• End Prescription Charges
    As people's budgets are getting more and more squeezed, more and more people are going without their vital medication. According to the Prescription Charges Coalition, 1 in 3 people with a long-term condition has been unable to pick up their medication, adding more costs to the NHS. As England is the only part of the UK which has prescription charges, it's time to do away with them once and for all!
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Katie Roche
  • Create a Skatepark in Birkenshaw, Bradford
    Creating an area for children that enjoy scooting and skateboarding, will encourge children in our local area to enjoy a hobby that involves exercise. Children really need a space for their hobby within Birkenshaw. Children in our area are having to travel to other areas to find skateparks to enjoy their hobby. I would like my own and other children playing out to remain in Birkenshaw for their own safety.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victoria Sykes
  • Ban the use of helicopters for commuting by private citizens in Totteridge
    These helicopters fly in low over our homes and cause noise and air pollution and disturb wildlife.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Holly Kal-Weiss
  • Ban smacking children in England
    At the moment a parent can smack a child and social services deem this ok. Courts side with social services allowing the smacking to carry on. Social services and courts do not listen to the children when they are telling them they have been hit by a parent. A child should be able to be safe and not struck by a parent venting anger on a child. Smacking is a form of anger from a parent who cannot control the situation
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by H lewis
    As it is a school road and has lots of traffic coming in and out in excess of the 20mph limit at times on the road , there is an important need for slower traffic due to children and pedestrians walking and driving to and from the school using this road. This is a tight stretch of road and has a huge amounts of parked cars at the side thus making it more of a single track road, the chances of an accident occurring her are relatively high! We need to think of the public and their safety!
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kleofa Nelson
  • Grenfell Towers
    It is outrageous to put in a question on how important the Grenfell issue is to residents.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeanette Smith
  • Light up our park
    Safety for the public. Children walk through there after school & the nights are getting darker earlier. Also there has been a young lady attacked in the park by two males. This public foot path is used frequently by the public. We need it lite up.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Kilcoyne
  • Squash the Squash Courts
    Corby Borough Council puts the health and fitness of it's residents on the top of their agenda, and is committed to supporting public and private health and fitness facilities. Corby has the international swimming pool, The Tennis Centre, The Table Tennis Centre, Adrenalin Alley and many more clubs and private companies that offer ways for the many (not just the few) to keep fit. Corby Borough Council also has a wildlife corridor approach to developments which supports and protects the largest area of woodland within an urban area in the UK. What Corby Borough Council does not have is the proper financial support from the Conservatives on the Northamptonshire County Council and in the government. These should be the priorities not "white elephant projects" costing millions that will only help a tiny minority.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Riley
  • Free London Transport for Students
    London is most expensive city in the UK, with extremely high living cost. At the moment students only get 30% off travel cards and 16-25 cards only allow 30% off of off peak single fares, but must pay the full price for peak fares. Why should students have to pay to go to university when they are struggling to afford everything else. The cost of education is expensive enough, why should we have to pay more. Help students out and let them travel to university for free.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by S E
  • Vale skatepark lighting
    A lot of us who go to vale skatepark would love to ride at night but it's impossible when there is no lights reflecting on to the park this will also help a lot of riders as winter is now here and it gets dark at 4 pm and it's hard to get a quick session before the sun goes down and a lot of us have jobs or school and it's hard to fit in a session so please consider this
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Connor Moore
  • Positive Change for Goole
    The citizens of Goole are being adversely affected by ad hoc decisions on housing development, industrial growth, etc., which are not matched by improvements in infrastructure and services to match increased demand. East Riding Council is remote, autocratic and neither engages with nor consults the local population about decisions in any meaningful way. The Town Council has a similar approach, but the two Councils have a very dysfunctional, adversarial, relationship which has a negative impact on the town's citizens. The town of Beverley has been burnished to a state of magnificence, and there is a feeling that this has been achieved by depriving Goole and other areas of necessary investment. Waiting lists for children's swimming lessons have become so long that the ERY Council has effectively taken away weekday swimming opportunities for adults with commitments during the day to put on swimming classes. The Portfolio holder at the Council, Cllr Richard Burton, who approved (if he didn't take) this arbitrary decision without consultation has overseen a completely new leisure centre in the town which he represents (Bridlington), when the existing one by any standards was not old. Waiting lists for all local services are growing longer and longer. Approval is frequently given for housing and business development (which are good things) without investing in services and infrastructure to meet new demands (which is bad for the citizens). The body responsible for coordinating the development of the town (the Goole Renaissance Partnership) has committed and hardworking staff, but no budget. We need an investigation into these circumstances, and binding recommendations on how to resolve the problems. Because ERYC and GTC do not listen, we need an external impartial body to investigate as a matter of great urgency
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Graham Coult
  • Dangerous parking outside schools
    Safeguarding our children has to be a top priority. Irresponsible and illegal parking around schools is increasingly dangerous. This is a national issue. Current legislation is inadequate and councils do not have the funds to place wardens at all schools to enforce the legislation that is currently in place.
    203 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Digman