• Stop schools locking toilets and denying children use
    It is dangerous for a child to be denied toilet access. It can result in a loss of self confidence and cause many long term health and wellbeing problems which can surface in later life.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Greer
  • Calling all broadcasters: celebrate in November the founding of the Welfare State 80 years ago
    This year we celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Another very important anniversary deserving wide publicity this November is to celebrate 80 years since William Beveridge published his Beveridge Report. Many of the recommendations made in that report became the basis of post-war reforms known as the Welfare State. This gave people hope after WW2 and helped millions of us to have better health, housing, education and employment. Such positive improvements demand a national celebration and would bring us all together to show our gratitude to the founder and how he inspired subsequent governments to tackle the five 'giants' - Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness. A centrepiece of the celebrations could be to show Ken Loach's documentary "Spirit of '45". Survivors of pre-war poverty and wartime destruction talk touchingly of their relief as their lives improved thanks to Beveridge. We are living through very difficult, depressing times. This celebration of the Welfare State will remind us that we have survived difficult times in the past and that answers can be found to our problems.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Healngourdivisions Healingourdivisions
  • BACP & Therapy Today must honour their publishing agreement
    Projectsnowball.org (#ProjectSnowball) is a charity trying to make difference within survivor and prevention initiatives, as well as bring education and support to the many grey areas in which innocent people get lost. We raise awareness for these issues and provide counselling, group support and education both for children and adults affected by paedophilia or child sexual abuse. ProjectSnowball was collaborating with leading global experts, BACP and their professional journal Therapy Today for a dedicated issue to CSA survivor conditions and prevention initiatives. BACP abruptly ended all discussion, by using Madeleine McCann’s story being back in the news as a scapegoat to rapeculture survivors and prevention initiatives, because they "didn’t want to upset their readers or make them feel bad". We believe this is malpractice and want to elevate the ongoing failures professionals and organisations are hiding through their misuse of power. BACP are purposefully avoiding transcending researched evidence because of a disgust-reflex towards survivors and prevention initiatives; this directly, negatively affects so many vulnerable communities beyond childhood trauma survivors (ASD age-sliding, queer and transgender youth and young adults, Dissociative disorders with regression, POCD and consenting adults engaged in kink) If we can't digest the reality of survivorhood and prevention, then we create an echo chamber of hate in its absence. We demand parity for survivors and accountabilities of prevention. If the UK's leading governing body for counselling and psychotherapy can avoid their duty of care and misuse their power to maintain that avoidance; no person is safe to go to therapy.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Project Snowball Autonomy Counselling
  • Freeze the energy cap
    It is amoral that such huge profits are being made and a further 75% rise in the cap is imminent whilst so many people are or will be unable to heat their homes this winter. There is no justification for such rises to happen purely on the basis of profit and a mathematical formula that must be flawed.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Malcolm Bodsworth
  • Make Invisible Disability Training part of teachers training
    Teachers need to have a better understanding of unseen disabilities, schools are failing our children's needs! A one plan does not fit all! We are all individuals, we need to be treated as individuals! Education is doing more harm than good to our kids who have hidden disabilities.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynne Fairley
  • Solar panels on all new-build houses
    At present, everyone is aware of temperatures and energy costs rising while the government don’t appear to really be addressing the problems. This proposal allows the government to be seen to be addressing the issues and at the same time providing the possibility of the household getting money back on their electricity bills. With the retail cost of a 4kwh system being approx £6500, this represents a very small increment on the price of an average house, contrary to the view given by developers. So householders can feel that they are actively assisting in addressing climate change for very little personal effort and expense.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Cousens
  • Roy Hackett
    Roy Hackett was Bristol civil rights campaigner that changed the rights for people off colour to work for Bristol buses in 19.63.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by james burge
  • Instagram need to do more
    There is a massive increase in hacking and they are very clever hiding behind genuine accounts. Instagram have rules and procedures in place but don't do anything about it. It's identity fraud and hackers can steal personal information as well as your account and Instagram is allowing this to happen.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Louise Brown
  • Bus services in County Durham and the North East
    I am a disabled man in my sixties. I depend strongly on public transport for my day to day life, including to attend doctors appointments and hospital appointments. The bus service in my area is a shambles and up to three buses can be cancelled in a row without notice. And when they do turn up they often don't run to the set times. This needs to change.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cornelius Petrie
  • Solar rip off
    To force the energy companies to pay the right price.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nigel Pollitt
  • Tell Ofgem to abolish the standing charge imposed by UK energy suppliers
    Given the financial state of the average UK citizen it is very likely that predicted energy bills will rise beyond affordability for many. Having been induced to use less, the larger proportion of consumer’s bills will still mean making choices between paying the rent, buying food, and/or paying for other domestic outgoings for water and council tax. Many of those most affected will be employed (given that employment figures are currently high), but working under reduced-hours contracts. For this reason, there are still many consumers living below the poverty line notwithstanding the current minimum wage. And given the current projection this poverty line is set to rise considerably to include a larger proportion of the populous. One way of mitigating the effects of volatility in the current energy market is to remove the standing charge.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim Austin
  • Eldon Grove Liverpool
    The building has remained in the same dilapidated state for a number of years, despite planning having been granted for refurbishment of present building and construction of two new blocks of apartments. As it is a listed building it can't be demolished which it probably should be. It is a complete eyesore. I need your support to get the council to push the building owner to commence refurbishment and construction of this listed building.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Doyle