• Ditch plastic packaging
    The UK breakfast cereal market is worth over £1.6 billion - that's a lot of boxes of cereal! Currently the vast majority of bags inside cereal boxes in the UK (and Worldwide) are not recyclable so they end up going in the bin and off to landfill. That's an awful lot of landfill and potentially a massive plastic pollution problem when those plastic bags end up in the wrong place, like in our rivers and seas. Plastic packaging has been found intact after 47 years. During that time discarded plastics have had negative impacts on the health of our wildlife and ecosystems. At today's consumption rates, billions of cereal bags will be sent to landfill. Those which don't make it (either whole or as microplastics) end up being ingested by animals, fish or birds leading to their ill health and early death.
    620 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jodie Bettis
  • Save our bees and bugs 🐝
    🐝 There has been a Government commitment to create a network of wildlife habitats in the countryside since 2010. Our bees and other pollinators are in trouble, their wildflower habitats are widely fragmented and they are unable to move north to escape from climate change. 🐝 The Protection of Pollinators Bill, due for 2nd reading on 26th October, would create an English network of B-Lines – corridors where wildflower meadows would be restored, linking back together the homes of our endangered pollinators. 🐝 Without bees and other pollinating bugs we would not have apples, strawberries, tomatoes or many other crops – they are worth about £700 million to British agriculture. Our pollinators are also wonderful animals and our populations of wild flowers and birds depend on them as well.
    30,722 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Paul Hetherington Picture
  • Zero Rate VAT veterinary bills for registered Animal Charities
    The cost of vet bills are already high and a further 20% VAT charge is restricting the good work animal charities are doing. All good Animal charities insist that any animals that come into their care are neutered or spayed to keep the numbers down the VAT reduction Could be spent on more animals as most are Non for profit. Long term and short term treatments are also expensive and I believe the savings would help the charities with their day to day existence. Animals should have equal rights to the best welfare, Welfare of which for humans is zero rated
    2,525 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Dean Hawthorne
  • Stop the planned build on Nethercote Gardens
    Nethercote Gardens is a cul-de-sac with several specific strengths and challenges. The River Cole on which we sit is a haven for local wildlife and must be protected - our low position also puts us at risk of flooding and our road was disproportionately affected by such flooding earlier this year. Many residents feel that recent housing developments which have been completed in recent years have increased the risk of localised flooding; by increasing concrete and build areas we are rapidly losing valuable soft ground which absorbs water. This creates water run off during times of extreme weather and means homes like ours are more likely to flood. Adding another property to the road will be to the detriment of our local wildlife population which local residents are already fighting to support. The plot on which the development is planned sits immediately opposite 177a Nethercote Gardens which is a shared supported living home for people with assessed care. The residents of this property are extremely vulnerable adults and not able to object to this build, which would impact their daily lives, on their own behalf. Our residents have faced and are facing enough challenges due to our unique position and feel that we have been let down at numerous points by the local authority over the years, by allowing local building work, by not having adequate flood supports in place both during and after such events. Our small community are opposed to this build and will keep campaigning to ensure that it does not go ahead. Please, please sign our petition and add to our collective voice - we need to make some noise about this; small builds that negatively impact residents can sneak under the radar but they all add up to people having lower quality of life and our countryside being affected. Enough is enough. Please, please sign our petition. Thank you. "What we allow will continue."
    181 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nethercote Residents
    Plastic rings from beer and cider cans are littered everywhere - from our parks to our rivers and beaches. They can harm or even kill birds and fish, and together add up to thousands of tonnes of plastic waste. There’s a simple solution: get the biggest beer and cider companies to ditch the plastic rings. There are alternatives ready and waiting - Carlsberg just announced they’ll use recyclable glue instead. Together we can convince other beer and cider companies to do the same. If thousands of customers tell them to do their bit to reduce the plastic litter and ditch plastic rings, they’ll have to listen. It won’t solve the plastic crisis overnight, but it’s a small step that could make a massive difference. If you want plastic litter to be a thing of the past, sign the petition now.
    220,498 of 300,000 Signatures
    Created by Geraint Ashcroft
  • Stop Proposed Fish farm on West coast of Jura
    The environmental impacts would be devastating for wildlife found on the west coast. The West Coast of Jura is a truly unspoilt wilderness. The chance of escapee fish would be very high given the ferocity of the gales on an extremely exposed site during the winter months. Please if you need further information check out some links from various sources raising concerns on fish farming. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DQYZ07ZS0CU https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/08/12/salmon-farming-has-done-enormous-harm-fish-environment-warns/amp/ http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/15118242.Revealed__Scandal_of_45_Scottish_lochs_trashed_by_pollution/
    3,401 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Craig Rozga
  • Get Refills in Body Shop
    In 2002 The Body Shop discontinued the refill facility offered in some stores owing to a lack of demand. Previously it had been possible to refill shampoos and shower gel bottles with a view to avoiding unnecessary waste. They stopped it fifteen years ago, but in that time the impact of plastic on the environment has become increasingly apparent and people are keen to find ways to reduce their waste. The Body Shop have said that they are introducing recycled plastic into their supply chain, but recycling uses energy and they would still be using virgin plastics. The best way to 'do our bit' is to reuse. Tell The Body Shop that you would use refill facilities if they were made available again.
