• Ban non-compostable/non recyclable packaging
    This is important for the future of our ecosystem as much of this packaging is now polluting our oceans or building up relentlessly on landfill sites.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kerry Batcock
  • spiderman on Xbox One
    This is important because Spider-man fans who don't own a PS4 can't play the game. spider-man was not created by Sony, so should be on the xbox one as well.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lloyd Chalke
  • Keep Silverstone Grand Prix
    It is a important event it brings in a substantial amount of money into the area and surrounding areas during F1 and other race related events to the economy and it also has thousands of jobs connected to it, and our British Motorsport heritage is important as we were the leading manufacturers in sport's such as F1
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Rees
  • Inform uber drivers where they are going before accepting job
    I have been very upset with uber drivers for cancelling on me in the past, but recently I have come to understand why they keep doing this. When an uber driver accepts a job, it merely comes up with "accept job", then it tells them their pick up location, then once they are at the pick up location they finally know where they are dropping the customer to.... and this is fair enough if they are in the middle of their shift, but for someone who has been working all night, and decides to take one more job (thinking it won't be too far) then realises the job is an hour their and back, this isn't so fair on either part. Us as uber customers get angry at this driver for even accepting in the beginning which leads us to report them. They then get suspended for a few days from their peanut paid job - which is most likely what they are providing for their families with. So please sign and share to hopefully get uber to realise how unfair their system is to the driver and customer. And hopefully by doing this, we will have minimal driver cancellations!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zainab Tetouania
    This is important not only to my generation but to future generations who might not get to experience the delights of watching me attempt Gangnam Style without actually speaking Korean (this happened) or someone snatch a mic to freestyle rap during the instrumental of Angels (again, happened) Charlie's gets a bit crazy but it's a place EVERYONE can enjoy! CHOOSE LIFE. CHOOSE CHARLIE'S. THANK YOU.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claudia Saviotti
  • Stop UK food industry using plastic food packaging
    The amount of plastic being used is clogging up the oceans and putting its sea creatures in danger. We've seen the horrific stories of sea turtles being suffocated by plastic bags and fish with bits of plastic and beaches strewn with bottles, toys, lighters and straws. These materials take hundreds of years to break down. We can't go on like this. It has to stop.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lorraine Churchill
  • Affinity Sutton's Water Cap
    We feel that our families are being unfairly penalised. The children that live here have a communal garden and one of the activities that is enjoyed by ALL the children young and old is the use of paddling pools. The capping of the external taps means we are unable to water our garden plants, unable to provide water for the dogs that use the garden and we are unable to allow the children to cool off in the hot weather. This is important as we are paying communal water charges but have no access to communal water. We were not consulted or given fair warning of the taps being capped. We have been repeatedly ignored by our landlord. We as a community have been told we are not allowed to use paddling pools or have water fights in our communal garden and feel this is unacceptable. This petition is a way for all tenants in rented properties to show how important it is for landlords to listen to residents on issues that impact their lives.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shaunnie Groom
  • Make housing developers be transparent in Brighton and Hove
    Current planning law states that if a developer will make less than 20% profit on a new development, they can ignore a council's regulations about building affordable and social housing. Leaked documents from several developers have shown that the maths they use to work out their profit margins are purposefully misleading, allowing them to claim they will make less than 20% profit on a development by undervaluing the prices of the houses they will sell and over-costing the labour. To combat this Islington, Greenwich, Lambeth and Bristol councils have introduced a policy that forces developers "viability assessments" to be made public. By bringing these dodgy maths into the public domain, Councils, campaigning groups and individuals will be able to hold developers to account and force them to use more honest maths.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kristina Timoszyk
  • Justice for Brixton Ritzy staff!
    The Ritzy Cinema is one of the iconic landmarks in Brixton, made famous by its promotion of progressive cinema and art. However, since Autumn 2016, Picturehouse has been in dispute with its staff over payment of the Living Wage. For a company that made profits in excess of £83.8 million in 2015 and who attempts to brand Picturehouse as an 'ethical' business, selling Fairtrade products and and hosting independent films, such treatment of staff is unacceptable. It is with great sadness therefore that we are calling for a community boycott of Cineworld and Picturehouse Cinemas until they engage in meaningful dialogue with your staff and their representatives, ensuring decent employment conditions and full recognition of their right to Trade Union representation.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Goodman
  • Make disabled people and elderly people to use their bus passes from 9 am . on weekdays
    Because it is not a fair that disabled people and elderly people have to wait in the Rain thunderstorm or no matter what the weather is in the rain and freezing cold in the mornings
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Stephens
  • Bring back McDonalds the original Big breakfast UK
    I feel like I've said all i need to in the above statement, I grew up on these and I would like my children and generations after me to enjoy the delicious and nutritious breakfast treat for all the family... plus it would be very easy to implement so why not !
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Toby Lake
  • Call for Nigel Farage to get Brits 'Picking for Britain!'
    It is now widely reported that produce growers in the UK fear that their produce will rot in the field due to lack of seasonal immigrant workforce. Since Nigel's main campaign to get out of the EU was to limit immigration, and the impact that immigration has had on British jobs, it seems only fitting that he should also implore the British to take up the empty jobs that his actions have indirectly freed up. Part of making decisions is to take responsibility for consequences. Brexit rhetoric, uncertainty and economic impact have all led to less seasonal migrant workers this year; it may have not been Nigel's direct aim to free up seasonal work for Brits, but he can bring to bear a campaign of National pride to encourage Brits to actively seek out such jobs to ensure that produce does not rot in the field. Even if Nigel's view is that seasonal fruit picking is ideal for low priced migrant labour, it will take a long time for that workforce to want to return in sufficient quantity to the UK , and that seems largely a consequence of Brexit, and specifically his part in the campaign for it. So the only responsible thing for him to do is to mitigate this, perhaps unintended, consequence by calling people to the fields. Furthermore, it would be a really positive gesture if Nigel could spend his spare time leading by example and working in the fields. Then he could truly say that he had earned his pint by the end of the day.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Dalpra