• Review preparations for dealing with a nuclear convoy accident
    Nuclear warheads are regularly transported in convoys on public roads to and from the atomic weapon factories at Aldermaston and Burghfield, and RNAD Coulport on Loch Long, where the weapons are stored and loaded onto Trident submarines. A nuclear warhead contains radioactive material AND high explosive and this poses serious questions about public safety. Nukewatch has published a report ‘Unready Scotland’ based on the very unsatisfactory answers to a survey of all the Local Authorities that these convoys pass through. The Civil Contingencies Act requires Category 1 Responders (including Local Authorities) to conduct a risk assessment of potential threats and to keep the public informed. It also makes the Scottish Government responsible for making sure that Local Authorities comply. If there was a serious accident the Ministry of Defence would look after the nuclear weapon. Local Councils, Emergency Services and the Health Service would be responsible for potentially contaminated casualties, evacuating people nearby and advising many more to stay indoors. Nukewatch’s survey finds that many councils don’t know anything about these convoys. We want the Scottish Government to openly review how prepared the civil authorities are and inform the public about their findings. Then the people of Scotland can decide whether this transport poses an unacceptable risk.
    774 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Nukewatch UK
  • Remove the Edward Colston Statue from Bristol City Centre
    Edward Colston was a Bristol-born English slave trader, merchant and Member of Parliament. Much of his wealth was acquired through the trade and exploitation of slaves. Yet we celebrate and commemorate him with a statue in our beloved city centre. He has no place there. Following the events in Charlottesville and the announcement that the Colston Hall will be renamed, it seems appropriate that his statue also be removed. Whilst history shouldn't be forgotten, these people who benefited from the enslavement of individuals do not deserve the honour of a statue. This should be reserved for those who bring about positive change and who fight for peace, equality and social unity. We hereby encourage Bristol city council to remove the Edward Colston Statue. He does not represent our diverse and multicultural city.
    12,044 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Samantha Gould Picture
  • Stop Trump's state visit to the UK
    The UK must show itself to be above Trump's racism. To retain the invitation legitimises him and diminishes our country in the eyes of the world. We should be taking a principled stand against him, not welcoming him with a fanfare. Furthermore it is an embarrassment to HM The Queen, who lived through the second world war, to ask her to stand side by side with a President who's soft on Nazis and White Supremacists. Donald Trump regularly undermines values that our country holds dear - gender and racial equality, human rights, religious freedom, freedom of the press and preservation of the environment amongst others. He should not be given the prestige of a full state visit.
    43,539 of 45,000 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Stanbridge
  • Stop your partnership with the Daily Mail
    The Daily Mail is a newspaper full of hatred. At this time, we need hope, and not hate.
    2,576 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Charlie Peters
  • Keep our communities moving!
    I stand with all those charities and community groups that provide transport for a social purpose and community benefit. They enable people to live, learn and work independently, to stay fit and active, to access vital public services and participate in their community. This type of transport provision is Britain at its best with communities doing things for themselves and it must be cherished, protected and nurtured. I want the UK Government to work with its counterparts in the devolved nations to commit themselves to making sure that nobody suffers as a result of its proposed changes operator and driver licensing. I want them to commit to fully understanding the impact of their proposed changes so they can decide whether all this upheaval is worth it and choose another path or decide how they can support those communities most affected, especially our most vulnerable and isolated citizens.
    5,288 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Charlotte Hughes
  • Shifnal Town Centre - Revamp
    Shifnal has seen unsustainable and disproportionate housing development over the past few years, putting a huge strain on a range of public services.. Transport infrastructure , Health care services , Education access and many other services are woefully under funded in Shifnal .. The local town council now plans to spend the majority of the CIL funding on a shared spaces enhancement plan, putting the public at risk.. These schemes have failed and seen numerous fatalities..This vital funding is desperately needed elsewhere.. Approximately 2.28% of Shifnal residents ( 171 people ) out of a population nearly at 7500 people voted for this.. Change is needed , but committing so much to serve so few is unacceptable.. This scheme was not approved by your elected officials , yet still continues ? Please sign this petition and ensure our local councils come up with intelligent, viable alternatives that will benefit ALL of our community...
