• Stop the proposed redevelopment of Mansfield Bowling Club into a 5 Floor Private Care Home
    The development would create a 78-bed private care home in a massive and dominating mini hospital building, operating 24 hours. The proposed development: • Is massive 5 floors, including basement, in a single dominating building • Will cause irreversible harm to the Conservation Area • Is contrary to the Neighbourhood Plan • Provides no housing of any sort, including affordable housing • Damages protected open space with no proper plan for public access nor management • Will cause pollution and much increased traffic in a neighbourhood with three busy local schools and beyond. Road Safety will be compromised. We appeal to Camden Council to respect the character of the Conservation Area and the wishes of the community. This development must rejected!
    405 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Declan O'Brien
  • Stop Torbay Ring Road closure
    The Brixham Chamber of Trade, is reported to have concerns including (but not exclusively) the following: "The closure of this road for even one week would be extremely difficult for our town. The route down towards Goodrington will be gridlocked for much of the day. Emergency services will struggle to get through. Tourists will turn around and abandon their plans to visit Brixham or Dartmouth. “Children will be unable to get to school. Nurses will be unable to get between home and Torbay hospital. Staff will be unable to commute into our members’ businesses" [Devon Live online 14 November 2022]
    3,814 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Charlotte Knowles
  • Oppose Arun District Council building a 4-bedroom Airbnb in River Road, Arundel
    The garages in River Road are in very poor condition and need to be demolished. But instead of rebuilding the garages or replacing them with badly needed open resident parking space, which is what Arundel Town Council have advocated from the outset, Arun District Council (ADC) are determined to build a 4-bedroom Airbnb on the site. We have been arguing against this scheme for months, but ADC simply will not listen. This petition is being organised to trigger a debate in Arun District Council. We need 1,500 signatures from people who live in Arun District to make this debate happen, so if you want to stop the Airbnb being built please sign this petition and get every person in your household to do so also. Anyone over 16 years old who lives in Arun District can validly sign this petition. If you have any questions please contact the Town Clerk at The Town Hall [email protected] Tel: 01903 882954 option 2. Other ways to sign: • Look out for a petition form through your door, sign and return to collection boxes in Arundel Post Office, Larkins and Hillside Stores or Arundel Town Council, The Town Hall, Maltravers Street, Arundel, BN18 9AP. • Sign the petition at the Town Hall For your signature to count on a paper petition you must provide your name, signature, full postal address including postcode. Arundel Town Council and residents oppose this plan. We believe: • It is dangerous to encourages visitors to drive to this location. This is a narrow road, with no pavement, and driving down Brewery Hill or turning left off Arun Street to access the location are hazardous if you are a visitor and unfamiliar with these roads. • There is not a shred of evidence to support Arun District Council’s claim that another Airbnb will increase visitor numbers and thereby deliver economic benefit in Arundel. We have asked to see ADC’s research report that supports this claim - there is no such report. There are already more than enough Airbnbs in Arundel. • Arundel needs more off-street parking sites. • A 4-bedroom Airbnb is likely to be a ‘party house’ to the detriment of the other residents in this narrow road in the conservation area. • It is inappropriate for the District Council to be making speculative investments of this kind.
    520 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Tracy Clayton Picture
  • Save The Warehouses
    OMEGA WORKS WAREHOUSE COMMUNITY IS UNDER THREAT AND WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT! Haringey Warehouse District, also known locally as Manor House Warehouses, is a former industrial site in South Tottenham that has, over the past 20 years, been converted into live and work spaces by artists, makers, performers and alternative community advocates. Hundreds of residents are drawn here because of the cohesive community living, affordable housing, creative space and opportunity for collaboration. These warehouse spaces have been steadily transformed by the creative inhabitants, becoming unique art spaces that host community events and have, for the last two decades, become an iconic fixture in London and unique in the world. We live and work in Omega Works, one of the main warehouse complexes on Hermitage Road, N4. The site has a rich and interesting history; from its birth as a piano factory in the 1930s, which built (at one point) the largest piano on Earth!, these warehouse spaces are now home to a thriving community of over 100+ residents and businesses. Here, we look after each other; our neighbourhood relationships are incredibly strong and provide a support network for a diverse group of under-represented and under-resourced people to cohabitate, collaborate and create real community. At Omega, there is always someone you can ‘borrow a cup of sugar’ from. We also contribute back to the local economy and rich cultural history of the area; in our spaces we host accessible gigs, workshops and exhibitions, fundraise for charity, and hold activist meetings for social justice issues. Omega is home to a screen printing business, a martial arts school, a kitchen, a photography studio, and SNAP! recording studio, whose clients include icons such as Kate Bush, Stormzy and Coldplay. The connections Omega Works nurtures among its inhabitants and into the area beyond are innumerable, and we contribute so much to the cultural offering to Haringey and North London as a whole. Our home, Omega Works, has now been targeted for redevelopment. The proposed plan would see the existing structure demolished to make way for new build flats. This would mean that everyone who lives and works here will lose their homes and livelihoods, and cause the extinction of a vibrant, diverse and close knit