    270 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Polly Bowman
  • No gravel extraction haul road through Fairlop Waters Country Park
    This is an important area for the biodiversity of the Country Park and if it goes ahead will disrupt a long eared owl roost, an area for amphibians (Including great crested newt) and reptiles, and not so common birds on passage such as spotted flycatchers, wheatears, redstarts, winchat etc. We have just found recent evidence of badgers in the area with one definite sett further up the haul road route and one potential sett on the disputed section of land in the country park. This is an important species to find on Fairlop Plain as up till now was thought to have been totally lost to the area. There is also quite a bit of bat activity along the strip though species are currently unknown as only seen on remote trail cams for badger monitoring. As well as being disruptive to users of the country parks bridleways and footpaths especially the crossing point from Aldborough Hall Equestrian Centre, we expect dust generated from the road surface to also be a health issue. Lorries will potentially be travelling along the road in both directions at up to 3.5 minute intervals. We believe that this haul road is divisive to the community and cannot be accepted by those that care about the natural environment of Redbridge and the protected species whose habitat would be destroyed forever.
    2,427 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Chris Gannaway
  • Kennington kicking up a Stink!
    The stink and odours are damaging quality of life for residents in Little Burton Farm, and Kennington The constant and cumulative odour exposure has become "severe odour annoyance"- a major concern of the WHO (World Health Organization) Headaches and other health risks are a common occurence Children can't play outside in their own gardens Doors and windows need to be permanently closed Utilizing gardens for BBQ's and other social events is severley affected With 1000's more homes planned in the area and increased sewerage, things can only get worse
    745 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Cllr Marion Martin Picture
  • Ban Trail Hunting on National Trust Land
    Trail hunting involves laying a trail of concentrated fox urine for a pack of hounds to follow. They are trained to ONLY follow fox scent when they could so easily be trained to follow the smell of fruit, drugs, biscuits or anything else. So, it should not come as a shock when the pack follows the scent of a real fox and kills it. This is still legal in the UK and goes on throughout the country. As a result, hundreds of foxes are still chased and killed for pleasure each year in the UK. There is no place in modern society to kill just for pleasure and members of the National Trust are unwittingly supporting this activity. There are incidents where pets are also killed 'by accident' and hunts refuse to trail hunt with dogs muzzled to avoid 'collateral damage'. The National Trust should be the most respected Guardians of the countryside and represent the views of its members. It should not be an organisation that promotes cruelty and killing for the pleasure of a tiny minority. We would ask the Board of the National Trust to ban all trail hunting on their land. NOTE: it is easy to stop inhumane suffering and 'accidental' death: LET'S CLOSE THIS LOOPHOLE.
    345 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Peter Parsons
  • Let Charlie Barker’s assistance dog George go to the Fusion festival
    Fusion won’t allow Charlie Barkers assistance dog George go to the music Festival! PLEASE HELP BY SIGNING & SHARING. From Charlie: ____________________ "I'm 23 and for one day I would just like to be that care free 20 year old who enjoys live music. But it's being taken away from me because Fusion won't let me take my Assistance Dog, George! I have a condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. EDS affects the body’s connective tissue. Connective tissue lies between other tissues and organs, keeping these separate whilst connecting them, holding everything in place and providing support, like the mortar between bricks. EDS causes my joints to dislocate, mostly my shoulders and hips. My gorgeous George helps me to relocate them. Without George, I will end up in A&E, meaning I could miss most of the concert but more importantly Fusion will have put me through unnecessary pain. George does Deep Pressure Massage for pain relief #myrock" ____________________ Please help show Fusion Charlie needs his assistance dog George and they are discriminating against him! https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/sites/default/files/assistance-dogs-a-guide-for-all-businesses.pdf
    517 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Looby Loo
  • De-power Scottish Natural Heritage
    To keep a balance for all who live or use the environment. Also to protect more those species that are on the endanger list from extinction and full information has to be giving to justify why species that are protected have to killed. So that we in the future are not asking questions why species that are still depleting partly due to licenses being issues and also toughen up the laws on those who kill protected species illegally.
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Henry Wilkie