The Forgotten Report ChilcotThe Chilcot Report has been hidden from the public view by the elections of both Labour Party and Consevrative Leaders. The Media have not had the time to promote Chilcot s findings, debate or even discuss what should happen to Tony Blair . Many of the wives and families of the Armed Forces involved in the Alfagistan action have been short changed with limited publicity and to reach outcomes.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ron Hughes
Launch an inquiry into far right hate groupsFollowing the death of Jo Cox MP, and last years attack on Dr Sarandev Bhambra Singh in a north Wales supermarket, both of which are linked to far right militant groups, we the undersigned compel the government to investigate such groups as Britain First and National Action with a view to proscribe them under existing terrorism or hate crimes legislation. The recruitment tactics, web presence and ideology of these groups is abhorrent and constitutes incitement to harm or kill time and time again. A simple look at Britain First's Facebook page shows the extremist ideology their followers share, with heinous calls to "kill all Muslims" repeated in the comments section numerous times. A number of these groups specifically target vulnerable young people and homeless veterans, radicalising them with smartly engineered PR, romanticised Nazi ideology, and an ignorant hatred for non whites. They have targeted universities in recruitment drives and patrol low income areas to capitalise on the disaffection of our most hard-up communities. Websites such as www.national-action.info include a call for the eradication of "sub humans", endorse violence as a legitimate means to affect change, publish authentic Nazi literature and even include instructions on weapons manufacturing, including home made handguns, bombs and poisons. We the undersigned assert that it is entirely unacceptable for these groups to continue to operate on social media, publish Nazi literature and call for racially motivated violence on public websites and in our streets. It is vital that the home office outline an initiative to combat the rising tide of racist and xenophobic hate crimes and the radicalisation of our youth by these terrorist organisations. Without proper classification, the most secretive of these groups will continue to spread influence under the radar and further influence violent hate crimes.51 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Thomas Freeman
Prosecution for people that cover up bullying in Schools.Bullying is defined as any unwanted and harmful verbal, physical, psychological, sexual or social act committed by an individual or group, as well as any real or perceived threat or imbalance of power. In the UK 50% of young people have bullied another person, out of half of all young people 30% of those bully others at least once a week - and as a result of bullying 29% self harmed, 27% skipped class, 14% developed an eating disorder and 12% ran away from home. These statistics are far too high, I'm passionate about this because when I was younger I got bullied and I developed an eating disorder but I didn't know then how frequently this happens. If you report bullying to a teacher you're supposed to feel safer and that they CAN help you but what if those teachers are being told to keep bullying 'under wraps'? How can young children feel safe being at School when the very teachers that teach them are getting told to keep the bullying at that School quiet? I'm a mental health blogger and an anti bullying campaigner, if you tell someone high up like a teacher or a headteacher that you know someone is or that you're getting bullied you EXPECT a change to happen. Not to feel like you're in the wrong and you shouldn't speak up. Please do NOT let another child go without the help and care they need. Nobody needs to suffer in silence.75 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Olivia Neil
REFUND MEMBERSHIP FEES TO LABOUR PARTY MEMBERS BANNED FROM VOTING IN LEADERSHIP ELECTIONThe Labour Party NEC have decided arbitrarily to retrospectively ban new members from voting in the leadership election unless they pay £25 on top of the standard £3 joining fee. At the very least, the rule change should be voted on by the Labour members (under the current system and rulings) in order to make the change democratic as changes in the to the established and the joining fee of £3 be refunded. When signing up to join new members were not informed that they would be banned from voting for 6 months. There is nothing in the regulations whatsoever that even suggests that they should be second-class members with limited privileges. To add insult to injury the NEC has further ordained that the window to pay this arbitrary charge of £25 be cut to just 48 hours (from 18 July to 20 July). In applying this rule retrospectively the NEC is acting illegally, this ruling is nothing short of Gerrymandering. It is a blatant and fraudulent attempt to manipulate the electorate in order to give particular candidates an advantage. This action by the NEC is appallingly undemocratic, if they can do this and get away with it, then it sets an awful precedent, they can randomly backdate or add rules to accomplish whatever result they want? These rulings should and must be challenged in the courts.70 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Harley Price
