• Introduce railway-style drugs and alcohol screening and testing in Parliament and Downing Street
    Parliament and Downing Street have been turned into a worldwide vision of chucking out time at 'Spoons. We pay £84k plus £200k in expenses for this performance: the least we should expect is the sobriety and drug-free standards we expect from railway workers.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DONALD WHITELAW
    Anyone who wants the heart and soul of LIVE entertainment to return to the City of CHELMSFORD as a centre of excellence for all ages, for all time set in stone for all future generations.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wendy Clarke
  • NHS staff forced to pay for parking
    Many NHS staff do their job with a sense of purpose and to contribute positively to society in a meaningful way. Many are poorly paid, particularly in todays economic climate. Many have been front line staff involved with direct contact with covid amongst many other infective organisms which poses a risk for them and their family. I cannot see any moral reason to charge hospital staff to park where they deliver the healthcare to the nation. I don't think we should have to pay anything at all - any costs should be included in the hospital budget
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by simon robinson
  • Birkrigg Park - keep & repair the bus shelter
    It seems a real shame to lose a facility that is for all residents, particularly young residents who get the school bus. The council had previously agreed to take ownership of the maintenance of this shelter on behalf of the BP residents but is now suggesting other uses for it. If we lose the shelter we wont get another. To make the shelter less of an eyesore, removing the perspex panels and cladding it in tanalised wood has been suggested. This would weather naturally and would last year 5 - 10 years. The cost of doing this would be covered by the council. If you'd like to keep the shelter and have it repaired as suggested please sign this petition. The more signatures the better. Please ask everyone to sign in your household, including young people.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tim Faudemer
  • Glasgow Gvhill Netball
    To support youngsters in accessing sport that is easy to learn and very enjoyable. Building on current skills to enhance playing sport.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Gordon
  • Car free zone in The Slade Village
    The increased parking on The estate to ravine grove will de-crease congestion by having a park and ride to the new Elizabeth line, which will decrease road pollution. A pedestrianised village on the Slade will increase footfall for businesses and create a community playing area for children
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Celeste Harper Davis
  • Ring and Ride Injustice
    Ring and Ride have stopped transporting people to health appointments. For those who are disabled health appointments are vital: to attend physio sessions, to monitor wounds or operation sites to prevent infection or just to ensure no other health issues exacerbate any existing problems. With the recent serious cost of living increases if people are forced to use taxis for these appointments there is a great likelihood of people having to choose between their health or heating their home. It seems quite incredible that for a service that purports to exist "In order to improve access to transport – as well as to tackle social isolation and improve mental health." there is a complete disregard for how essential it is for people to be able to access these services.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Urwin
  • Flipping is wrong
    Flippers damage our economy in two ways; they damage trust between retailer and customer and by purchasing items at retail they don’t need this skews demand and causes wasteful over consumption.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edward Tilley
  • Stop Boris Johnson promoting his friends to the Lords
    I'm not on any 'social media', nor part of any political group, so I ask those of you who are - please spread this petition so that the public can have a say in who rules us.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Young
  • The Deadly Downside of a Cashless Society
    The Deadly Downside of a Cashless Society I first became aware of the dangers 21 years ago. In a nutshell, a female client was tracked down by her abusive partner and held at knifepoint. He tracked her down using the cheque and card transactions and ambushed her at the hotel. Back then, she had a few weeks of breathing space because the bank statements arrived every few weeks. Now, every card transaction is instantaneous and gives massive amounts of detail about exactly where you are in terms of geographical location. Many women* I've worked with over the years only had some semblance of a life because they were saving their 'pin money' so their partner couldn't track their every move. In May 2022, I found the ticket machines at Paddington Station, London, didn't take cash. A distressed looking woman tried to buy a bottle of water on the train on the same day. They denied her. She didn't speak much English and said she didn't have a card. I was only on the train for an hour and a half, but imagine in this weather having to go for the full 4 hours without water. On a sweltering hot day in Regent's Park last month, I tried to buy an ice lolly and a banana with the exact change. No can do. The incident in the park did also make me wonder if children are now walking round with debit cards and tapping smart watches. Two years ago, as the pandemic took hold, it became apparent many families don't have a PC or regular Wi-Fi, so I'm thinking the aforementioned is unlikely. * I've said women because it was a woman who first alerted me to this problem back in 2001. I know there is also an often silent demographic of abused men in the world. This move to a cashless society creates several dangerous silos. Aside from those attempting to flee domestic abuse and violent situations and not wishing to leave an instant digital trail as they go, there are also those who do not have the luxury of access to fully topped up debit cards and smart watches. The incident I faced in Regent's Park when trying to buy an ice lolly on a sweltering hot day in London; yes, I know, a rare combination but true, raised the issue of children. Are 10-year-olds all now walking around with fully loaded smart watches? What about those less affluent families who can't afford such technology? And what about the elderly and those who don't cope well with or have access to technology or bank accounts? And what about the homeless population? I've been discussing this globally, and we are all now losing count of the number of places now refusing to take cash.
    169 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Marilyn Devonish
    Newcastle has a proud culture of welcoming new arrivals, and we believe our diversity makes our city stronger and more vibrant. We’re calling on the U.K. Government to drop this discriminatory and inhumane policy completely, and particularly for LGBTQI+ people.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin McKeever
  • Dangerous payments for disabled and blind people
    I feel that anyone who has a disabled or blind person in their family or amongst their friend will be able to identify with these problems and wouldn't want them to suffer.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jack Johnson