• Morning Lane People's Space: Save Hackney Central
    The developer's current proposal includes tower blocks of up to 19 storeys with over 500 housing units, NO council housing and only 20% of the units being "affordable" (such as shared ownership and other forms of housing which are unaffordable to most people in Hackney). The developer is focusing on the commercial and work space in the plan. But as they are behind the disastrous Fashion Hub, we doubt that these will meet local needs. In terms of housing, the overwhelming need in Hackney is for council housing at social rents. We call on Hackney Walk and Hackney Council to ensure that there is a minimum of 50% in any new development on this site. We also call on them to ensure that any development is based on broad and deep consultation with local people so that the development creates the shopping, services, employment opportunities and housing that are useful for them.
    2,752 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Save Hackney Central
  • National Planning Policy MUST include the Climate Emergency
    Currenctly the Climate Crisis is specifically EXCLUDED from National Planning Policy. This means that a planning application e,g, an airport expansion, cannot be refused on the basis of its effects on greenhouse gas emissions etc.. Any current refusal on climate grounds can be appealed and waved through.
    828 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by mike chaloner
  • Save The "Donkey Field"
    The site is: Significant within Worcestershire's green infrastructure; Valuable and diverse ecologically; Important and strategic as a wildlife corridor; Historic dating back to medieval times; Key component of Northwick Manor Heritage Trail; Intrinsic to Bevere Conservation Area; The last remaining view of a beautiful landscape; In contravention of National Planning Policy Framework; A flood plain !
    1,128 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Mel Allcott
  • Saltaire Oastler road car park management
    The car park is essential for local shops and services to thrive and its management heavily impacts local residents and businesses. After a previous car park firms unsuccessful attempt at management of the Oastler Road car park, we in the local community are keen to have our say in the management a second time around.
    379 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Mhairi Murdoch
    Across the globe and in the UK itself climate catastrophe is upon us. We are witnessing floods in the UK, reduction of productive farmlands, extreme weather events, uncontrollable fires, a rapid decline in plant and animal life in the UK and around the world. On May 16th 2019 the Dorset Council recognised a state of Climate Emergency: “We have an opportunity and an obligation to demonstrate leadership – thinking globally about the implications of climate change and acting locally to help address it in our communities.’’ Many councils and our parliament now recognise a state of Climate Emergency. But invariably business carries on as usual and CO2 is continuing to rise at a terrifying rate. This application, validated by Dorset Council, for drilling a new oil well is a prime example of this inability to grasp the reality we find ourselves in and to act accordingly. We demand that you stand by your stated obligation, show leadership and act locally to prevent the worst ravages of catastrophic climate change. Furthermore, this planning application directly contravenes the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF, Feb 2019) which states that “The purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development…meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. The environmental objective includes, “mitigating and adapting to climate change, including moving to a low carbon economy.” Therefore, this application is in direct breach of the NPPF. South Western Energy, Ltd, aspires to produce oil from the proposed well for at least 20 years. The oil would then be trucked with 8 articulated tankers a day from 9:00 to 17:00 to Fawley Oil Refinery, 50 miles away Please sign this petition and tell Dorset Council to abide by the NPPF, and to act on behalf of the environment and future generations. Do not approve this application. We must act now as we are witnessing ecosystems collapsing worldwide. We must get off fossil fuels and move to a low carbon economy. Dorset Council, you as our elected representatives, work for us. We demand that you stand by your own words, and Government policy. Do not hasten us to our own demise. Say NO to South Western Energy and drilling in Puddletown.
    1,795 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Karen Wimhurst
  • Northampton Market Square
    NBC has not given the people of Northampton the opportunity to say they do not like the plans put forward in their new consultation on the future of Northampton Market Square and have presented a fait accompli - this petition redresses the balance. Our Market Square is reputedly the largest and oldest enclosed market square in England. It has been in existence since 1235 and has been the centre of town life since then, with many locally and nationally important events taking place there. As such, it should not be changed and those events that took place in the square over its long history commemorated. Please see the Civic Society alternative plan for the square.
