• Raise cleaner's salaries
    Other people should join us in our campaign because we need unity to make change
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Miyawa Joujou Makela
  • Children in Need Funding
    To get the maximum recognition for our cause. We are aiming for 100 signatures so that it becomes recognized/considered by government officials.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jac Wiltshire
  • Close SeaLife Brighton
    WATCH OUR UNDERCOVER VIDEO EXPOSÉ - CLOSESEALIFE.COM SEA LIFE BELONGS IN THE SEA STOLEN FROM THEIR NATURAL HABITATS LIKE THE GREAT BARRIER REEF AND FORCED TO TRAVEL THOUSANDS OF MILES, ON A PERILOUS JOURNEY FOR THEIR DELICATE BODIES. OFTEN RESULTING IN THEM DYING. SEA LIFE IN CAPTIVITY IN UK AQUARIUMS HAVE NO CHANCE TO EXHIBIT NATURAL BEHAVIOUR, INSTEAD PACING, CIRCLING, HEAD BOBBING SPIRALLING, IS ALL EVIDENCE OF ZOOCHOSIS. DUE TO T0 STRESS AND BOREDOM. BREEDING PROGRAMMES ONLY SERVE TO KEEP TANKS FULL, VERY FEW SPECIES BRED IN CAPTIVITY MAKE IT BACK TO THE WILD, CONSERVATION CLAIMS ARE WEAK, AND AQUARIUMS DON'T HELP ENDANGERED SPECIES, IT’S NOT EDUCATION IT’S ENTERTAINMENT. LULU THE SEA TURTLE IN SEA LIFE BRIGHTON HAS BEEN STOLEN FROM THE SEA OVER EIGHTY YEARS AGO AS A TINY TURTLE TO APPEAR IN A TV SOAP COMMERCIAL. HELD CAPTIVE EVER SINCE AND SHE'S NEVER SEEN THE SEA OR HER NATURAL HABITAT. TURTLES LIVE A LONG TIME, AND NORMALLY COVER THOUSANDS OF MILES, LAYING THOUSANDS OF EGGS, YET SADLY LULU IS UNABLE TO DO THAT IN HER TINY TANK. 𓆟 90% of fish need sunlight to live reads a poster in SEA LIFE, Brighton. An underground prison with no windows, sunlight, disorientating lights and a relentless soundtrack.  𓆟 SEA LIFE Brighton used to house dolphins until public opinion changed causing a backlash. They were removed, only to be replaced by sharks among other larger species and sea turtles. 𓆟 79% of animals held in UK public aquariums have been taken from the wild and put into tanks. 𓆟 The myth that fish only have a 3-second memory recall has been proved untrue. Research shows fish recognise other fish, and human faces, talk to each other, remember feeding locations months after visiting them, form bonds with other fish and feel pain like humans do. 𓆟 Killing healthy unwanted animals in zoos and aquariums is common practice. The industry is reluctant to share figures for fear of public outrage and losing their licence. 𓆟 SEA LIFE promotes activities such as animal petting which is not an ethical practice.  𓆟 Chemicals used to clean the tanks and water are harmful to the animals. 𓆟 Kids like to see all the fish from Disney’s Finding Nemo together in the same tank. Pufferfish and Clownfish placed together caused the Clownfish to be eaten and regularly replaced. 𓆟 Merlin Entertainments own SEA LIFE, Alton Towers, Thorpe Park and Madame Tussauds. It was discovered in 2014 that they also own Changfeng Ocean World aquarium in Shanghai that kept 3 Beluga whales captive. Once exposed, Merlin announced they were rehoming the whales in a natural sea sanctuary. In 2012 Merlin also owned theme parks in Italy and Germany where dolphin shows took place. They promised they would be given to a dolphin sanctuary, instead, they were sold to zoos and other aquariums. Whales and dolphins are no longer held in captivity in the UK since the 1990s when legislation was passed to ban it, yet large and small species like turtles, rays, sharks and octopuses are still held captive in tanks too small for them. Never visit SEA LIFE or any other aquarium.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Close Sealife
  • Energy Referendum
    Although a freeze on energy prices might initially sound good, these prices are already extortionately high and although it will stop them rising further for the next 2 years, we will still end up paying back that £100b (£100,000,000,000) so it will still affect us all in the long run. Nationalisation would cost £3b (£3,000,000,000) which would be a lot less to pay back and would mean we ended up with cheaper utility bills in the long run. Plus profits would go back to the country helping the many things that we need help with such as hospitals, schools, policing etc. The £100b (or £3b) will be in the form of a loan that will need to be paid back, and it is us, the average person, that will be paying it back, so we should get a say on what we do.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Yvonne Brownsea
  • To everyone supporting wind farms in coastal areas
    To further promote Britain's future reliance on independent, clean, reliable sources of energy. To encourage acceptance of mild inconvenience in environmental terms for cleaner, renewable energies, and to benefit individual households in areas that have already embarked on this process.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Philippa Patel
  • Stop the clock going back 1 hour in October to save electricity
    Everyone will save 1 hour a day of electricity for 6 months by being brighter.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Heten Tejura
  • Make The Greeny Safe & Secure
    With over 200 individuals , adults and children involved on Gurnos BGC FC we are looking to make the greeny field as safe and secure as possible . The football club has grown so much over the years and the football club has been a pillar of the community with so many players joining. It's a community club that emphasises the impact of enjoyment , team work and to give so many people the opportunity to be involved in a family friendly community club. Without making the ground safe and secure the risks are massive and potential accidents are going to occur. We as a club are looking for the support to make the field safe and secure at all times.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Minett
  • Broadwalk/Redcatch Quarter Development
    The shopping centre is obsolete and unviable and will be demolished and redeveloped. We want to ensure the development includes a viable neighbourhood town centre with a range of local traders, cafes, library/community space, cinema/theatre, ensuring a vibrant sustainable hub for the whole community, and continued employment for local people. New accommodation will provide future customers to ensure viability.
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Davies
  • Act on CDGRail's 5 ASKS! Reopen the Stranraer-Dumfries Railway!
    Dumfries and Galloway needs to be accessible to everyone who lives here. in 2022, not everyone can afford to drive, some cannot drive because of a disability or other boundaries. By signing this petition, you'll be sending a clear message to the Scottish Government. The Government need to act on these 5 asks, to get the region #BackOnTrack!
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Campaign for Dumfries & Galloway Rail Picture
  • Accessible Toilets Wellingborough Town
    The disabled community need to be considered and given back their value as members of Wellingboroughs community. With the accessible toilets in their current state its degrading all that require accessible facilities and as a basic human right there’s no dignity when expected to use dirty toilets with only basic adaptations within the toilets. These amenities are vital to create inclusion and a barrier free community.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Liney
  • Energy action
    The greed shown by these corporate giants has shown the contempt they have for the British public, we don’t want bailouts we need change to the rotten system of corporate greed.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Neil Walker
    We all want a sustainable future for our families, friends, communities both near and far. The impacts of climate change are in the news every day and will only get worse. Making sure your money is not being used to create climate chaos is part of the answer and something we can do easily.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Ramage