• #savestevewright
    Steve is a wonderful dj and really funny guy with an amazing presence he is a master of communication and has a great sense of humour. Steve brightens up peoples days, the shift worker, the nurse, the doctor, the bus driver, the white van man, the sales rep, the teacher, the iron monger, the fisherman, the farmer, the retail worker etc etc
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Mulrooney
  • Sir Patrick Vallance is briefing MPs on climate - make sure yours is there!
    Please, please invite your MP to the UK’s first ever high-level briefing by leading scientists on the latest climate science and strategies for implementing net-zero. Amazing news! Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance and other scientific leaders will brief MPs on the Climate and Ecological Emergency in JUST OVER A WEEK, on Monday 11 July. This will be a version of the briefing Sir Patrick gave to Boris Johnson, which the PM described as his 'Road to Damascus moment' on the CEE. 29,000 of us, together with 79 eminent climate scientists and 29 leading clinicians, called for an urgent briefing, so that climate policy can be based on science not lobbying and misinformation. Sir Patrick will brief MPs on MONDAY 11 JULY, 3.30-5.00pm, just like he did during the worst of the Covid-19 crisis. Accompanying him will be Prof Gideon Henderson, the Chief Scientific Adviser for DEFRA; Prof Stephen Belcher, Met Office Chief Scientist; and Prof Emily Shuckburgh, Director of Cambridge Zero, the University of Cambridge’s major climate initiative. An amazingly eminent panel. I am asking if you can do one thing – take one minute to write to your MP and insist they attend. We can get hundreds and hundreds of our MPs to turn up at this vital briefing so that they are up to date with the latest science and can act to protect us, as we elected them to do. Writing a letter is quick, powerful and straightforward, even if you’ve not done it before. If you use template letter above without personalising it, it could take less than a minute: Visit www.writetothem.com Enter your postcode Scroll past councillors to find your MP and click on their name Write your letter (you can base it on our template, or even better use it to write your own), add your address and press Preview and Send Check your letter and press Send That’s it! You’ve taken action to help ensure your MP is informed on the most important issue of our time
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian McDermott
  • #RedFlagForRacism in F1
    Just like in other sports, Formula One needs to play its part in tackling and removing the stain of racism and injustice from our society. Formula One can play a key role; making it clear it is anti-racist and does not condone racism anywhere within the sport; not through its words but its actions. It has millions of pounds at its disposal and a global audience - it can be a force for good and change. But sitting back, issuing generic condemnations will do nothing. Fans, friends and family of fans, teams, drivers and everyone working in Formula 1 can stand up and demand that Formula One Group and Liberty Media do something to match their public statements.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jon Will Chambers Picture
  • Pricless mold gold cape
    Because it is of historical significance and should be returned to a welsh museum,The replica can then be transferred back to replace the Welsh historical artefact.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Daily
  • Update the NEC application process to include other documentation
    Many young people do not fit the system as designed for the majority - those young people are vulnerable and in need of equity. Asylum seekers have no legal right to work in Scotland - they are therefore forced to survive on less money than most households. Free bus travel has revolutionised access for young people in Scotland and a group which would benefit greatly is excluded from the process by bureaucracy. It’s an oversight which could be addressed very simply but the impact would be huge. In addition, the most disadvantaged households often face more setbacks for access to free services and acknowledging this and addressing it is an important factor in moving forward with inclusive policy.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Johnson
  • Stop the police having strip search powers on victims of sexual abuse
