• Save the Sports Report Football Results
    The Saturday teatime football results are a national institution, giving valuable publicity to smaller clubs whose interests are once again being sacrificed, this time in favour of a Premier League commentary. They are also vital for people without easy access to a phone app, including the visually impaired.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frank Broughton
  • Close all tax loopholes, or abolish NI and income tax for ordinary working people!
    Because people can no longer afford to live with the cost of living crisis. And with inflation set to increase to 13.5%, hard working people are going to be pushed over the edge, unable to pay their rent or mortgages!
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roy Scott Picture
  • Change how CMS payments calculated to make it fair for all
    This affects all paying parents and I believe all should be equal. This current method of calculations does not support all parties as equals. E.g. my daughter (4months old) is not worth as much money as the 3 that my partner is paying maintenance for in the eyes of CMS. Paying parents are then expected to live off no money as it leaves no money left. This forces many paying parents out of work and homeless. I have read some many case studies on the amount of paying parents drive to suicide due to the unreasonable demands of CMS
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Renshaw
  • Demand healthier, eco friendly, cost effective heating and power sources for UK homes
    Because the suggested hikes in gas, electricity are going to kill the elderly and starve the population as they cannot possibly afford the price and will not pay their bills and be cut off meaning they either freeze to death in UK WINTER or starve.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Oliver
  • Local Housing Allowance must Match Housing Costs and Needs
    If you are privately renting and on benefits you will be able to claim Local Housing Allowance (LHA), the problem is that unless you are very lucky it won't cover your rent. Sometimes this is because where you live has been banded with another area where housing is cheaper. The fact that your area, even it is in another town, has higher rental prices won't affect how much you get. The immediate effect is that you will be paying the difference between your allowance and rent out of your other benefits. This means that even if you are disabled and have certain requirements like being on the ground floor, need wheelchair access or need friends or relatives to visit you every day, you are massively disadvantaged by this system. Just imagine if your relative needed your help everyday but couldn't get it because they couldn't afford to live locally or you couldn't find a home that meant you could live independently? If you lived in my town you would receive over £230 less than another town which is just under 4 miles away and is in fact in the same band as another town which is just over 9 miles away. This doesn't make sense does it? This is called the Broad Rental Market Area and it doesn't reflect actual housing costs. Where I live it costs more to rent than in either of these areas! I am asking that you join my campaign to have the local housing allowance banding overhauled and made to reflect local housing costs. This will help people who are already vulnerable, living on benefits and having to pay more for their rent than the current system acknowledges. I am also asking that the LHA does take into account disability needs - currently it does not. Please don't say: It will only go to property investors. Do say: Ask the goverment to make it work fairly.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christine Richardson
  • Petition to change Mental Health Act regarding young people and armed forces
    I am begging you please help me to help get Mental health treatment for Young People. It took two and a half years to get any help for my son. I cannot bring back my baby. He also had six friends who committed suicide, the same year he died. But it's becoming a pandemic all over the UK. I thought this country cared. These people need be be properly trained, like nurses. Private companies need to be QCQ registered and so do mental health charities and crisis houses. These are not regulated by anyone. Why are patients being sent to them? And that's if they get listened to. Unregulated places are the worst for young people. I know I put in grievances due to the way they were being treated and talked about - they were made fun of by crisis teams, managers. Train these people. Save our kids. I refuse to let my son die in vain. Please I Am Begging You to Help me do this for my son and everything young person out there with mental health issues. Help please. I have worked in mental health and seen how they treat young people, or not treat them as in my son's cases. Make them train on wards like nurses have too, make them listen to young people, train them to recognise seriousness of mental health before they work with young people - they are playing with lives. Train them to know how high a dose of medication to give them, what the sedating affects of each medication they give are and how it interacts with other mental health medicines. This is killing young people. Stop the pandemic of young people's deaths, start listening and start doing. Stop judging and picking who they will and will not treat. Stop telling them to take a bath have a cup of tea- these so called experienced workers are pushing our kids over edge. Most important change mental health act regulations regarding young people and listen listen listen to me please Deaths are rising are kids are dying. Been mine, yours could be next please help.
    90 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maria Atkin
  • Stop the energy cost rises
    Please sign the petition as it is in all of our interests if we can stop this hike in prices. There will be so many people who literally can’t even scrape together that amount of money and the anxiety this will be causing is unacceptable.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kimberley Houghton
  • Home office charging too much fees for indefinite leave to remain. Fees should be reduced
    So that we can fight a system that discourages people from living in the UK legally.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Gyimah
  • Exemption from hosepipe ban for households and individuals growing food
    Growing vegetables by households or individuals, reduces the environmental and carbon footprint of this part of our diet. If effort has already been put into such a garden, it could be wiped out if plants die or suffer as a result of drought. Water used for the production of essential food-stuffs, in such a way as to reduce carbon emissions, should not be rationed in the same way as that used for watering flowers or lawns or filling paddling pools.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sian Charnley
  • We want a general election NOW
    It’s important the people get to vote who we see fit to run the country.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Hannah
  • Mandatory Mask wearing in Hospitals and Doctors surgeries
    Covid is still here it hasn't gone away, we need to protect The disabled,vunerable, elderly and keep them safe. The government has the right to change the law back to make face masks mandatory again in Hospitals and Doctors Surgery’s, so they are safe and secure places to go when we need treatment. Please sign my petition.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jan Gall
  • Tinnitus research
    There are millions of forgotten people suffering from this dreadful condition .
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by frank o'brien