community. Not only would these new builds put considerable strain on the existing residential infrastructure and services of the area, but these new flats are will see a minimum 25% increase in rent, meaning that the displaced creatives and businesses will be priced out and completely lost from the area. If we let these spaces be destroyed, they will be lost forever, and with them the incredible value they contribute to the local economy, cultural history, and community of London. We want to STOP THIS DEVELOPMENT! We want to protect our community and way of life from extinction, and have the Haringey Warehouse Community recognised as a site unique to not only Haringey, but to London and the world. Please lend your support to SAVE THE WAREHOUSES, and help to keep North London’s creative ecology growing and thriving. For more information about Save The Warehouses visit www.savethewarehouses.org and follow our socials @savethewarehouses on Facebook and Instagram. To see some of the unique spaces in Omega Works, check out 3K Art House on Instagram @3Karthouse
    6,874 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Caitlin Strongarm
  • Save the Curlew at Landal Rockingham Forest Park
    Since December 2015 the curlew has been on the Birds of Conservation Concern red list as numbers have plummeted 50% in 25 years. The curlew may soon be extinct. Urgent conservations efforts across the UK are required and are being spearheaded by the Curlew Recovery Partnership -www.curlewrecovery.org. This is one of the few sites in Northamptonshire where curlews are known to be located. The curlews return to Landal Rockingham Forest Park each March with their haunting cry heralding the arrival of spring to the boggy grassland and wide open spaces which provides perfect breeding habitat during spring/summer to raise their chicks. Curlews need long grass from spring onwards to provide cover from predators for their eggs and chicks however since the park opened in May 2021 the grassland surrounding the lodges is regularly cut from February onwards. As part of the 2015 planning permission requirements the tourist development had been required to manage the grassland sympathetically for ground nesting birds in accordance with ecological advice. The many months of intrusive construction of and expansion of the holiday park could mean the death knell for the curlew on this North Northamptonshire site and will contribute to their national decline. During 2021 and 2022 I have tried to raise awareness of the curlews’ presence on the holiday park with the family owners of the land, site manager, the senior ecologist of Lockhart Garrett advising the development, British Trust for Ornithology, RSPB, Northants Wildlife Trust, Natural England, council’s ecologist (who is also Project Manager for the council's Minerals & Waste department) and Dean Wishart, Planning Officer hoping that that the curlews will have protection and conservation will be supported. Professor Russell Wynn, Manager of the Curlew Recovery Partnership has also communicated with the private and council ecologists about the curlews’ presence on the land to offer advice. Professor Wynn would be more than willing to offer ongoing help and support about curlew conservation should this be of interest. If you wish to object about this development I hope you will sign this petition which will be lodged with George Candler, Director of Economy and Place with North Northants Council responsible for signing off planning applications. In addition a copy will be lodged with Paul Hardingham of Landal Greenparks UK. I would also urge you to send an objection to NE/22/00266/FUL to North Northants Council as there are currently very few objections about this development and it will soon be decided. I hope you can help. Time is running out to save the curlew on Landal Rockingham Forest Park………
    178 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Beale
  • SAVE STOCK STREET FOREVER, SIGN TODAY - before the Public Hearing 7 DEC 2023!
    Over 7 years of licensed activities without complaint has proven we offer a popular locally distinctive community leisure facility which boosts the local rural economy and conserves a heritage landmark to a high standard. It has also shown the site is safe, helps meet the social needs of existing residents and will support the social integration of new residents from the >3000 NEW houses approved since 2020 - within 5 miles of us but without any new social infrastructure. Leisure use since 2016 has rescued the barn and setting from redundancy and by NYE 2023 we will have welcomed nearly 32,500 guests to Coggeshall from all over the world! PUBLIC ticketed leisure activities include LIVE MUSIC, LIVE COMEDY, ARCHERY and CIRCUS SKILLS and THEMED EVENTS and these take place between PRIVATE weddings, milestone parties and corporate events. Stock Street offers unique and varied social facilities to all age groups in an area seeing rapid expansion in communities. Reusing our site for leisure is seen locally as entirely positive. Our role is recognised in Coggeshall Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2021, is supported by 3 Parish Councils, both District Councillors and our County Councillor and is popular with local residents and brings many visitors to Coggeshall and Braintree District – BUT IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BRAINTREE DISTRICT Planning Officers. Stock Street is the target of heavy-handed enforcement designed to stop planning offenders where public harm is evidenced and reported by local residents, Parish / District Councils and Licensing or Highways. We have never received any complaints from anybody including Highways - over 55 million vehicles have passed us since 2016. Multiple efforts to address officer concerns and secure planning approval have been prevented; our valid 2020 application 20/00009/FUL was declined public consultation and our reasonable request to submit a new application in April 2022 was denied by a Council press release on 26 April 2022 as they chose instead to start Enforcement. The Council press release badly damaged our business. During the Appeal Public Hearing we will show that D2 / F2 Leisure activity is a betterment of the site's use from heritage, public benefit and safer highway access perspectives when compared with the current B8 storage and distribution use (or any other use).
