One demand in UK animal protection law states that animals must be inspected thoroughly at least once a day. Just imagine the daily task of trying to inspect the well-being of 10 thousand ducks, together in one shed. Impossible! Since the 1990s numerous examples of investigative filming in factory farms show sick and crippled animals left to suffer and die, unnoticed, in overcrowded and filthy conditions. PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION NOW!
    384 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Factory Farming is illegal
  • Reinstate the ban of Metaldehyde Slug pellets
    These slug pellets are responsible for killing Hedgehogs, Birds, Dogs, Cats and many other animals that have ingested the dead slugs that have been killed by these pellets. An example of the consequences of the use of these slug pellets can be found here. https://www.edinburghlive.co.uk/news/edinburgh-news/please-stop-putting-down-slug-16505226?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar These are innocent victims from the use of these pellets, and this type of toxin should not be used if it kills other innocent wildlife that comes in contact with these pellets. The animals, hedgehogs birds etc. suffer an agonising death as this toxin causes liver and kidney failure, it attacks the nervous system and other vital organs. I myself have had to euthanise hedgehogs that have been brought into our care suffering this poison, of which is distressing as they cannot be treated. The Right Hon Michael Gove former Environment Minister banned the use of these slug pellets, which following a successful legal challenge by Chiltern Farm Chemicals has now been overruled. Much of the British Wildlife is endangered now, with hedgehog numbers diminished to under a million. It is estimated that between 5 and 10 years the British Hedgehog will become extinct. I do not understand why anyone would want to kill the gardner’s best friend an animal that eats much of the pests that cause harm and damage to arable crops and gardens. Metaldehyde is extremely toxic and is extremely harmful to other animals apart from slugs and snails. Morally a toxin that kills slugs and snails without harming other animals should only be used. Metaldehyde is a toxin that has been around for 40 + years now. Surely now there are more up to date methods of keeping slugs and snails away from crops and gardens. It also is possible that Metaldehyde is responsible for the drastically diminishing population of hedgehogs although nothing has been proven, but statistics also indicate a rapid decline of hedgehogs over the last 40 years.
    347 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Nigel Taylor
  • Voluntary Ban on Garden Centre Sale of Metaldehyde Slug Pellets.
    In December 2018, Michael Gove, as Secretary of State for DEFRA, the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs banned the sale of metaldehyde slug pellets after 30 June 2019. After this date they should have vanished from garden centre shelves. Wildlife campaigners, who recognise the harm done to hedgehogs by slug pellets, were overjoyed. Philip Tavener of Chiltern Farm Chemicals, manufacturer of metaldehyde slug pellets, took the legal action to bring Mr Gove’s decision before the High Court. The High court has ruled on a technicality, that Mr Gove's actions were unlawful, and has overturned DEFRA's decision. This means that the sale of metaldehyde slug pellets is once again legal and wildlife, in particular the hedgehog population, is once again at risk. There is no need for these pellets to be used in gardens. There are safer, ferric phosphate pellets and biological controls in the form of nematode worms watered into the soil.
    842 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by John Wilson
  • P&G, make FAIRY Liquid harmless to aquatic life
    Thousands of litres of this stuff ends up in waterways worldwide. It can't be a good thing!
    1,266 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Taylor
  • Make it law to report killing a cat
    Edna just 16 months old was killed in a hit and run accident, she was hit at such a force it caused fatal head injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene, If it wasn’t for 2 kind ladies passing by and stopping she would of been left at the roadside, at 8am outside a primary school.
    321 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Kellie Underwood
  • Do not repeal the fox hunting ban
    In a modern, civilised society, there is no place for this grotesque and cruel pastime. Foxing hunting has been banned in England and Wales since 2004. But Jeremy Hunt one of the candidates to become the new Prime Minister has said he'd offer MPs a free vote on lifting the ban on fox hunting if he thought there was a chance of it winning. This is a barbaric and outdated activity that should stay where it belongs - in the past. We have a choice in this life, we can be kind, or we can be cruel. I think the choice is easy...
