• Stop grouse shooting’s war on wildlife
    Hundreds of thousands of innocent animals - foxes, stoats, weasels, and hedgehogs - are killed on the Scottish moors every year. Why? So a small group of people can participate in the elitist sport of grouse shooting. The economic benefits of grouse shooting are tiny - but the environmental impact is massive. The ‘sport’ takes up huge swathes of the countryside and causes the deaths of huge numbers of innocent animals, which are caught in traps laid down by the shooters. The Scottish government have the power to fix this. Right now, they are considering what they should do about grouse shooting in Scotland. The answer is simple: ban the needless killing of hundreds of thousands of animals just so that moore grouse can be shot.
    54,652 of 75,000 Signatures
  • STOP Tesco’s selling caged eggs now!
    STOP Tesco’s and other establishments using this barbaric treatment of these innocent creatures!... To bring awareness of what supermarkets are honestly ensuring regarding sustainable cruelty free sourcing.. To be aware of what supermarket chains are in fact working toward by improving all animal welfare!
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Eileen Hardie
  • Help Local Dog Boarders Reduce Barking Mad Licence Fees
    We are micro-businesses and sole traders offering a very special, home-from-home, dog boarding experience for dog lovers. We are not massive kennel operators, yet the license fee doesn’t differentiate, and we are being asked to pay exactly the same fee as a Commercial Kennels. There are more than 110 micro businesses and sole traders across the Joint Public Protection Partnership area who may now be forced to close as a direct consequence of this license fee increase. We desperately don’t want to close because we are all passionate about the dogs we take care of and we pride ourselves in offering a unique boarding experience for our clients and their dogs. As an example of the license increase we are facing: for the financial years 2018 - 20, the Bracknell Forest renewal licence fee was £119 per annum. From this year (2020-21), the Joint Public Protection Partnership increased the fee by a massive 375% to a total of £570 per annum. The fine laid down by DEFRA, for failing to obtain a licence, is set at £500 which is less than the total cost of renewal! Such a large increase cannot be considered fair or justified and, is contrary to the principle that local government is there to help and support local businesses thrive. There was no consultation process with us as home boarding providers, and the Joint Public Protection Partnership did not provide affected businesses with any prior notification of the license fee increases. Many home boarding providers have a very low turnover, and are already struggling with a downturn in bookings caused by the Covid-19 pandemic; a significant number will be unable to pay. They will either be forced to cease trading or have to increase their prices considerably to cover this huge increase. And this is why it affects us all! Please sign this petition and help us to prevent this from happening.
    1,326 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Karen Fleck
  • Disband all Mounted Units from Police Scotland
    Horses are strong and powerful animals that take years of training or “breaking in” to tame. Like any animal they are never 100% under control and nor should they be. The use of horses within the police force as a means of “crowd control” has and never will be acceptable. The unpredictability of an animal so large amidst crowds is reckless at best. For the safety of the animal and the general public we advocate for the liberation of all animals from public service and demand the Scottish Government start by reviewing the use of horses within the police force.
    953 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Jonny Holtz
  • Ban the sale of animals on social media
    Animals are not commodities to be used to 'make an extra bit on the side' Although Facebook have renewed guidelines about selling animals, it is still rife on many popular selling sites and community websites. Selling animals in this way encourages impulse and casual purchases. Checks are not necessarily made on potential owners meaning animals can be subjected to inappropriate ownership or unsuitable conditions for their needs. The temptation of an 'easy sell' encourages 'hobby breeding' while rescue centres are full to bursting with animals needing homes. Social media and selling sites provide disreputable breeders with a means to reach the wider public who may not be informed or aware of the risk involved. There is no justifiable reason to sell an animal on a selling site. Rescue centres exist for the very purpose of helping people re-home unwanted pets or surprise litters. Professional breeders can sell through official websites. Please sign this petition to try and stop animals being sold in this casual and dangerous way. Thank you
    1,060 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Hall
  • Save the horses field on hever road
    The horses on hever road have been there over 50 years , now it’s all being sectioned off with sharp metal fencing the horses are scared and unsettled . We need to come together as a community and speak up to save them and the field that they belong in from any unsightly changes. Many family’s have, do, and will enjoy spending time down this natural beauty spot petting and feeding the horses. Why change such a beautiful place?
    345 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Nicole Pavitt
  • Keep animal welfare charities afloat during the coronavirus crisis
    Govt help has been announced for some charities but appears not to offer any support to animal rescue charities. This despite the fact that much of their work comes from statutory agencies asking for help to take on animals left behind by domestic tragedies of all sorts. In the light of lots of misinformation recently, many animals will be abandoned at this time in addition to the normal intake of dumped, abused and lost animals. The animals in their care now risk being euthanised if they are forced to close, and the future impact on animals needing care will be huge if many centres are forced to close. I have adopted many dogs from rescue places over the years, and their impact on mental and physical wellbeing is well researched. Dedicated staff and volunteers make this possible, and they deserve support.
    2,649 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Diane Collingwood
  • Save Jess the Cat
    Jess would leave a huge hole if she left our community in Leek, this is her home she is part of so many people’s life. Jess would also be confused, stressed and potentially unhappy, she knows and loves the entrance of Morrison’s in Leek.
    848 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Kate Laurance
  • Stop precious forests being destroyed to make chocolate
    Precious forests teeming with life are cleared so palm oil can be produced. This is used in a range of products, including chocolate. This has a devastating effect on the environment and it can harm endangered species, such as orangutans. Palm oil production damages some of the world’s most precious forests, destroying the habitat of already endangered species like the Orangutan, pygmy elephant and Sumatran rhino.
    34,943 of 35,000 Signatures
  • Protect the fox
    This is extremely important as the fox is one of very few of our native species not currently protected under this act and the animal welfare act. Below is an article highlighting the importance again.. 'RED FOX The long-term index for Red Fox has reached a new low, with the trend showing a decline of 42% between 1996 and 2017 across the UK as a whole. Both the 10- and five-year trends show declines, of 28% and 25% respectively. For countries and regions reaching the reporting threshold, Red Fox shows declines across the board' As taken from The Breeding Birds Survey 2018 https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2018.pdf
    648 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jay Leadbetter
  • Save our mature trees and wildlife
    If we lose the trees on this land we lose the living entities that filter pollutants keeping our air cleaner and soak up the tons of CO2 that contributes to Climate Change. WBC has agreed there is a Climate Change emergency and this must be taken into consideration. Animals like foxes, bats and owls will be disturbed and made homeless as a result. If we win, the trees carry on filtering our air, the community keeps the value of its majestic tree stock and its green buffer zone and the animals have shelter and food. There is only a short window to get signatures, but every little helps. We care about our mature trees. It is the last real tract of green belt in the area for our health and well-being and for wildlife to exist. Please help us save our trees by signing our petition. Thank you.
    255 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Susie Dodd
  • Stop Dog Farming in Wales
    The BBC programme Wales Investigates has highlighted the cruelty and unacceptable squalid conditions at dogs farms in Wales. They operate with no care for the animals and concentrate purely on profits (most of which is not declared). By signing this petition you are petitioning the Welsh Government to put a total ban on dog farming in Wales. Which will prevent uncared for dogs with disease and other health issues being sold to new owners who then have to pay, in some cases, thousands of pounds in vet bills.
    664 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Tim Rickards