Pension arrangements for MEPs and European Commission employees for states seceding from the EUUnder the current rules, MEPs and employees of the European Commission can continue to benefit financially long after the nation-state that they represented has ceased to be a member of the Union, even if they - as individuals - sought to disrupt and undermine the work of the Union and its institutions. Freedom of expression and the right to dissenting opinions must be sacrosanct, however given the adverse financial risks triggered by secession that will be faced by all EU citizens generally and the citizens of the seceding nation-state in particular, liability for the non-contributory pension arrangements of MEPs or European Commission employees via arrangements that applied when the nation-state was a member in good standing should fall on the former member nation-state as part of the Article 50 secession process. Furthermore, any funds accruing to the former MEP or former Commission employee in a secondary contributory pension scheme should be transferred into private arrangements within their own nation-state so that they are equally exposed to the risks and benefits that may affect the citizens in their own country.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mark Solomon
Delay the vote on Trident for three monthsWith the instability in both the labour and Tory parties, the upheaval following the Brexit campaign, a new Prime Minister and a newly entrenched Labour leader. The political situation in Britain is far too fluid for an important decision like this to be made right now. With so little notice there is no chance for an informed debate on such an important subject.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roy Hunter
Bring ethnic recognition to Latin Americans in NewhamAlthough Latin Americans haven't achieved recognition in our borough of Newham, the community has been recognised in 4 other boroughs Islington, Hackney, Lambeth and Southwark. Because they're not recognised as an ethnic group in Newham, Latin Americans lack access to health services; 1 in 5 aren't registered with a GP, and only 4 out of 10 have been to a dentist in the UK. Furthermore, the lack of regulations of the cleaning and catering sectors mean that many Latin Americans experience extremely poor working conditions. http://lawnr.weebly.com/37 of 100 SignaturesCreated by jamie kelsey
Stop the murder of Mexican journalists with impunityIn the past 10 years 700 journalists have been murdered around the world. In 90% of cases these crimes remain unpunished. The unchecked, unsolved murders of journalists is one of the greatest threats to press freedom today. In Mexico 19 journalists covering crime and corruption were murdered with complete impunity over the last decade. Since 2013, 6 more journalists have been murdered with impunity. http://theyaregettingawaywithit.weebly.com/29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by jamie kelsey
Force Mango fashion to clean up their actThe Rana Plaza disaster shocked the world as we realised the ill treatment of the workers who make our clothes. We want to make sure that garment workers are protected and that the fashion industry takes more responsibility for treating workers with dignity and respect and that labour laws and environmental laws are observed. http://wheredoesyourlookcomefrom.weebly.com/13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by jamie kelsey
Have a debate in Parliament on legislation to trigger leaving the EUThe younger generation, including those not old enough to vote in the referendum, are the ones whose lives will be most affected by leaving the EU. The union of the UK is at stake because Scotland and Northern Ireland did not vote to leave the EU. We are now a nation divided between the generations and the different regions of the UK. We need time to assess what has happened and how to respond. It is the responsibility of our MPs to ensure that such a far-reaching decision is taken objectively and democratically, with full knowledge of the consequences. There is doubt in many peoples' minds that the referendum was truly democratic because it was influenced by misrepresentations of facts and promises that could not be delivered. So further democratic processes should be involved in the decision. More than 1000 barristers have written to the Prime Minister giving their legal opinion that there should be primary legislation debated in Parliament in order for Article 50 to be triggered. The content of their letter was reported by the Independent and other newspapers on 11 July 2016.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elizabeth Heylings
Ban Bull Fighting ForeverKilling any living creature in the name of entertainment is sickening. What does it say about us as a species, that we derive pleasure from seeing another life suffer and die? Bull fighting must be banned forever. It has no place in this world anymore.37 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jamie Hogarth
Remove 'Great' from 'Great Britain' & rename U.K. 'F.U.K.' (Former United Kingdom)Due to the embarrassment caused to the U.K. by Boris Johnston, Nigel Farage, Michael Gove, David Cameron (and many of the Leave campaigners of the Tory Party in general) in leading the country out of the EU and then jumping off the sinking ship, we the people believe that these islands can no longer be called 'Great' Britain or a 'United' Kingdom. The financial devastation caused by the outright lies and misinformation of the Leave campaign, backed up by the xenophobic Murdoch media, is a disgrace. We have been diminished by the small minded and the greedy. Any so-called ‘union' name should reflect our newly diminished status.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Guy Sheldrake
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