• Unacceptable Bus Service
    People are relying on the bus for work, shopping, parents with children and buggies, older people who cannot walk the distance to get their shopping and medication. People are paying for a service and not receiving it. All people want is a reliable, timely, consistent bus service to enable them to get food, medicine, meet a friend, get out of their homes to get some social time, avoiding loneliness. It’s not a lot to ask for all of the above reasons.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maureen McCann
  • Cut price of prescriptions
    Cost of living rises are bad enough without having choose something else over you medication. Some pensioners are being made to pay for these too.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by metalig cowen
  • Save our pets with owners on benefits
    Separating pets from their family will cause lots of knock on issues including mental health issues and animals starving and dying in the streets. For lots of people, pets are close companions/Family and the stress and mental health issues for all is heartbreaking.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Blatch
  • Stop Ofgem from committing murder
    Many people on low incomes will lose their lives through hypothermia, as they will not be able to afford heating. Many more older people will just try and wrap up warm instead of putting the heating on because they can't afford the gas, or electric. Many disabled people on low incomes will have to choose between heating or food. This is corporate murder. The outcome of this is a massive rise in the death rate this winter. I myself am looking at a winter of severe pain with little to no heating each day. My mother is likely to just not turn the heating on and wrap up as warm as possible as she is of the wartime generation. I fear that she will not survive the next winter. Many of her generation, and their children on low incomes (state pensions) will likely do the same as they will not be able to afford heating this winter. Please do not start up a similar petition as it will weaken this petition. Instead share this one so as many people can sign it, and it gets brought before the house of commons.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Raven Pen-Orthyn
  • Limit Shipping Miles & Support Local Business
    This is important as the Amazon customer base is huge and convenience shopping is here to stay. We have to find a more sustainable way to do this type of shopping and have the option to limit travelling miles of the products.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Rennick
  • Ban the use of disposable barbeques
    Our natural environment is already at risk from climate change. biodiversity loss and loss of habitat. During this heatwave at least 75 wildfires have been started by disposable barbeques. They also cannot be recycled so negatively impact the environment is multiple ways. Please sign this petition and ask the minister for the environment George Eustice to do the right thing.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Smith
  • Against disabled parking charges
    I think it is absolutely disgusting how disabled people get treated and made to pay for parking in disabled bays in public car park. People can become disabled at any time and I think disabled people are getting a raw deal already. Disabled people need support and should not be made to pay charges for parking.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian May
  • Public Warning: Oligarchs In Your Park
    Sports facilities on parks and commons are there for the benefit of all. Not as investments or playthings for oligarchs and billionaires. What role have these individuals taken roles in a community company that manages public assets? Sign this petition and alert your local authority to this concerning development. Our parks and common are at the heart of what makes London great. Keeping them accessible and in public hands is fundamental to the rights of us all. Check our sources: TFC Leisure - https://suite.endole.co.uk/insight/company/13993306-tfc-leisure-employee-trust-limited TFC Leisure filling history https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/03563551/filing-history Trident Trust - Director 1 https://www.tridenttrust.com/about-us/our-people/europe-middle-east-africa/united-kingdom/nigel-grant/ Trident Trust - Director 2. https://www.tridenttrust.com/about-us/our-people/europe-middle-east-africa/jersey/james-ramsden/ The Pandora Papers https://www.icij.org/investigations/pandora-papers/icij-publishes-final-batch-of-pandora-papers-data-on-more-than-9000-offshore-companies-trusts-and-foundations/ Trident Trust and Oligarchs https://www.icij.org/investigations/russia-archive/how-a-network-of-enablers-have-helped-russias-oligarchs-hide-their-wealth-abroad/
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ben Jackson
  • Testosterone for Menopause on the NHS
    It is the third hormone that depletes during menopause and some women, not all, find adding testosterone into their HRT a game changer for their symptoms. 1/10 women are giving up their careers because of debilitating symptoms and some are reported to be taking their own lives as they can’t cope with unchecked symptoms, eg having a zest for life.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emma Birch
  • Save the Sports Report Football Results
    The Saturday teatime football results are a national institution, giving valuable publicity to smaller clubs whose interests are once again being sacrificed, this time in favour of a Premier League commentary. They are also vital for people without easy access to a phone app, including the visually impaired.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frank Broughton
  • Close all tax loopholes, or abolish NI and income tax for ordinary working people!
    Because people can no longer afford to live with the cost of living crisis. And with inflation set to increase to 13.5%, hard working people are going to be pushed over the edge, unable to pay their rent or mortgages!
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roy Scott Picture
  • Change how CMS payments calculated to make it fair for all
    This affects all paying parents and I believe all should be equal. This current method of calculations does not support all parties as equals. E.g. my daughter (4months old) is not worth as much money as the 3 that my partner is paying maintenance for in the eyes of CMS. Paying parents are then expected to live off no money as it leaves no money left. This forces many paying parents out of work and homeless. I have read some many case studies on the amount of paying parents drive to suicide due to the unreasonable demands of CMS
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Renshaw