    59,341 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Dave Babb
  • Ban Trophy Hunting
    South African safari operators are targeting the UK to promote holidays where tourists can hunt down and shoot captive-bred lions in fenced areas from which there is no escape. The tour companies are booked for the Great British Shooting Show in Birmingham next February, which describes “the dark continent of Africa” as “the ultimate hunting safari experience”. One of the exhibitors, Umlilo Safaris, offers packages including lion trophy hunts “in fenced areas”. Another, Legelela Safaris, offers giraffe hunts for $3,000 and baboons for $200. Prices for elephants, rhinos, lions and leopards are available on request. The safari firms are capitalising on a rise in trophy hunting by British big-game hunters. We need to shut the show down as it promotes hunting, and we need to ban purveyors of hunting in all forms.
    549 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Dennis Morton
  • Tread lightly Waitrose - ditch bee harming weedkillers
    The bee population is essential to us all. The use of bee harming pesticides needs to stop.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenneth Gray
    The cost of vet's bills in the UK have been steadily on the increase in recent years and have now reached an all time high. The Association of British Insurers (ABI) reported that in 2018 pet insurance claims had increased by 5% from the previous year, with an average claim being £793. This is clear evidence of the high level of fees, as most insurance policies only pay-out a proportion of the total bill. These prices are simply not affordable for a huge proportion of pet owners. If prices continue to rise at this rate, the risk is that responsible animal lovers will make the decision not to replace their beloved pets when they take their final journey to the "Rainbow Bridge". This means there is a risk of increased numbers of stray cats and dogs in the UK, who will be euthanised. Vets need to review their pricing structure in order to make good pet health accessible to all.
    376 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Georgina Godfrey
  • Keep our Manchester Dog Hotel Kennel Free
    No license is currently available that fits what we do. We are asking that the council either create us a dog hotel license, where dogs don't need to be kept isolated in kennels, that we can apply for, or find us exempt from needing a license until they come up with one applicable. Trying to pigeon hole us into one that doesn't fit is unfair and against the pioneering culture of amazing Manchester. We opened the first dog creche in 2007 - Daycare 4 Dogs. It has grown and lead the way with daycares now being the norm. 3.5 years ago we extended our service to a much needed home from home holiday hotel care for dogs. It has operated successfully since and once again we are trail blazing, we are certain others will follow suit as word spreads and this is a good thing. New laws came into affect Oct 2018 which tried to regulate the kennel and pet sitting industry but as hotel care isn't yet a thing we fall outside of the 2 licences available (kennels or dog boarding in your own home). We have been running the hotel, where the dogs live in a home from home environment with the staff and their friends, where they are safe and happy with usual comforts of TV, fire, couches, any a choice of any kind of dog bed. We have had no incidents in the hundreds of dogs we have looked after every day, week, month over the past 3.5 years of the hotel operating. It's most certainly the best a pet can get. We are passionate about dog care and our Daycare 4 Dogs runs to fund our Dogs 4 Rescue CIC, the UK's first free running dog rescue (separate location). The rescue doesn't require a license because we do not make a profit but it operates group care for dogs in the same way. This is not a welfare issue - we offer the highest standards possible the only issue here is that the new laws have been put in place without realising that we run a completely different operation for the betterment of all dogs and customers. Our customers are in uproar and many would never go away again as they just wouldn't leave their dogs in a kennel whether here or anywhere else. There is a huge lack of decent pet care services and things need to move with the times. Many of our customers are now made up of the over 1000 dogs that have come through our Dogs 4 Rescue who have had some horrific times in kennels prior and for whom kennelling would be detrimental to all the work that has gone into rehabilitating. When we opened the first daycare 2007 there had been none previously and so there were no licenses for it;12 years later the government comes up with one but, by this point, we have moved onto the next stage of pet care, always exceeding expectations and designing everything for the welfare of the dog in mind. We are determined to campaign against our closure and the immovable is that we won't kennel our dogs. We are proud to be the industry leader and set the highest bar for others to follow, it's unfair to the dogs and customers that we are being penalised because the legislation doesn't allow for it and so we urge the council to amend the legislation or determine us exempt. We are not trying to flout the law in fact we would welcome a hotel license and always strive to exceed expectations. We want to work with the council to allow us to continue to provide our incredible service of which we are so proud.