    2,311 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Mike Ingram
  • Don't Hide Our Viaduct: Save Weir Mill
    Famous views of the town's largest historic feature, enshrined in Lowry paintings, are being eroded by willful siting of tall tower blocks along its eastern side, concealing the structure from most of the town centre. The Council's own self-permitted 19-storey Interchange tower will block views of the viaduct on the south side of the valley, while a previous grouping at Regent House (14 storeys) blocks views to the north. Capital and Centric's 14-storey tower takes out both central and oblique views.
    4,542 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by John Fidler Picture
  • Save our beautiful 5 star rated barn business - Approve D2 use now!
    Braintree District Council does not value Stock Street Farm Barn or the difference it makes to the local social life or economy. If Braintree District Council can approve 000's of unpopular houses WHY can't they JUST APPROVE our wonderful unique and fun family business loved by 000's - its just a paper change of use - nothing physically changes! We now attract 4500 folks a year to Coggeshall. They see inside the 350 old Essex barn and gaze over the unspoilt Blackwater Valley while enjoying 5 star events. Economically - many of our guests stay at local Hotels, B&B's Air B&B and with family and friends - and they spend money there too on hairdo's, flowers, frocks, cakes, pre-party drinks - post party breakfasts etc. Local taxi / coach firms love us! Our guests buy local food, local beer, hire local bands and niche catering firms - they come and they love Coggeshall. We also extend folks choice within the local area for venues for their milestone, corporate or charity events or just to socialise generally - adding local diversity and fun! Socially - we host private and varied public events including brilliant LIVE music so folks can get out locally or better still invite friends and family here to party! We are step free throughout so everyone can come and have safe fun whether they are young, old, mobile or those that need some help getting about. Environmentally - Partying for about 3% of the year is enough to protect and maintain our two lovely listed buildings and the setting of an old Essex farm for future generations to see at first hand and enjoy (as much as we do!). D2 is the Optimal use for the old barn and since Jul 2016 over 12,000 guests have seen inside the barn with many sharing their pictures on social media to friends all over the world. We are proud to say we have had no complaints or any incidents. We even have a charging station now - so you can plug your car into charge while you party! Only reusable or recyclable plates, cutlery, straws, confetti etc are used here - we even recycle our guests as they come back time after time!
    1,569 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Staines
  • Canterbury Wincheap Park & Ride Solution
    The council owned ex-Homebase site is already part car park. The large empty pre-existing warehouse should be remodelled into a multi-storey car park, easily providing as much capacity as Whitefriars. The current park and ride can remain in place and the Homebase site would serve as an overflow, with a bus stop outside. We should be protecting all our green spaces, not destroying them. As the Homebase site is already in existence, it would be sensible to utilise it for this purpose. Maynard Road car park could also be incorporated into the park and ride scheme.
    1,048 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Dan Hemmings
  • Save the Hev's Happy Hounds PlayPark
    The PlayPark provides an invaluable resource to local dog walkers, dog trainers and dog owners. It enables dogs who are otherwise not allowed off lead for various reasons to run free in a safe and secure environment. We know that our users often visit other local businesses too.
    1,364 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Hev Bushnell
    Kids Can Play Safely In The Park, There Not Near Any Of The Country Roads. It's great for kids development. Parents that live in the Dromore Avenue Area That Have No Availability of Cars dont have to worry about taking their kids 3miles into limavady to let them go to the park when it is at their front door. Dromore avenue up baranailt road really needs a park for the kids growing up in the area & for other kids near by that have no access to cars.
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kim Patten
  • STOP the petrol station on Bolton Road
    The sale of new petrol cars will be outlawed in eleven years time. Building new Petrol Stations is an impractical business move, it causes immense disruption to local residents in a suburban area who will suffer from light and noise pollution throughout the day. The TFGM report into the plans suggested that significant traffic problems would be caused by cars trying to turn in and out of Watling Street and has been underplayed in the developers submission. They suggested a full reconfiguration of the site but the developers have not taken this into account. Environmental reports shows that a brook is culverted under the site which feeds into Elton Reservoir, a site for sailing and swimming as well as a water reserve. The risk of contamination reaching this brook through the soil is not insignificant and poses a public health risk. Air quality on Bolton Road would significantly deteriorate in an area that already suffers from poor air quality, another health risk to residents in the area. This plan is unfit for purpose and as such, we implore the committee at it's hearing to dismiss application 64138
    172 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Samuel Turner Picture