• Weekly Custard Pie vote for the most deserving MP.
    The public need to see there be consequences for MPs who fail to do good.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Wilkinson
  • Justice for Brixton Ritzy staff!
    The Ritzy Cinema is one of the iconic landmarks in Brixton, made famous by its promotion of progressive cinema and art. However, since Autumn 2016, Picturehouse has been in dispute with its staff over payment of the Living Wage. For a company that made profits in excess of £83.8 million in 2015 and who attempts to brand Picturehouse as an 'ethical' business, selling Fairtrade products and and hosting independent films, such treatment of staff is unacceptable. It is with great sadness therefore that we are calling for a community boycott of Cineworld and Picturehouse Cinemas until they engage in meaningful dialogue with your staff and their representatives, ensuring decent employment conditions and full recognition of their right to Trade Union representation.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Goodman
  • Veterans Identity Card
    Not enough is done to support and honour the sacrifices ex service personnel have made to keep our country and it's people safe.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Beech
  • Call for Nigel Farage to get Brits 'Picking for Britain!'
    It is now widely reported that produce growers in the UK fear that their produce will rot in the field due to lack of seasonal immigrant workforce. Since Nigel's main campaign to get out of the EU was to limit immigration, and the impact that immigration has had on British jobs, it seems only fitting that he should also implore the British to take up the empty jobs that his actions have indirectly freed up. Part of making decisions is to take responsibility for consequences. Brexit rhetoric, uncertainty and economic impact have all led to less seasonal migrant workers this year; it may have not been Nigel's direct aim to free up seasonal work for Brits, but he can bring to bear a campaign of National pride to encourage Brits to actively seek out such jobs to ensure that produce does not rot in the field. Even if Nigel's view is that seasonal fruit picking is ideal for low priced migrant labour, it will take a long time for that workforce to want to return in sufficient quantity to the UK , and that seems largely a consequence of Brexit, and specifically his part in the campaign for it. So the only responsible thing for him to do is to mitigate this, perhaps unintended, consequence by calling people to the fields. Furthermore, it would be a really positive gesture if Nigel could spend his spare time leading by example and working in the fields. Then he could truly say that he had earned his pint by the end of the day.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Dalpra
  • Awards For LFB at Grenfell Tower
    The LFB faced an unimaginable tragedy on arrival on that night, as residents were running out to safety, the brave firefighters were running in and saved countless residents. It is only right and proper that these firefighters should be recognised for going above and beyond the call of duty
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David greenfield
  • Tommy Robinson white supremacist
    Because innocent people are getting killed and hurt, he spreading false propaganda and lies, London fire tower and man ran Muslims over in London.. Tommy Robinson also said he's going to take the law into their own hands
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Morris
  • Don't delay the new Ysgol Pendref School
    Ysgol Heulfre merged with neighbouring Ysgol Gwaenynog to form Ysgol Pendref in 2012 and we were promised a new building by 2019, with feasibility works beginning in 2014. Denbighshire County Council have now back tracked on their promises, saying the costs are too high and that the school must wait for the next round of schools funding. This is despite the dates being a condition to the merger. It now looks likely that the new school will not be ready until 2024 if the Council gets it's way. This will have a major impact on our childrens education and ultimatley their futures. With more homes due to be built in the area, class sizes growing and cuts to schools budgets this delay cannot be allowed to happen and the Council must be held to account for their promises. The old site is not fit for purpose in any way. As a parent, I cannot stand by and do nothing. We all need to stand together and fight for our children and their futures before it's too late. Please visit the link below for more information but please don't forget to sign before you leave. http://m.denbighshirefreepress.co.uk/mobile/mnews/172401/new-ysgol-pendref-building-in-denbigh-could-be-put-back-to-2024.aspx
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Megan Belgrau
  • Return all victims of Grenfell Tower Communities back into the RBKC, Now and not in years to come.
    After an incident of this magnitude survivors and victims must to be close to the people they know and the community they belong to. Being close is the only way the survivors can benefit from the immediate support individuals in the community, multi faith groups, independent business, and charities, have put together in support of all. LEGAL SUPPORT Legal support is of paramount importance. Information is almost fresh on the hour. Survivors must be informed of their legal rights the dos and the dont's that may not benefit or may affect their choices later. By moving the survivors and victims far from their community they will be made more vulverable and are more likely to take settlements they will later regret. TRAUMA MENTAL HEALTH Signs of trauma are already evident throughout the community. Trauma is a serious situation and nothing more healing than be closer to those you know and can care for all with love and empathy. HATE SPEACH AND HUMAN RIGHTS Theresa May must 1- make all forms of social and ethic cleansing illegal and a form of human rights abuse. 2- make illegal for all the advocates of real estate to refer to the dwellers of council towers and social housing as a treat and as undisarables. Such must be recognised as hate speach and must be made illegal. 3- End the long standing pressure imposed by local Estate Agent on the local Council to cleanse Ladbroke Grove ( and other parts of the country) of people living in social housing. This must be recognised as a form of hatred and must be made illegal. CLASS AND RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, RACIAL AND CLASS PROFILING IN PERIOD OF CRISES such as Grenfell Tower Fire must be recognised as a human right abuse and crime against humanity. Lived together Killed together Surviving together Ladbroke Grove belongs to all...the poor, the rich, the lazy and the hard working classes. https://youtu.be/EigZWlDG15o
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elvira Woods
  • Abolish MPs' Food subsidies
    Austerity; we're told it is essential. We're told we have to suffer it to save the country. We're told we're all in it together. Well, it's time the MPs showed that they believe this or are forced to pitch in even a little. At a time when food costs for ordinary citizens are soaring, when in-work citizens are relying on benefits and even food banks to feed their families, when ordinary folk are suffering pay freezes and even cuts tax-payer funded subsidies for MPs' food is an obscenity. MPs already receive a generous stipend for their efforts. They receive an excellent (many believe even more unfair and oft-abused) expenses package. Many are independently wealthy. Most hold several other highly-paid posts for which they are, frankly, only qualified by virtue of their status as an MP. In addition, they receive annual pay-rises that amount to more than many citizens earn in a year. To continue to allow them to receive hugely discounted food and drink on top of this is an obscenity which must come to an immediate end. There is not one economical or moral justification for this subsidy and it must end.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Fleming
  • Support all minority faiths in this country
    In light of the recent terrorist attacks, hatred has risen. The Parliaments must show a united stand against all fractions who wish to divide this country
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Thomas
  • Stop Coca-Cola from Choking our Oceans
    This is important because plastic pollution in the ocean is killing the marine life; whether it is from animals being strangled to animals eating the plastic particles because they mistake it for food. The ecosystem is comprised of so many different moving parts and every animal plays an important role in maintaining the health of the ecosystem. We need to be held responsible for buying plastic bottles, and Coke needs to be held responsible for the plastic pollution they are creating in the ocean as well. It is a two way street! Please sign if you care about keeping the marine ecosystem and the human population healthy because what ends up in the ocean can and will end up on our plates.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brooke Edell
  • National Day of Mourning Petition
    The country needs to mourn properly
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Evans