    3,151 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Staines
  • Save Tumbling Bay
    Tumbling Bay is a much loved Victorian river swimming pool on a backwater of the River Thames just behind Botley Park in West Oxford. For over 150 years local children have learned to swim in the pool. The north wall is in need of repair and the site has been fenced off for several months. The Council’s current plan is to smash up the existing wall to produce a sloping bank that will erase this valuable piece of local heritage. While no longer an official bathing spot, Tumbling Bay is very much enjoyed by local residents. Hundreds of people swim there in the summer and a small number all year round. It is safer than the river as there are no boats going past. It is also part of our local history.
    2,294 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Hall
  • KYFC response to Oxford United proposal to move to Stratfield Brake
    We have had initial discussions with OUFC about their proposed move to Stratfield Brake. They have been understanding and supportive of the KYFC vision to have a single football hub for the club with enhanced facilities such as a 4G pitch so that the club can continue to flourish. While these initial discussions have been positive, we recognise that there will be plenty of hurdles to come but this proposal presents a great opportunity for football to be provided for the children of Kidlington and surrounding villages with best-in-class facilities for generations to come. Please sign this petition to show your support in principle for Oxford United to move to Stratfield Brake and relocate the football pitches away from Stratfield Brake.
    456 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Richard Hague
  • Approve the Stratfield Brake stadium proposal submitted by Oxford United Football Club
    We believe that the new development will: - provide a secure home for OUFC and safeguard the future of the Club - allow OUFC to grow within its means and bring success on and off the pitch - provide facilities to benefit the wider local community, its sports clubs and leisure groups We recognise the many stages in the planning process and the many issues to resolve. Local residents, as well as OUFC fans, must have their views and concerns fully considered. The environmental and traffic impacts should also be assessed and alleviated wherever possible through good sustainable design and construction. This petition has been created by OxVox, the Independent Oxford United Supporters Trust, but is open to all. Please sign if you want to see this OUFC stadium and community project succeed. Have your voice heard - join OxVox. Visit www.oxvox.org.uk
    8,309 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Trevor Lambert Picture
  • Stop the demolition of Droylsden Library planned for this month!
    This campaign is urgent as the council have now granted permission for the building to be demolished, this campaign is now the last effort to halt plans to wipe out one of Droylsden's only landmarks and heritage assets.
    1,454 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Niza Nyimbili
  • Save Canons Drive Trees
    Canons Park Estate Limited is a volunteer-led residents association established to manage and look after the Canons Park Estate in Edgware. The Estate is a designated conservation area within the London Borough of Harrow. The main road on the estate is Canons Drive, originally a carriage drive to Canons, a stately home built for the first Duke of Chandos. Canons is now the home of North London Collegiate School. The trees on Canons Drive include Wellingtonia (sequoia) Redwood trees and Cedar trees planted in the 1860s, making Canons Drive an avenue of one of the finest collections of trees in the country. This avenue of Wellingtonia trees is unique in London. The trees are protected by Tree Preservation Orders. Residents living at 3 properties on Canons Drive have made a claim to their insurers following cracking in their properties which they allege is caused by tree roots from historic trees situated on the grass verges in front of their properties. The insurers have applied to Harrow Council to remove the protection provided by the Tree Preservation Orders in respect of 5 trees (3 Wellingtonia and 2 Cedars) with the aim of felling all 5 trees, thereby destroying the beautiful landscape. We the undersigned wish to notify the Council of our objection to the removal of the protection provided by the TPOs. There are known solutions to repairing each property that (it is alleged) have been impacted by the continuing presence of the trees. These solutions would leave the trees in place rather than threatening their removal. The removal of the trees would irreparably harm the stunning vista created by these fine specimens which line Canons Drive. These magnificent trees are greatly appreciated by residents and visitors to the Canons Park Estate Please sign our Petition and share with others. .
    3,974 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Anuta Zack
    Why is this important? Due to 74% of Chichester District Councils land being in the South Downs National Park or AONB areas which are protected against development - this leaves the coastal plain and the rural villages of the Manhood Peninsula and around the Chichester Harbour AONB, targeted to be overloaded with excessive numbers of new houses, with no adequate roads or sewage infrastructure to support them. The current system for providing affordable housing does not work. Developers are building houses that are not affordable. The Manhood Peninsula and the coastal and harbour villages to the west are the last undeveloped coastal hinterlands between Southampton and Brighton. These areas are mainly agricultural and of inestimable public value for food supply security, to protect the natural environment, to ensure adequate wildlife corridors and to support businesses involved in the rapidly growing green tourism sector. The Manhood Peninsula contains some of the South’s most important wetlands at Pagham Harbour and Medmerry and is one of the most vulnerable stretches of coastline when it comes to protecting us from future climate change impacts. The green spaces and fields between the villages to the west of Chichester and around Chichester Harbour are essential resources for wildlife and leisure activities. Long term holistic planning is critical to our environmental and economic future. The Government and District Council need to re-evaluate the housing numbers for the whole District before development devastates the unique and beautiful areas and villages that people choose to visit and value for their rural nature.
    5,483 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Melissa Smith