    196 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lee Hubbard
  • Justice for Meera! Put a stop to suicide deaths from domestic abuse
    one death is too many, we can't sit back and let any more lives be lost when they could have been protected. We need justice for victims and their families. Support networks and strategies put in place to allow a victim to leave an abusive relationship without danger.
    2,164 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by On behalf of Out Of The Corner
  • Southport Says - Promote Safe Alternatives to Fracking
    Evidence from other countries and from the only Fracking to be carried out todate in the UK at Preece Hall in Lancashire demonstrates the industry has a proven record of environmental failures. At Preece Hall, which was being Fracked by Cuadrilla in 2011, as many as 46 earth tremors and 2 official earthquakes were experienced resulting in the site being closed down. Evidence has also been considered by the governments own Environmental Audit Committee and as part of their 2015 report they concluded: "Despite the assurances from some that environmental risks can be safely accommodated by existing regulatory systems, an extensive range of uncertainties remains over particular hazards—to groundwater quality and water supplies, from waste and air emissions, to our health and to biodiversity, to the geological integrity of the areas involved, and from noise and disruption. Uncertainty about their significance is in part a reflection of the fact that fracking operations have yet to move beyond the exploratory stage in the UK. It is imperative that the environment is protected from potentially irreversible damage. • Fracking must be prohibited outright in protected and nationally important areas. • Full containment of methane must be mandated. • Fracking should be prohibited in all water source protection zones.
    148 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Paul Bradshaw
  • Karen | A Mother's Plight
    Karen Perry | Wife | Mother | Full-time carer. Karen has been married to Marcus for 33 years, their marriage has seen two wonderful sons introduced to our world. Karen is a valued member of a Care Group which cares for Adults with severe learning difficulties such as Autism and Downs Syndrome, near Middlesbrough, where she works tirelessly to help others, always prioritising other peoples needs over her own. Karen is from Cape Town, South Africa. Her Grandfather moved there from Norfolk after his father had served in the Anglo Boer war as a blacksmith. It is where she met Marcus and love blossomed, and soon marriage bells rang. Karen and Marcus decided to move to the United Kingdom in 2006, so that Marcus could be nearer his Welsh family and their sons would have better education and career opportunities. Marcus is a qualified electrical engineer who was sadly diagnosed with a brain tumour, due to the effects of his illness Marcus has been unable to work for the past 7 years but retrained as a lecturer and started to work again briefly. He relapsed about a year ago and has had to rely on Karen for support and care since. It would have been easy for Karen to focus her full attention on her husband, his illness warranted it. However, Karen knew that her service users at the Care Center needed her too. It was never in doubt, Karen decided to split her time between caring for her husband and continuing her support for her service users. Sadly Karen now needs the support of others, the Home Office has decided that she is not entitled to or merits British Citizenship. The Home Office stated in their refusal letter that Karen had not proved proficiency in English even though she had passed the "Life in the UK Test" and was told that she wouldn't have to prove proficiency again. This was confirmed on the uk.gov website. After Karen sought assistance from her local MP, Alex Cunningham, the website was changed to reflect new conditions. Without citizenship, Karen is left in a state of limbo. This cannot be right, so I ask you to please show your love and support for Karen by signing our petition. Kind regards to all and thank you
    172 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Carmody Picture
  • Re-think and Stop Brexit
    The 'will of the people' and tide of public opinion on Brexit is shifting. Brexit is not inevitable. It is time to re-think and reject Brexit. Giving British people a real choice, based on fact, is the only democratic option for the UK Parliament.
    4,069 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Jeremy Davies
  • Save Coatbridge DWP office
    The proposed closure of the office means relocating 250 staff outwith Coatbridge. The closure of the office will have a crushing affect of Coatbridge Main Street and other small businesses within the area. Over 50% of the staff within the office are on alternative working patterns such as school term time or compressed working days; to suit family life within the area. Staff relocation's are currently planned between September & November. The closure of this office is part of the conservatives centralization plans to remove hundreds of government offices out of small towns and place them within large hubs in cities. The campaign is headed by Hugh Gaffney MP & PCS (DWP Lanarkshire Branch)
    473 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Scott Lamond
  • Police Protection for Gina Miller
    This very brave women ( whether you agree with her stance or not) should not be placed in fear of her wellbeing or find her life constantly threatened. Her freedom has been significantly curtailed. For the sake of freedom and justice she & her family must be protected.
    1,822 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Grant