• Save Southampton's Bees!
    Glyphosate has, according to recent studies, been linked to the death of bees. It weakens their gut bacteria making them more susceptible to disease leading to a higher bee mortality rate. A weedkiller containing glyphosate has also been found by a jury in Los Angeles to have been a substantial factor in a man developing cancer. Globally, there are more honey bees than any other pollinating insects. They are vital to pollinate the plants that produce the food that we eat to survive. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/roundup-weed-killer-cancer-bayer-ag-edwin-hardeman-a8830861.html https://www.newsweek.com/bee-death-scientists-warn-common-weed-killer-harming-honey-bees-1137103
    735 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Hunter
  • Ban Live Animal Export Scotland
    In 2016, around 2,400 sheep were sent from Scotland for slaughter to Germany and France and 3,000 week old Scottish calves were exported to Spain. In 2017, it was even worse. 3,073 sheep, 5,595 calves and 661 cattle were exported from Scotland for either slaughter or fattening; More than 5,000 young calves discarded from the dairy industry were sent from Scotland to Spain in journeys lasting up to 135 hours. The long-distance transport of live animals to Europe is a serious animal welfare problem. Animals are made to travel in cramped conditions with insufficient water supplies, uncontrolled temperatures and inadequate rest periods. Older animals travelling often give birth in lorries, while other animals suffer injuries and even die before they reach their destination. For the animals that survive the journey, there’s a risk that Scottish animal welfare standards will simply not be met by abattoirs overseas. For example, there have been reports of sheep taken from Scotland to France being subjected to inhumane and illegal slaughterhouse practises. Calves in France beaten and abused at rest point . https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/calves-beaten-hit-video-footage-violence-animals-live-exports-europe-a8899631.html Animals are sentient beings that feel pain and stress in the same way as we do. There is no escaping the fact that animals are suffering. The Scottish Government has stated that no one is comfortable with the issue of male dairy calves being exported. The dairy industry ensures maximum lactation and production from dairy cows. Male calves have no value in the process, so the majority are exported for fattening in Spain and then moved on for slaughter in north Africa. It cannot be guaranteed that that will be done in compliance with the welfare standards that apply in Scotland. I ask the Scottish Government to at least consider a ban, it is clear that this cruel trade—and the suffering that goes with it—will continue under the radar until this is fully banned. The UK Government has made it clear that a ban could still be the outcome of the consultation. Therefore, instead of pressurising a ferry company to circumvent its own policies and begin accepting live exports again, the Scottish Government should be spending its time working with its Westminster counterparts to address the glaring and urgent concerns about animal welfare. We have a rare opportunity to update welfare standards that the European Commission itself has admitted show poor performance and in relation to which there is poor compliance. The current standards were set more than 12 years ago. before the sentience of animals was legally recognised and, since then, the scientific and veterinary evidence has repeatedly stated that we should avoid transporting young calves as much as possible. We should be embracing with both hands this opportunity to bring forward a live export ban. Will you listen to the 73 per cent of voters who support an export ban, the ethical dairy sector and the scientific evidence that says that the current practice has to stop? Alternatively, will it continue to resist change at all costs, painting Scotland as a nation that puts cheap high-volume production ahead of sustainability, ethics and animal welfare Source: one kind & from parlimentory debate raised by colin smythe - Scottish labour party on the Export of Live Animals for Slaughtering and Fattening – in the Scottish Parliament on 30th October 2018.
    312 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Susie Stewart
  • Save our field on Heol Ashley mochdre industrial estate
    This is the last remaining walking field in Newtown, it is home to lots of beautiful wildlife and is visited by lots of locals everyday. This field houses hedgehogs, lots of species of birds and mice, owls, and a heron, in summer it also attracts many bees and butterflies. Already by closing other popular walking feilds due to the Bypass and other constructions, wildlife has been killed and lots of people who enjoy fields have been left with only this field to enjoy. Everyone has a right to a green space - everyone should be able to see many birds and other animals and walk through the forest with their families. Please sign this petition and save the only remaining walking field in this area of the town where we can walk the dogs enjoy the wildlife and country feel.