    When a female or male suffers sexual abuse often as a child at the hands of an adult it leaves lasting emotional and physical scars that never go away. Then forward to being forced to strip naked and "show" your nudity and genitals to another person and be forcibly pinned down and touched intimately at the hands of a police officer, whether it be female or male, brings feelings of controlling coercive abuse - the very thing that an abuse victim reports to police and runs away from their abuser. Police don't give you a choice and will pin you down and force it onto you no matter how you plead with them not to. Can you imagine the emotional turmoil? The physical pain? The anxiety? The panic? If you've never felt such feelings then think of the thing you fear worst and multiply by 1000. To the victim this feels like rape, all over again but by multiple perpetrators. In my eyes this makes the police nothing more than legalised paedophiles or rapists - controlling coercive rapists. Now, in that situation what do you do next? Lash out at a police officer to stop them and then get arrested and charged with assaulting a police officer? Or worse - 6 officers (as that is how many it took) to force you onto the floor legs spread for all them to see your private genitals. How can this be right in this supposedly civilised society? Or is your next thoughts suicide once you're released back home and you have the torture of legalised rape playing on your mind over and over. How? Why? How have the police been given such powers of control? Suicide is possibly the next plan of action as now you not only have your past rape constantly on your mind, you also have police rape on your mind. Can you imagine how many rape victims suffer this torture again at the hands of the police? If this were to happen anywhere other than in a police cell you'd be phoning the police for protection ...wait ...YOU'D BE PHONING THE POLICE FOR PROTECTION ... Yes you read that right. My petition is simple - stop strip and search for rape or sexual abuse victims. There has to be a kinder way, like taking that person to a room with a gender equal nurse where the search could be done in private. I bet there are many victims of this torture who think nothing will change so they don't bother trying to challenge or complain about the abuse they feel and go home and try or even succeed at suicide. The people's voice has a right to be heard.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mel Saddler
  • Bus Transport for Seafar community
    It will disrupt the community system of daily activities. And this area will be caught off from the society which means there is no equality for the people with others with buses.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debra Lalemi
  • Get our maternity and children services back at the Alexandra hospital in Redditch
    I gave birth to my little boy Albie on the 24th of December 2021. I was supposed to have a caesarean section as he was breach but I travelled 45 minutes to Worcester just to find out that I was 4 cm dilated but had to wait to have my caesarean as all of the rooms were taken up. Within the space of half an hour of them moving me to the delivery suite I was 10cm and was forced to give birth breach as nothing had been done at this point. My little boy ended up coming out with meconium aspiration syndrome as a result of this and had to go to Birmingham children's to have maximum life support. He was in hospital for the first month of his life. We desperately need our maternity and children's services back at the Alexandra hospital as there are many mums in Redditch that are having to travel to Worcestershire Royal to give birth when there is a perfect hospital here in Redditch but we are being forced to travel over to Worcester. This means a lot to me as I don't want any more mothers from Redditch to have to travel all the way over to Worcester like me. I know two other mums who have done so and we all had traumatic experiences.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anna Marie Bunce
  • Save South Derbyshire mental health association, Bankhouse!
    This charity has been here for 30 years plus and is vital support to many people, it is well used and needed, offering a drop in centre wirh help with food, counselling, paper work, bereavement, drug abuse, friendship, music, dance, so on and so on.
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Bonner
  • Adult Changing bench
    People should not have to worry about where they can access the toilet when out and about they should be able to enjoy they’re life without that added worry and stress.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa McCrindle
  • Miller Highbrae Homeowners Dispute of grassed areas.
    We have all invested in our homes and chose Highbrae to meet our expectations as homeowners. The first impression of the development is well below par and not what we collectively bought into. Miller have been able to turf other areas of the estate - so why not the grass verges on Damselfly Road, Goldeneye Green and the areas up by the playpark? Collectively we are paying factor's fees when there is little or no grass to maintain. Miller have a responsibility to us all to rectify the areas mentioned to an acceptable standard.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Falconer
  • Get Our Government to draw up a written Constitution!
    This is important to ensure that any future governments cannot take advantage of the people's trust ever again as this most recent administration has done. Most U.K. citizens will be unaware or apathetic to the fact that we do not have a codified constitution. However, they must realise that this is paramount to securely protecting our interests for the future and future generations to come.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Benjamin Alexander Ross