    12,032 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Emma Billington Picture
  • Save Southampton's Bees!
    Glyphosate has, according to recent studies, been linked to the death of bees. It weakens their gut bacteria making them more susceptible to disease leading to a higher bee mortality rate. A weedkiller containing glyphosate has also been found by a jury in Los Angeles to have been a substantial factor in a man developing cancer. Globally, there are more honey bees than any other pollinating insects. They are vital to pollinate the plants that produce the food that we eat to survive. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/roundup-weed-killer-cancer-bayer-ag-edwin-hardeman-a8830861.html https://www.newsweek.com/bee-death-scientists-warn-common-weed-killer-harming-honey-bees-1137103
    735 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Hunter
  • Ban Live Animal Export Scotland
    In 2016, around 2,400 sheep were sent from Scotland for slaughter to Germany and France and 3,000 week old Scottish calves were exported to Spain. In 2017, it was even worse. 3,073 sheep, 5,595 calves and 661 cattle were exported from Scotland for either slaughter or fattening; More than 5,000 young calves discarded from the dairy industry were sent from Scotland to Spain in journeys lasting up to 135 hours. The long-distance transport of live animals to Europe is a serious animal welfare problem. Animals are made to travel in cramped conditions with insufficient water supplies, uncontrolled temperatures and inadequate rest periods. Older animals travelling often give birth in lorries, while other animals suffer injuries and even die before they reach their destination. For the animals that survive the journey, there’s a risk that Scottish animal welfare standards will simply not be met by abattoirs overseas. For example, there have been reports of sheep taken from Scotland to France being subjected to inhumane and illegal slaughterhouse practises. Calves in France beaten and abused at rest point . https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/calves-beaten-hit-video-footage-violence-animals-live-exports-europe-a8899631.html Animals are sentient beings that feel pain and stress in the same way as we do. There is no escaping the fact that animals are suffering. The Scottish Government has stated that no one is comfortable with the issue of male dairy calves being exported. The dairy industry ensures maximum lactation and production from dairy cows. Male calves have no value in the process, so the majority are exported for fattening in Spain and then moved on for slaughter in north Africa. It cannot be guaranteed that that will be done in compliance with the welfare standards that apply in Scotland. I ask the Scottish Government to at least consider a ban, it is clear that this cruel trade—and the suffering that goes with it—will continue under the radar until this is fully banned. The UK Government has made it clear that a ban could still be the outcome of the consultation. Therefore, instead of pressurising a ferry company to circumvent its own policies and begin accepting live exports again, the Scottish Government should be spending its time working with its Westminster counterparts to address the glaring and urgent concerns about animal welfare. We have a rare opportunity to update welfare standards that the European Commission itself has admitted show poor performance and in relation to which there is poor compliance. The current standards were set more than 12 years ago. before the sentience of animals was legally recognised and, since then, the scientific and veterinary evidence has repeatedly stated that we should avoid transporting young calves as much as possible. We should be embracing with both hands this opportunity to bring forward a live export ban. Will you listen to the 73 per cent of voters who support an export ban, the ethical dairy sector and the scientific evidence that says that the current practice has to stop? Alternatively, will it continue to resist change at all costs, painting Scotland as a nation that puts cheap high-volume production ahead of sustainability, ethics and animal welfare Source: one kind & from parlimentory debate raised by colin smythe - Scottish labour party on the Export of Live Animals for Slaughtering and Fattening – in the Scottish Parliament on 30th October 2018.
    309 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Susie Stewart