    723 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Kelly Leah-Higgins
  • Replace McDonald's plastic toys with seeds and bee bombs for children to grow
    McDonald's sells over 1 Billion happy meals every year around the world. Included in these are hard plastic toys inside plastic packaging, millions going to landfill every year, especially in the western world. We need to educate our children that this fast, throw away attitude is killing the planet. Teach our children to love, nurture and grow. A packet of seeds and a biodegradable box that doubles as a tray - it's an easy solution to make the Happy Meal truly Happy for all! The environment wins. Bees win. Children's metal health is improved and planting seeds also encourages curiosity for their environment - huge win! Come on McDonalds - make this happen!
    328 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Melanie James
  • Stop Kinder egg flooding us all with plastic toys
    We need to cut back on plastic and reduce plastic pollution which is poisoning our oceans. These eggs are heavy on plastic which gets binned and goes to landfill. Most children lose interest in the ‘toy’ within minutes but the plastic is with us a lot longer!
    170 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Wendy Cliffe
  • Say no to Circus Mondao in the Valleys
    Forcing animals to perform in circuses is unethical, outdated and wrong. According to the RSPCA who have fought hard for many years to get the use of wild animals in circuses banned, 97% of the public support the incoming ban. This shows that people do not want circuses that feature animals to be able to perform. As well as wrongly using animals, the staff from this circus have also been known to leave abusive/misogynist comments on animal rights campaigners posts, leaving animal faeces in spots where campaigners stand and are also renowned for littering.
    687 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Billie-Jade Thomas
  • Ban the Grand National or make it safer
    "Too many horses are being killed or injured." Sylvia Clelland. The 2023 Grand National meeting at Aintree racecourse, resulted in the death of three horses including one in the main event of the weekend. Despite changes being made to the course for safety over the years far too many horses are dying as a result of racing. Sixteen horses have died in the showcase race since 2000. Safety measures could easily be implemented to improve the safety of the Grand National. These include having smaller and fewer fences, fewer participants and a shorter distance.
    42,546 of 45,000 Signatures
    Created by Sylvia Clelland
  • Ban the netting of trees and hedgerows
    Netting trees and hedgerows is a cruel and unsustainable practice, leading to the indiscriminate death and suffering of song birds and other birds, including specially protected species. Birds get caught up and tangled in the nets and die a slow death. More and more development companies are resorting to this cruel practice in order to bypass ecologically sustainable building practices, leading to the loss of nesting sites and habitat for birds.
    154 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Susy Starfield
  • Stop the netting of hedgerows, trees and buildings to prevent birds from nesting
    Birds (and animals) are being deprived of important nesting sites, and food sources and are becoming trapped (and killed) in the netting. It is illegal to cut hedgerows during nesting season, so why is this appalling practise apparently legal??
    3,084 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Fenella Faulkner
  • Close down Penwern Puppy Farm
    1 Because the Inspection on the 23rd August 2018 was very damning and it was advised not to give a licence. 2 The Veterinary Report on the 1st October was equally damning quoting dogs with conditions such as:- severely damaged eye, deformed left hind foot, abscess under left ear, rotten teeth, born without left eyeball, bilateral protruding nictitians glands, entropion, ulcer left eye and eyelid infection. This is just a handful of some of the conditions in this hell hole of a place. There are no windows, dogs kept in tiny so called kennels on deep litter straw with liquid (mixture of urine and faeces) trickling out from underneath and under the feed bowls, filthy floor, filthy walls, heat lamps with the wires perilously close to the dogs. water bowls containing green water, very strong stench.
    18,590 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Jean Steel
  • Animal cruelty Bill, sentence increase
    To ensure that our animals are better protected and animal abusers punished appropriately
    1,818 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Anne Richardson
  • Block live animal transport if there's a No Deal Brexit
    Animals are crammed into vehicles. Some are injured or trampled. They can be in transit for days, suffering extremes of temperature and can go without sufficient food, water or rest. Long delays due to a no deal Brexit would be even more distressing than usual for animals in transit.
    239 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Maggie Curati