer fun, exercise, mental wellbeing along with community spirit for all to enjoy.   Please support us by signing our petition to grant planning permission to open our doors. Many thanks From Tony, Tania & all of our staff
    866 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Tony Golden
  • Stop Costa Coffee from hurting Bella's
    Costa Coffee has applied to set up a cafe in the Eastbourne railway station, right next door to Bella's Cafe, a local business. This move threatens the very existence of Bella's, a cafe that has survived rail strikes, austerity, a COVID19 lock-down and is now faced with overwhelming opposition. Costa has already three coffee bars in Eastbourne and one of them is directly across the road from the station! Bella's is well liked in the community and has won awards for its service. It has endured a terrible business climate to serve its customers to a high standard. They are a local employer and have even provided discounts for NHS front-line staff. Costa's move, if it goes ahead, will be seen as commercial predation and domination where a large corporation rides roughshod over a local business. We therefore ask you not to go ahead with the establishment of a coffee bar in the Eastbourne Railway Terminus.
    1,995 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Don Foster
  • No Access Road on Castle Street Bodmin
    There is a perfectly good access road from Callywith College that was built for the explicit purpose of providing access to this new development. This road currently sits unused. The proposed access road from Castle Street however, will result in demolition of an existing home, currently housing a young family of 5 with disabled children. It will blight a neighbourhood of vulnerable residents with significantly increased traffic. And will cause avoidable and unnecessary environmental damage through the destruction of a hedge row, and the tearing down of oak trees.
    561 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Jenkin
  • Save our motorcycle/Scooter parking at The Groves.
    Motorcycles and scooters have parked at the Groves since the 1950’s. It has become a tradition enjoyed by Cestrians and tourists alike. Many of these riders are involved in local charities including the North West Air Ambulance, Easter egg runs to the Countess hospital and Teenage Cancer trust and use the river site to meet, network and organise events. Over the years they have raised thousands of pounds and delivered vast amounts of Easter eggs and toys to sick children locally. Without this meeting place not only will the Groves lose a part of its heritage but there will be nowhere in the immediate area for bikes to park in any numbers making it very difficult to plan future events. These riders have supported local charities for years and now ask for your support to continue.
    2,018 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Andrews
  • Save the Historic Landscape at Cuckmere Haven
    “ It is the one place I know that if you were to sum up the essence of our country I would have no doubt in recommending it to other people. …… it must be preserved. “ Dame Judi Dench 2019 For hundreds of years, the Coastguard Cottages at Cuckmere Haven have framed views across the Downs towards the Seven Sisters and Beachy Head. This world famous iconic view may soon be lost forever. The seawalls that protect the unique view are under attack from severe storms and rising sea levels, and will not hold for very much longer.. If the seawalls are not repaired and strengthened soon, then one by one the cottages, cable hut, and old sea defences will fall into the sea destroying some of our heritage, the landscape and the world famous view. An ambitious, community-funded scheme to repair the seawalls and save the cottages, could begin as early as this September 2020 – but only if the South Downs National Park Authority agree. A planning application has been recently submitted to the SDNPA and now the park authorities must decide what they feel is for the best. The fate of the cottages and this precious part of the coastline could be sealed as early as this summer. The SDNPA could decide to turn down the application, causing the loss of the cottages and landscape as we know it.. We don’t think this is right. Preserving heritage assets is part of the SDNPA manifesto, and it should be in the National Park's interest to save such a well loved, unique and popular site. Do you agree? The SDNPA must take account of everyone’s views before making their decision - so your opinion really matters. If you agree that the historic cottages and the view should be saved, please sign our petition, and even better, submit a comment direct to the SDNPA by following the links below. If you would like to comment on, or find out more about our planning application and how our scheme has been sensitively designed to protect this most precious and unique part of the SOUTH DOWNS NATIONAL PARK, please go to: https://planningpublicaccess.southdowns.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=QC0CVFTU08600 , or search for SDNP/20/02390/FUL on the SDNPA planning portal at https://planningpublicaccess.southdowns.gov.uk/online-applications/ you can comment on the application here or alternatively you can send comments to them by post, addressed to SDNPA, South Downs Centre, North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9DH or to [email protected] More about Cuckmere Haven, it's history, and the campaign can be found at www.cuckmerehavensos.org
    4,150 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Cuckmere HavenSOS Picture
    Canvey Island is being ruined by over building . Canvey Island seafront is unique and affordable for the masses and draws in thousands of families . They come because of Leisure Island Fun Park . A cheap enjoyable day out for families . Take that away and the thousands will not come anymore .
    1,214 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Teresa Swann
  • Stop demolition of Olive Morris House during lockdown
    On behalf of Olive Morris House Residents: Lambeth Council, through Muse developments, has this morning (Monday 20th April 2020) begun demolition work on the council building Olive Morris House on Brixton Hill. Local residents were told on Friday 17th April, giving us just 2 days-notice. The demolition was supposed to happen two years ago, and is part of the council’s ongoing ‘New Town Hall’ project - it is not essential safety work. Whilst the demolition will happen at some point, we feel pressing ahead with it during the unprecedented Covid-19 global pandemic is reckless. Lambeth has one of the highest Covid-19 infection rates in London and the country. Continuing with the works at this time risks the health, well-being and quality of life of us as local residents, but also of the whole borough and of the demolition workers. Residents have no choice but to stay at home in line with the government guidelines during lockdown with demolition works on our doorstep. Many of us are older and in the high-risk category for Covid-19 risk: noise and dust from this major demolition project will be unsettling. Many of us are already unable to leave our houses, but now we may also be unable to open our windows or for those of us that have them, use our gardens. The impact on mental health and well-being, especially for the most vulnerable residents is an extreme concern. There will be no option for respite or escape from the demolition as we can't leave our homes under lockdown. Many of us are working from home and schooling our children and these works add unnecessary pressure and stress. When the New Town Hall development was in earlier stages, the developer supported people to work elsewhere when the build was taking place. This is not possible in lockdown. It is not right for these works to proceed when everyone is being reminded of their duty to think about others, stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives. Economic concerns are being put in front of the health, well-being and lives of Lambeth residents – we need this to change.
    1,181 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Robbie Titmarsh
  • Support Sutherland Space Station against legal action by Wildlands
    I have run the SPUR support group since the Sutherland Space Port Project took roots. I have started this petition because this is extremely important for the future of our area. We have a massive problem with depopulation in Sutherland & Caithness . The real difficulty lies with lack of full time nonseasonal jobs to keep the young in the North. So the promise of up to 40 jobs created by this Space Port will be fantastic, especially if it attracts young professionals with families !! . It also will give autonomy to the local area with money to spend as we wish. Projects we would never be able to afford as things stand now, unless it was on Wildlands agenda!! The links to be set up between the SSP & schools & colleges - universities will be great for any children with interests in science . But most of all i absolutely believe that we should not be so heavily influenced by one land owner. In that unless the project suits his agenda he will throw his fortune behind a court case to stop it with no regard to local opinion or regard to best interest for our community . This is our home we should have the final say not an absentee land owner !! For generations Highlanders have been told what to do by rich land owners THIS HAS TO STOP we must take a stand . The SSP must go ahead for future generations & for those that have always wanted to come home !! So please, put your name to this petition & show the government & Mr Polvsen that we support the SSP.
    746 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Scott Coghill
  • Safer crossing between B & M and Lidl
    We are concerned that action is take to prevent accidents at this junction
    327 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Edwards